Updated on 2022-08-17 GMT+08:00

Viewing DDS Metrics


Cloud Eye monitors DDS running statuses. You can obtain the monitoring metrics of DDS on the management console.

Monitored data requires a period of time for transmission and display. The status of DDS displayed on the Cloud Eye page is the status obtained 5 to 10 minutes before. You can view the monitored data of a newly created DB instance 5 to 10 minutes later.


  • The DDS DB instance is running properly.

    Cloud Eye does not display the metrics of a faulty or deleted DB instance or node. You can view the monitoring information only after the instance is restarted or recovered.

  • The DB instance has been properly running for at least 10 minutes.

    For a newly created DB instance, you need to wait for a while before viewing the monitoring metrics.


  1. Log in to the DDS console.
  2. On the Instance Management page, click the target DB instance.
  3. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Advanced O&M.
  4. View metrics of cluster instances, cluster instance nodes, and replica set instance nodes.
  5. In the DDS monitoring area, you can select a duration to view the monitoring data.

    • You can view the monitoring data of the last 1 hour, 3 hours, and 12 hours.
    • After the automatic refresh function is enabled, monitoring data is automatically refreshed at an interval of 60s.
    • For more metric information, click View details to switch to the Cloud Eye console.