Updated on 2022-02-21 GMT+08:00

Performing Post-Expansion Operations for a Windows Disk


After expanding the disk capacity on the management console, you need to log in to the Windows server to allocate the additional space to an existing volume or a new volume.

This topic uses Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise as the sample OS and provides the following capacity expansion methods:
  • System disk: Add the additional space to volume (C:).
  • Data disk: If volume (D:) already exists, add the additional space to volume (D:).

    If you want to create a new volume such as volume (E:), expanding the disk is not the right choice. You need to create a new disk, attach it to server, and initialize it for use.

The method for allocating the additional space varies depending on the server OS. This document is used for reference only. For the detailed operations and differences, see the corresponding OS documents.

Performing the expansion operations with caution. Misoperation may lead to data loss or exceptions. Therefore, you are advised to use CBR to back up the disk data before expansion. For details, see Managing a Backup.


  • You have logged in to a server.
    • For how to log in to an ECS, see the Elastic Cloud Server User Guide.
    • For how to log in to a BMS, see the Bare Metal Server User Guide.
  • You have attached the disk to the server, and the additional space has not been allocated.

System Disk: Add Additional Space to Volume (C:)

In this example, the system disk has 50 GB originally, and 22 GB is added on the management console. The following procedure describes how to add this 22 GB to volume (C:) on the server. After the operation is complete, volume (C:) will have 72 GB of capacity and can be used as a system volume.

  1. On the desktop of the server, right-click Computer and choose Manage from the shortcut menu.

    The Server Manager window is displayed.

  2. In the navigation tree, choose Storage > Disk Management.

    The Disk Management window is displayed.

    Figure 1 Disk Management (system disk)

    If you cannot view the additional space, right-click Disk Management and choose Refresh from the shortcut menu.

  3. On the Disk Management page, select the disk and partition that needs to be extended. The current partition size and unallocated disk space are displayed.
  4. Right-click the selected disk and choose Extend Volume.

    Figure 2 Choosing Extend Volume

  5. On the displayed Extend Volume Wizard page, click Next.

    Figure 3 Extend Volume Wizard

  6. In the text box to the right of Select the amount of space in MB shown in Figure 4, enter the amount of the additional capacity and click Next.

    Figure 4 Selecting space

  7. Click Finish to complete the wizard.

    After the expansion has succeeded, the disk capacity is greater than the original capacity.
    Figure 5 Successful capacity expansion

Data Disk: Add Additional Space to Volume (D:)

In this example, the data disk has 100 GB originally, and 50 GB is added on the management console. The following procedure describes how to add this 50 GB to volume (D:) on the server. After the operation is complete, volume (D:) has 150 GB of capacity and can be used as a data volume.

  1. On the desktop of the server, right-click Computer and choose Manage from the shortcut menu.

    The Server Manager window is displayed.

  2. In the navigation tree, choose Storage > Disk Management.

    The Disk Management window is displayed.
    Figure 6 Disk Management (data disk)

    If you cannot view the additional space, right-click Disk Management and choose Refresh from the shortcut menu.

  3. On the Disk Management page, select the disk and partition that needs to be extended. The current partition size and unallocated disk space are displayed.
  4. Right-click the selected disk and choose Extend Volume.

    Figure 7 Choosing Extend Volume (Windows Server 2008)

  5. On the displayed Extend Volume Wizard page, click Next.

    Figure 8 Extend Volume Wizard (Windows Server 2008)

  6. In the text box to the right of Select the amount of space in MB shown in Figure 9, enter the amount of the additional capacity and click Next.

    Figure 9 Selecting space (Windows Server 2008)

  7. Click Finish to complete the wizard.

    After the expansion has succeeded, the disk capacity is greater than the original capacity.
    Figure 10 Capacity expansion succeeded (Windows Server 2008)