Updated on 2022-02-21 GMT+08:00

Step 1: Apply for a Storage Pool


DSS provides you with dedicated, physical storage resources, which can be flexibly interconnected with various compute services, such as ECS, BMS, and DeC, and are suitable to a wide-range of scenarios, including HPC, OLAP, and a mixed of loads. Before using DSS, you need to apply for a storage pool first.

This topic describes how to apply for a storage pool. In a dedicated cloud, you can apply for multiple storage pools.


  1. Log in to the management console.
  2. Click in the upper left corner and select a region and project.
  3. Choose Storage > Dedicated Storage Service to switch to the Dedicated Storage Service page.
  4. Click Apply for Storage Pool.
  5. Apply for a storage pool by referring to the following information:

    1. Customer Service

      To apply for a storage pool, click here to send an email or contact customer service.

    2. Requirements Confirmation

      Fill out a storage pool application form and send it to your sales representative.

    3. Resource Provisioning

      Customer service will process your application. After the storage pool is provisioned, we will inform you through your sales representative or email.

    4. Resource Confirmation
      Log in to the DSS console and confirm that the storage pool you requested is available.
      Table 1 Parameters required for enabling DSS



      Domain Name

      Specifies the domain name of the storage pool. For details, see Obtaining the Domain Name.

      Storage Pool Name

      Specifies the storage pool name, which can contain a maximum of 255 characters.


      Specifies the region where the storage pool belongs. For details, see Obtaining the Region.


      Specifies the AZ where the storage pool belongs.


      Specifies the storage pool type.

      • High I/O
      • Ultra-high I/O

      Capacity (TB)

      Specifies the storage pool capacity.