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Viewing Basic Cluster Information

Updated on 2024-10-11 GMT+08:00

You can monitor and manage the clusters you have created. Choose Clusters > Active Clusters. Select a cluster and click its name to go to the cluster details page. On the displayed page, view the basic configuration and node information of the cluster.


On the MRS console, operations performed on an ECS cluster are basically the same as those performed on a BMS cluster. This document describes operations on an ECS cluster. If operations on the two clusters differ, the operations will be described separately.

On the cluster details page, click Dashboard. Table 1 describes the parameters on the Dashboard tab page.

Table 1 Basic cluster information



Cluster Name

Name of a cluster. Set this parameter when creating a cluster. Click to change the cluster name.

For versions earlier than MRS 3.x, only the cluster name displayed on the MRS management console is changed, while the cluster name on MRS Manager is not changed synchronously.

Cluster Status

Cluster status. For details, see Table 1.

MRS Manager

Portal for the Manager page.

Cluster Version

MRS version information.

Cluster Type

There are three types of clusters:
  • Analysis cluster: is used for offline data analysis and provides Hadoop components.
  • Streaming cluster: is used for streaming tasks and provides stream processing components.
  • Hybrid cluster: is used for both offline data analysis and streaming processing and provides Hadoop components and streaming processing components.
  • Custom: An MRS cluster with all custom components. MRS 3.x and later versions support this type.

Cluster ID

Unique identifier of a cluster, which is automatically assigned when a cluster is created.


Time when a cluster is created.


Availability zone (AZ) in the region of a cluster, which is set when a cluster is created.

Default Subnet

Subnet selected during cluster creation.

If the subnet IP addresses are insufficient, click Change Subnet to switch to another subnet in the same VPC of the current cluster to obtain more available subnet IP addresses. Changing a subnet does not affect the IP addresses and subnets of existing nodes.

A subnet provides dedicated network resources that are isolated from other networks, improving network security.


VPC selected during cluster creation.

A VPC is a secure, isolated, and logical network environment.

Elastic IP (EIP)

After binding an EIP to an MRS cluster, you can use the EIP to access the Manager web UI of the cluster.

OBS Permission Control

Click Manage and modify the mapping between MRS users and OBS permissions. For details, see Configuring Fine-Grained Permissions for MRS Multi-User Access to OBS.

Data Connection

Click Manage to view the data connection type associated with the cluster. For details, see Configuring Data Connections.


Click Manage Agency to bind or modify an agency for the cluster.

An agency allows ECS or BMS to manage MRS resources. You can configure an agency of the ECS type to automatically obtain the AK/SK to access OBS. For details, see Configuring a Storage-Compute Decoupled Cluster (Agency).

The MRS_ECS_DEFAULT_AGENCY agency has the OBS OperateAccess permission of OBS and the CES FullAccess (for users who have enabled fine-grained policies), CES Administrator, and KMS Administrator permissions in the region where the cluster is located.

Key Pair

Name of a key pair. Set this parameter when creating a cluster.

If the login mode is set to password during cluster creation, this parameter is not displayed.

Kerberos Authentication

Whether to enable Kerberos authentication when logging in to Manager.


Used to collect logs about cluster creation and scaling failures.

Security Group

Security group name of the cluster.

Data Disk Key Name

Name of the key used to encrypt data disks. To manage the used keys, log in to the key management console.

Data Disk Key ID

ID of the key used to encrypt data disks.

IAM User Synchronization

IAM user information can be synchronized to an MRS cluster for cluster management. For details, see Synchronizing IAM Users to MRS.


The Components, Tenants, and Backups & Restorations tab pages on the cluster details page can be used only after users are synchronized. After clusters of MRS 3.x are synchronized, you can use the Component Management function.

Secure Communications

Used to display the security authorization status. You can click to enable or disable security authorization. Disabling security authorization brings high risks. Exercise caution when performing this operation. For details, see Communication Security Authorization.

Table 2 Component versions



Hadoop Version

Displays the Hadoop version information.

Spark Version

Version of the Spark component. Only clusters of versions earlier than MRS 3.x support this parameter.

HBase Version

Displays the HBase version information.

Hive Version

Displays the Hive version information.

Hue Version

Displays the Hue version information.

Loader Version

Displays the Loader version information.

Kafka Version

Displays the Kafka version information.

Storm Version

Displays the Storm version information.

Flume Version

Displays the Flume version information.

Tez Version

Displays the Tez version information.

Presto Version

Displays the Presto version information.

KafkaManager Version

Displays the KafkaManager version information.

OpenTSDB Version

Displays the OpenTSDB version information.

Flink Version

Displays the Flink version information.

Alluxio Version

Displays the Alluxio version information.

Ranger Version

Displays the Ranger version information.

Impala Version

Displays the Impala version information.

Kudu Version

Displays the Kudu version information.

Spark2x Version

Displays the version information about the Spark2x component. Only clusters of MRS 3.x or later support this function.

Oozie Version

Displays the Oozie version information. Only clusters of MRS 3.x or later support this function.

ClickHouse Version

Displays ClickHouse version information. Only clusters of MRS 3.x or later support this function.

On the cluster details page, click Nodes. For details about the node parameters, see Table 3.

Table 3 Node information



Configure Task Node

Used to add a Task node. For details, see Adding a Task Node.

For 3.x and later versions, this operation applies only to the analysis cluster, streaming cluster, and hybrid cluster.

Add Node Group

This parameter applies only to 3.x and later versions. It applies to customized clusters only and is used to add node groups. For details, see Adding a Node Group.

Node Group

Node group name.

Node Type

Node type:

  • Master: A Master node in an MRS cluster manages the cluster, assigns MapReduce executable files to Core nodes, traces the execution status of each job, and monitors the DataNode running status.
  • A task node group is a group of nodes where only data roles that do not store data are deployed. The roles include NodeManager, ThriftServer, Thrift1Server, RESTServer, Supervisor, LogViewer, HBaseIndexer, and TagSync.
  • If other roles are deployed in the node group in addition to the preceding roles, the node group is the Core node group.

On the Nodes tab page, click next to a node group name to unfold the nodes contained in the node group. For details about the parameters, see Managing Components and Monitoring Hosts.

Node Count

Number of nodes in a node group.


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