Updated on 2024-06-12 GMT+08:00


After you add multiple managed resource accounts to an account group, you can then authorize and authenticate accounts in batches by authorizing the corresponding account group.

Only system administrator admin or the user who has the account group management permission can manage account groups, including creating an account group, maintaining resources related to an account group, managing account group information, and deleting an account group.

An account group is associated with a department and does not belong to an individual. The account group created by the current login user belongs to the user's department by default. The department cannot be modified. A user with the account group management permission can view information about all account groups of the same or lower-level departments.

  • The administrator of a superior department can add accounts of the superior department to the account group of a lower-level department. If you are a user in the lower-level department and have permissions for the Account Group module, you can view only the list but not the details of the accounts added from the superior department.
  • You can also remove an account of superior department out of the account group. However, as a user in a low-level department, you have no permissions to add those removed accounts back to your current account group.
  • A resource account can be added to multiple account groups.