Help Center/ Cloud Bastion Host/ User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)/ Resource/ Managing Application Servers Using CBH
Updated on 2024-06-12 GMT+08:00

Managing Application Servers Using CBH

CBH allows you to manage application resources and application accounts on Windows or Linux servers that support remote desktops. To do so, you only need to install clients and browsers on those servers.

After you obtain the permission for application resources, the CBH system allows you to access client-based application resources and browser-based application resources without manually entering usernames and passwords. This is because the CBH system automatically provides the credentials. In addition, the CBH system records all operations by video. In this way, remote application accounts security is under control, and remote application operations can be auditable.

You can use CBH to manage a wide range of application resources, such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, SecBrowser, Oracle Tool, MySQL, SQL Server Tool, dbisql, VNC Client, vSphere Client and Radmin.

This topic describes how to add an application server, import an application server from a file, add an application resource, and import application resources from a file to the CBH system for centralized management.


  • The total number of host and application resources to be added cannot exceed the number of assets.
  • For Windows servers, only applications running on Windows Server 2008 R2 or later can be managed.
  • For Linux servers, only applications running on Linux CentOS 7.9 servers can be managed.
  • Port 2376 and ports 35000 to 40000 must be enabled between a Linux server and CBH. The port cannot be changed once it is enabled.
  • Contact technical support to obtain the password for logging in to a Linux server.
  • Before you add an application resource, ensure that an application server has been added.
  • Automatic login accounts cannot be configured for Microsoft Edge application resources.


  • You have purchased resources, such as Windows servers, Linux servers, images, enterprise authorization codes, and client licenses, for deploying an application publishing server.
  • You have obtained the permission to manage the AppServer and Application tabs under the Application Publish module.

Adding an Application Server

  1. Log in to the CBH system.
  2. Choose Resource > Application > AppServer.
  3. Click New. In the displayed New AppServer dialog box, complete required parameters.

    Table 1 New AppServer parameters



    Server Type

    • Windows
    • Linux

    Server Name

    Specifies the name of the application server. The server name must be unique in the CBH system.


    Specifies the IP address or domain name of the application server.


    Specifies the type of the browser or client tool used to access the application.

    • If you set Server type to Windows:

      By default, 14 types are supported, including MySQL Tool, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox (for Windows servers), Oracle Tool, Google Chrome, VNC Client, SQL Server Tool, SecBrowser, vSphere Client, Radmin, dbisql, Navicat for MySQL, Navicat for PostgreSQL and Other.

    • If you set Server type to Linux:

      Supported types: DM Tool, KingbaseES Tool, Mozilla Firefox for Linux, and GBaseDataStudio for GBase8a.

    By default, each application resource type corresponds to an application program. You can obtain the application name from the default Program Path.


    Enter the port number for accessing the application publish server. The default port 3389 is used for a Windows server and default port 2376 is used for a Linux server.


    This parameter is mandatory if Server type is set to Windows.

    Specifies the server account used to access the application.

    If AD domain is configured, the server account is in the format of AD domain name\account name, for example, ad\administrator.


    • If you set Server type to Windows, enter the password of the server account used to access the application.
    • If you set Server type to Linux, contact technical support to obtain the password.

    Department Name

    Specifies the department of the application server.

    Program Path

    This parameter is mandatory if Server type is set to Windows.

    Specifies the path of the application resource on the application server.

    • Each program type has a default startup path. You can also customize a startup path.

      For example, to allow a system user to access only Google Chrome from the application server, set Program Path to C:\DevOpsTools\Chrome\chrome.exe.

    • If you select Other, manually configure the corresponding program path.


    (Optional) Provides the description of the application server.

  4. Click OK.

Importing Application Servers from a File

To import application server from a file, the file must be in .csv, .xls, or .xlsx format.

  1. Log in to the CBH system.
  2. Choose Resource > Application > AppServer.
  3. Click Import in the upper right corner of the page.
  4. Click Download to download the template if no template is available locally.
  5. Enter the configuration information of application servers to be imported according to the configuration requirements in the template file.
  6. Click Upload and select the completed template.
  7. (Optional) Configure Override existing appservers. This option is deselected by default.

    • If you select this option, an existing application server information will be overwritten by the one being imported when both application servers have the same name.
    • If you deselect this option, an existing application server information will be skipped when the one being imported and the existing one have the same name.

  8. Click OK.

Adding an Application Resource

  1. Log in to the CBH system.
  2. Choose Resource > Application > Application.
  3. Click New. In the displayed New application dialog box, complete required parameters.

    Table 2 Parameters for adding a new application resource



    App Name

    Specifies the name of an application resource to be added. The App Name of an application resource must be unique in the CBH system.


    The application name must be unique in the CBH system. This means it cannot be the same as the name of any managed hosts or other application resources.


    Select a created application publishing server.

    Department Name

    Specifies the department of the application.

    APP Address

    (Optional) Specifies the address of the application. The value can be an IP address or domain name.

    • If the application is released as a browser, enter the URL of the web page. If the address has a corresponding port, enter the address in the format of URL:Port number.
    • If the application is released as a database or client, enter the address of the database server.

    APP Port

    (Optional) Enter the application access port.

    • If the application is released as a database or client, enter the database access port.
    • Leave this parameter blank if the application is released in other formats except databases.


    (Optional) Set application parameters.

    • Enter the database instance name if the application is released as a database.
    • Leave this parameter blank if the application is released in other formats except databases.


    (Optional) Select File Manage, Uplink Clipboard, Downlink Clipboard, and/or Keyboard Audit.


    (Optional) You can customize a label or select an existing one.


    (Optional) Provides the description of the application resource.

  4. Click Next.

    Table 3 Parameters for adding accounts for an application resource



    Add Account

    • If you select Rightnow, configure Logon Type and then Account.
    • If you select Afterward, no further configuration is required on the page. You can add the account information later in the resource list or on the resource details page.

      In this situation, when you click OK, account [Empty] is automatically created. Only one [Empty] account is created for an application resource.

    Logon Type

    • If you select Auto Login, Account and Password must be provided.
    • If you select Manual Login, Account and Password are optional.

      If no application account is set, the [Empty] account is automatically created.


    Account to access the application


    Password of the application account

    AD Domain

    For Radmin application resources, enter the AD domain server address.


    Brief description of the account.

    When logging in to a managed host using [Empty], manually enter the application account username and password.

  5. Click OK.

Importing Application Resources from a File

To import application server from a file, the file must be in .csv, .xls, or .xlsx format.

  1. Log in to the CBH system.
  2. Choose Resource > Application > Application.
  3. Click Import in the upper right corner of the page.
  4. Click Download next to Download template.
  5. Enter the configuration information of application resources to be imported according to the configuration requirements in the template file.
  6. Click Upload and select the completed template.
  7. (Optional) Configure Override existing apps. This option is deselected by default.

    • Selected: A managed application resource will be overwritten by the one being imported if both application resources have the same name.
    • Deselected: A managed application resource will be skipped when the managed one and the one being imported have the same name.

  8. Click OK.