Help Center/ Bare Metal Server/ Billing/ Billing FAQ/ How Do I Set Automatic Renewal for BMSs Billed on a Yearly/Monthly Basis?
Updated on 2023-10-24 GMT+08:00

How Do I Set Automatic Renewal for BMSs Billed on a Yearly/Monthly Basis?

To prevent BMSs from being deleted when they expire, you can enable automatic renewal for BMSs that you want to use for a long term.


  1. Log in to the management console and choose Billing > Renewal.
  2. Query the target BMSs by name, order No., or ID.
  3. To enable automatic renewal for a BMS or multiple BMSs, do as follows:
    • To enable automatic renewal for a BMS, locate the row that contains the BMS and click Enable Auto-Renew. On the displayed page, set New Auto-Renew Period and click OK.

    • To enable automatic renewal for multiple BMSs, select the BMSs and click Enable Auto-Renew on top of the Renewals list. On the displayed page, set New Auto-Renew Period and click OK.