Updated on 2022-08-17 GMT+08:00

Task Center


This section describes how to view the progress and result of asynchronous tasks on the Task Center page.

Tasks Overview

  • Creating a DB instance

    Creating a cluster instance or replica set instance.

  • Scaling up storage space

    Scaling up the storage space of the shard node of a cluster instance or the storage space of a replica set instance.

  • Changing instance class

    Changing the class of a cluster instance or replica set instance.

  • Adding nodes

    Adding nodes to a cluster instance.

  • Restarting DB instances

    Restarting a cluster instance, one or more cluster instance nodes, or a replica set instance.

  • Restoring to a new DB instance

    Restoring data to a new cluster instance or replica set instance.

Tasks that fail to be executed will be retained for seven days by default.


  1. Log in to the DDS console.
  2. In the navigation pane on the left, click Task Center.
  3. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Task Center. Then, view the task progresses and results.

    • You can view tasks in a specified period.
    • The tasks can be located by DB instance name and ID or by task status or type from the drop-down list in the upper right corner.