Updated on 2024-08-16 GMT+08:00

Joining a Meeting via a Link


Users can start the Huawei Cloud Meeting client and join a meeting by clicking this link.

When the user clicks the link, the client home screen is displayed. If the user has logged in, the user joins the meeting with the account name. Or, the user joins the meeting anonymously.

Service Process

  1. Build a scheme.
  2. Run the scheme.

Code Sample

// Anonymously join a meeting.
- (void)joinConfWithoutLogin:(id)sender {
// The information can be obtained from TextField on the GUI.
    NSString *server_url = Server address;
    NSString *port = Server port;
    NSString *confId = Meeting ID;
    NSString *enter_code = Meeting password;
    NSString *name = Name displayed in the meeting;
    NSString *open_mic = Microphone switch ? @"true" : @"false";
    NSString *open_camera = Camera switch ? @"true" : @"false";
    NSString *joinConfString = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"cloudlink://welinksoftclient/h5page?page=joinTmpConfByLink&server_url=%@&port=%@&conf_id=%@&enter_code=%@&name=%@&open_mic=%@&open_camera=%@", server_url, port, confId, enter_code, name, open_mic, open_camera];
    NSURL *joinConfUrl = [NSURL URLWithString:joinConfString];
    [[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] openURL:joinConfUrl];

The preceding code is only a logical sample and cannot be directly used.