Updated on 2024-09-04 GMT+08:00


When to Renew Subscriptions

Currently, GES offers both yearly/monthly and pay-per-use billing modes.

  • For the yearly/monthly mode, you make a one-time payment upon purchase and will not be charged any additional fees during usage. When the yearly/monthly package expires, the resources will enter a grace period and then a retention period. If you wish to continue using the service, renew in a timely manner. For more details, refer to Resource Expiration Rules.
  • For the pay-per-use mode, fees are deducted on an hourly basis as long as there is sufficient balance in your account. If the account balance is insufficient, it will result in arrears, so top up your account in a timely manner before that happens.

How to Renew Subscriptions

Table 1 lists the method of renewing a yearly/monthly graph instance.

Table 1 Renewal method



Manually Renewing a Graph Instance

You can renew a yearly/monthly graph instance anytime on the management console before it is automatically deleted.

During the different stages of the lifecycle of a yearly/monthly GES instance, you can choose a renewal method as needed.

Figure 1 Lifecycle of a GES graph instance
  • After purchase, the graph instance is in the Running state.
  • When the subscription expires, the status changes to Expired.
  • If you do not renew before expiration, the graph instance will first enter a grace period. If it is still not renewed after the grace period, the resource status will change to Frozen.
  • If you do not renew the subscription before the retention period expires, your resources will be automatically deleted.