• A
      Availability Zone

      A physical region where resources use independent power supply and networks. AZs are physically isolated but interconnected through the internal network. To enhance application availability, you are advised to create instances in different AZs.


      See Availability Zone

    • C

      Containers are running instances of Docker images. Multiple containers can run on the same node. Containers are substantially software processes. However, they run in their own independent namespaces rather than on the host.


      • K-O

        Organizations allow you to isolate image repositories. With each organization being limited to one company or department, images can be managed in a centralized and efficient manner. A user can access different organizations as long as the user has corresponding permissions. Different permissions, namely read, write, and manage, can be assigned to different users of the same tenant.


        • P-T
          Software Repository for Container

          Software Repository for Container (SWR) provides easy, secure, and reliable management over Docker container images throughout their lifecycle, facilitating the deployment of containerized applications.


          See Software Repository for Container