Updated on 2023-06-26 GMT+08:00


An endpoint is the request address for calling an API. Endpoints vary depending on services and regions. An endpoint can be obtained from Regions and Endpoints.

Select an endpoint based on your service requirements.

  • The URL format for cluster, node, node pool, add-on, and quota management is https://Endpoint/uri. uri indicates the resource path, that is, the API access path.
  • The URL format for Kubernetes APIs and storage management is https://{clusterid}.Endpoint/uri. In the URL, {clusterid} indicates the cluster ID, and uri indicates the resource path, that is, the path for API access.
Table 1 URL parameters




Cluster ID. After a cluster is created, call the API for obtaining a cluster in a specified project to obtain the cluster ID.


Entry (URL) for a web service. Endpoints vary depending on services and regions.


Access path of an API for performing a specified operation. Obtain the path from the URI of an API. For example, the resource-path of the API used to obtain a user token is v3/auth/tokens.