Updated on 2024-08-14 GMT+08:00

Baseline Check Overview

HSS detects complex policies, weak passwords, and configuration details, including the safe settings rate, top 5 servers with unsafe settings, servers with weak passwords, and top 5 servers with weak passwords. HSS proactively checks weak password complexity policies and other unsafe settings, and provides suggestions for fixing detected risks.

Check Methods

  • Automatic check

    automatically performs a comprehensive check at 01:00 every day. If you want to customize the automatic baseline check period and time, you can enable premium, WTP, and container editions. For details, see Configuration Check.

  • Manual check

    To view the baseline risks of a specified server, you can create a baseline check policy for these servers. In the upper right corner of the Baseline Checks page, select a policy and click Scan. After the manual baseline check is complete, you can view the baseline risks of specified servers.

Check Items



Password Complexity Policy Detection

Check password complexity policies and modify them based on suggestions provided by HSS to improve password security.

Common Weak Password Detection

Change weak passwords to stronger ones based on HSS scan results and suggestions.

Unsafe Configurations

Check the unsafe Tomcat, Nginx, and SSH login configurations found by HSS.


  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner of the page, select a region, and choose Security > Host Security Service.
  3. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Prediction > Baseline Checks.
  4. Click different tabs on the displayed page to check detected unsafe configurations. Table 1 lists the corresponding parameters.

    To view the check results of servers under different baseline check policies, you can switch between baseline check policies.
    Table 1 Baseline check overview



    Baseline Check Policy

    Available baseline check policies that have been added. You can select, create, edit, and delete these policies.

    Scanned Servers

    Total number of detected servers.

    Security Baselines

    Number of baselines executed during the server detection.

    Baseline Check Items

    Total number of checked server configuration items.

    Safe Settings Rate

    Percentage of configuration items that passed the baseline check to the total number of check items. Failed items are displayed by risk level.

    Top 5 Servers with Unsafe Settings

    Statistics on servers with server configuration risks.

    The top 5 servers with the highest risks are preferentially sorted. If no high-risk settings exist, the servers are sorted into medium-risk and low-risk ones in sequence.

    Servers with Weak Passwords

    Total number of detected servers, as well as the numbers of servers with weak passwords, those without weak passwords, and those with weak password detection disabled.

    Top 5 Servers with Weak Passwords

    Statistics on the top 5 servers with most weak password risks.

    Unsafe Configurations

    Alarms generated for servers with configuration risks and the risk statistics.

    Password Complexity Policy Detection

    Statistics on servers with weak passwords that do not meet the baseline requirements.

    Common Weak Password Detection

    Statistics on servers with weak passwords and accounts.

Manually Performing a Baseline Check

  • In a manual check, only the servers associated with the target baseline policy are checked. If the default policy is used, associate servers and then perform the manual check.
  • Before performing a manual check, check whether the target policy is available in the Baseline Check Policy drop-down list. For details about how to create a policy, see Creating a Baseline Check Policy.
  1. Choose Prediction > Baseline Checks. Select the target baseline check policy.
  2. Click Scan in the upper right corner of the page.
  3. If the time displayed in the Last scanned area under the Baseline Check Policy is the actual check time, the check is complete.

    • After a manual check is performed, the button will display Scanning and be disabled. If the check time exceeds 30 minutes, the button will be automatically enabled again. If the time displayed in the Last scanned area becomes the current check time, it indicates the check has completed.
    • After the check is complete, you can view the check results and handling suggestions by referring to Viewing Baseline Check Details.

Exporting the Baseline Check Report

You can filter and export the baseline check report as required.

  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner of the page, select a region, and choose Security > Host Security Service.
  3. In the navigation pane on the left, choose Prediction > Baseline Checks.
  4. Click different tabs on the displayed page to check the detected risks.

    Currently, only reports on the Unsafe Configurations and Common Weak Password Detection pages can be exported.

  5. Click the Unsafe Configurations or Common Weak Password Detection tab and click in the upper right corner of the list to download the filtered risk alarms.

    • On the Unsafe Configurations page, you can click the image in the corresponding column to search for alarms based on risk level and type.
    • On the Common Weak Password Detection tab, you can search for alarms by server name, IP address, and account name, and download the alarms.
    • A maximum of 5,000 risk check reports can be downloaded at a time from the Unsafe Configurations and Common Weak Password Detection pages.