Updated on 2023-10-08 GMT+08:00

Audit and Logging


Cloud Trace Service (CTS) records operations on the cloud resources in your account. You can use the logs generated by CTS to perform security analysis, track resource changes, audit compliance, and locate faults.

After you enable CTS and create and configure a tracker, CTS records cloud resource operation requests initiated from the CCI console or open APIs as well as responses to the requests.

For details about how to enable and configure CTS, see Enabling CTS.

For details about CCI operations that can be tracked by CTS, see CCI Operations Supported by CTS.

CCI records and reports audit logs to CTS for you to query and analyze. For details about configuration, see Viewing Logs in CTS.


CCI allows you to manage logs. You can configure the log path and reporting address of a container. The Fluent Bit integrated in a pod collects logs from the log path and reports the logs to LTS. For details, see Log Management.

The security log capability of CCI has been interconnected with CTS, CLS, LTS, and AOM. The security and integrity capabilities of CCI are traced by related services.