Updated on 2022-02-21 GMT+08:00

Step 2: Create a Disk


DSS storage capabilities are implemented through DSS disks. You need to create disks to make use of the storage resources you requested.

This topic describes how to create a disk in a DSS storage pool.


When disks are created in a storage pool, the type of DSS disks will be the same as that of the storage pool.


  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Choose Storage > Dedicated Storage Service to switch to the Dedicated Storage Service page.
  3. Choose Dedicated Storage Service > Disks.

    If you have not applied for a storage pool, apply for a storage pool by referring to Step 1: Apply for a Storage Pool. If the storage pool has not been deployed, wait until the storage pool is deployed and then perform subsequent operations.

  4. On the displayed page, click Create Disk, or in the storage pool list, locate the storage pool in which the disk will be created and click Create Disk in the Operation column.
  5. Configure basic information about the disk by referring to Table 1.

    Table 1 Parameter description




    Example Value




    Specifies the region where the tenant belongs.





    Specifies the availability zone (AZ) where you want to create the disk.

    • Disks can only be attached to the servers in the same AZ.
    • The AZ of a disk cannot be changed after the disk has been created.


    Disk Specifications

    Disk Type


    Select a storage pool from the drop-down list. The disk type is the same as the storage pool type.

    Ultra-high I/O

    Capacity (GB)



    Select Data Source
    • Create from backup
    • If you choose Create from backup, the backup data is used to create the disk.

      Click Select Data Source and choose Create from backup. On the displayed page, select the target backup and click OK.

      • One backup cannot be used for concurrent disk creation operations at the same time. For example, if you are creating disk A from a backup, this backup can be used to create another disk only after disk A has been created.
      • If a disk is created from a backup of a system disk, the new disk can be used as a data disk only.
    • Create from backup: autobackup-001

    Disk Name



    • If you create disks one by one, this parameter value is used as the actual disk name.

      The name can contain a maximum of 64 characters.

    • If you create disks in a batch, this parameter value is used as the prefix of disk names, and one disk name will be composed of this parameter value and a four-digit number.

      The name can contain a maximum of 59 characters.

    For example, if you create two disks and set volume for Disk Name, the EVS disk names will be volume-0001 and volume-0002.

  6. Click Next.
  7. In the disk list, view the disk status.

    When the disk status changes to Available, the disk is successfully created.