Updated on 2024-01-24 GMT+08:00

Service Using HTTP


  • Only clusters of v1.19.16 or later support HTTP.
  • Do not connect the ingress and Service that uses HTTP to the same listener of the same load balancer. Otherwise, a port conflict occurs.
  • Layer-7 routing of ELB can be enabled for Services. Both shared and dedicated ELB load balancers can be interconnected.

    Restrictions on dedicated ELB load balancers are as follows:

    • To interconnect with an existing dedicated load balancer, the load balancer flavor must support both the layer-4 and layer-7 routing. Otherwise, the load balancer will not work as expected.
    • If you use an automatically created load balancer, you cannot use the CCE console to automatically create a layer-7 dedicated load balancer. Instead, you can use YAML to create a layer-7 dedicated load balancer, use both the layer-4 and layer-7 capabilities of the exclusive ELB instance (that is, specify the layer-4 and layer-7 flavors in the annotation of kubernetes.io/elb.autocreate).

Service Using HTTP

The following annotations need to be added:

  • kubernetes.io/elb.protocol-port: "https:443,http:80"

    The value of protocol-port must be the same as the port in the spec.ports field of the Service. The format is Protocol:Port. The port matches the one in the service.spec.ports field and is released as the corresponding protocol.

  • kubernetes.io/elb.cert-id: "17e3b4f4bc40471c86741dc3aa211379"

    cert-id indicates the certificate ID in ELB certificate management. When https is configured for protocol-port, the certificate of the ELB listener will be set to the cert-id certificate. When multiple HTTPS services are released, the same certificate is used.

The following is a configuration example. The two ports in spec.ports correspond to those in kubernetes.io/elb.protocol-port. Ports 443 and 80 are enabled for HTTPS and HTTP requests, respectively.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    # When an ELB load balancer is automatically created, both layer-4 and layer-7 flavors need to be specified.
    kubernetes.io/elb.autocreate: '
          "type": "public",
          "bandwidth_name": "cce-bandwidth-1634816602057",
          "bandwidth_chargemode": "bandwidth",
          "bandwidth_size": 5,
          "bandwidth_sharetype": "PER",
          "eip_type": "5_bgp",
          "available_zone": [
          "l7_flavor_name": "L7_flavor.elb.s2.small"
    kubernetes.io/elb.class: performance
    kubernetes.io/elb.protocol-port: "https:443,http:80"
    kubernetes.io/elb.cert-id: "17e3b4f4bc40471c86741dc3aa211379"
    app: nginx
    name: test
  name: test
  namespace: default
  - name: cce-service-0
    port: 443
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 80
  - name: cce-service-1
    port: 80
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: 80
    app: nginx
    version: v1
  sessionAffinity: None
  type: LoadBalancer

Use the preceding example configurations to create a Service. In the new ELB load balancer, you can see that the listeners on ports 443 and 80 are created.