Help Center/ Host Security Service/ User Guide (Paris)/ FAQs/ Vulnerability Management/ What Do I Do If an Alarm Still Exists After I Fixed a Vulnerability?
Updated on 2024-08-14 GMT+08:00

What Do I Do If an Alarm Still Exists After I Fixed a Vulnerability?

Perform the following operations to locate the cause and fix the problems.

For more information, see the section "Fixing Vulnerabilities and Verifying the Result".

Possible Causes and Solutions on a Linux Server

  • No yum sources have been configured.

    In this case, configure a yum source suitable for your Linux OS, and fix the vulnerability again.

  • The yum source does not have the latest upgrade package of the corresponding software.

    Switch to the yum source having the required package and fix the vulnerability again.

  • The intranet environment cannot connect to Internet.

    Servers need to access the Internet and use external yum sources to fix vulnerabilities. If your servers cannot access the Internet, or the external image sources cannot provide stable services, you can use the .

  • The old kernel version remains.

    Old kernel versions often remain in servers after upgrade. You can run the verification commands to check whether the current kernel version meets the vulnerability fix requirements. If it does, ignore the vulnerability on the Linux Vulnerabilities tab of the Vulnerabilities page. You are not advised to delete the old kernel.

    Table 1 Verification commands


    Verification Command

    CentOS/Fedora /Euler/Redhat/Oracle

    rpm -qa | grep Software_name


    dpkg -l | grep Software_name


    emerge --search Software_name

  • The server is not restarted after the kernel vulnerability is fixed.

    After the kernel vulnerability is fixed, restart the server. If the server is not restarted, the vulnerability alarm still exists.