Updated on 2022-08-16 GMT+08:00

Create a File System

You can create a file system and mount it to multiple ECSs. Then the ECSs can share this file system.


  1. Before creating a file system, ensure that a VPC is available.

    If no VPC is available, create a VPC by referring to section "Creating a VPC" in the Virtual Private Cloud User Guide.

  2. Before creating a file system, ensure that ECSs are available and reside within the created VPC.

    If no ECS is available, create an ECS by referring to "Creating an ECS" in the Elastic Cloud Server User Guide.


  1. Log in to the management console using a cloud account.

    1. Log in to the management console and select a region and a project.
    2. Choose Storage > Scalable File Service.

  2. In the upper right corner of the page, click Create File System.
  3. Set the parameters. Table 1 describes the parameters.

    Table 1 Parameter description




    File System Type


    Select SFS Turbo.

    Select SFS Turbo.



    Region of the tenant. Select the region from the drop-down list in the upper left corner of the page.

    You are advised to select the same region as that of the ECSs.



    A geographical area with an independent network and an independent power supply.

    You are advised to select the same AZ as that of the ECSs.

    Protocol Type


    SFS Turbo supports NFS for file system access.

    The default value is NFS.

    Storage Class


    Includes SFS Turbo Standard, SFS Turbo Standard – Enhanced, SFS Turbo Performance, and SFS Turbo Performance – Enhanced. For details about the features and application scenarios of each storage class, see File System Types.

    Select Standard.


    Once a file system is created, its storage class cannot be changed. If you want to change the storage class, you need to create another file system. Therefore, you are advised to plan the storage class carefully in advance.


    Maximum capacity of a single file system. When the used capacity of a file system reaches this value, no more data can be written to the file system. You need to expand the file system. The capacity of an SFS Turbo file system cannot be decreased. Set an appropriate file system capacity based on your service needs.

    Supported scope:

    • SFS Turbo Standard: 500 GB to 32 TB
    • SFS Turbo Performance: 500 GB to 32 TB
    • SFS Turbo Standard - Enhanced and SFS Turbo Performance - Enhanced: 10 TB to 320 TB.



    Select a VPC and its subnet.

    • VPC: An ECS cannot access file systems in a different VPC. Select the VPC to which the ECS belongs.
    • Subnet: A subnet is an IP address range in a VPC. In a VPC, a subnet segment must be unique. A subnet provides dedicated network resources that are logically isolated from other networks, improving network security.

    Upon creation, only one VPC can be added for each file system. Multi-VPC file sharing can be implemented through VPC peering connection.

    For details about VPC peering connection, see section "VPC Peering Connection" in Virtual Private Cloud User Guide.


    Security Group


    A security group is a virtual firewall that provides secure network access control policies for file systems. You can define different access rules for a security group to protect the file systems that are added to this security group.

    When creating an SFS Turbo file system, you can select only one security group.

    You are advised to use an independent security group for an SFS Turbo instance to isolate it from service nodes.

    The security group rule configuration affects the normal access and use of SFS Turbo. For details about how to configure a security group rule, see section "Adding a Security Group Rule" in the Virtual Private Cloud User Guide. After an SFS Turbo file system is created, the system automatically enables the security group port required by the NFS protocol in the SFS Turbo file system. This ensures that the SFS Turbo file system can be accessed by your ECS and prevents file system mounting failures. The inbound ports required by the NFS protocol are ports 111, 2049, 2051, 2052, and 20048. If you need to change the enabled ports, choose Access Control > Security Groups of the VPC console and locate the target security group.




    User-defined name of the file system.

    The value can contain only letters, digits, and hyphens (-). The name of the created file system must contain more than four characters and less than or equal to 64 characters.

  4. Click Create Now.
  5. Confirm the file system information and click Submit.
  6. Complete the creation and go back to the file system list.

    If the status of the created file system is Available, the file system is created successfully. If the status is Creation failed, contact the administrator.