Updated on 2024-01-24 GMT+08:00

Updating an AS Configuration

Auto Scaling (AS) enables elastic scaling of nodes in a node pool based on scaling policies. Without this function, you have to manually adjust the number of nodes in a node pool.


To enable AS, the autoscaler add-on must be installed in the target cluster.


  1. Log in to the CCE console.
  2. Click the cluster name to access the cluster console. Choose Nodes in the navigation pane and click the Node Pools tab on the right.
  3. Locate the row containing the target node pool. Choose More in the Operation column and choose Configure Auto Scaling. On the displayed page, configure AS parameters.

    Table 1 AS configuration



    Auto Scaling

    This function is disabled by default.

    After you enable AS by clicking , nodes in the node pool will be automatically created or deleted based on scaling policies.

    To ensure the proper running of AS, install the autoscaler.

    Max. Nodes and Min. Nodes

    The maximum or minimum number of nodes assured in a node pool to ensure that the nodes in a node pool are scaled within a proper range.

    Node Pool Priority

    The priority of a node pool for a scale-out. A larger value indicates a higher priority. For example, the node pool with priority 4 is scaled out prior to the one with priority 1. If the priorities of multiple node pools are set to the same value, these node pools are not prioritized and they will be scaled out by following the rule of maximizing resource utilization.

    After the priority is changed, the modification takes effect within 1 minute.

    Cooldown Period

    A period, in minutes, during which the nodes added in the current node pool cannot be scaled in.

  4. Click OK.