Updated on 2023-07-06 GMT+08:00

Step 1: Create a MySQL Workload

WordPress must be used together with MySQL. WordPress runs the content management program while MySQL serves as a database to store data.


  • The WordPress and MySQL images have been pushed to SWR.
  • You have created a CCE cluster that contains a node with 4 vCPUs and 8 GB memory. For details on how to create a cluster, see Creating a Kubernetes Cluster.

Creating a MySQL Workload

  1. Log in to the CCE console.
  2. Choose the target cluster.
  3. In the navigation pane, choose Workloads. Then, click Create Workload.
  4. Set workload parameters.

    Basic Info
    • Workload Type: Select Deployment.
    • Workload Name: Set it to mysql.
    • Namespace: Select default.
    • Pods: Change the value to 1 in this example.

    Container Settings

    In the Basic Info area, click Select Image. In the dialog box displayed, select Open Source Images, search for mysql, and select the mysql image.

    Select 5.7 for Image Version.

    Add the following four environment variables (details available in MySQL):

    • MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: password of the root user of MySQL.
    • MYSQL_DATABASE: name of the database created during image startup.
    • MYSQL_USER: name of the database user.
    • MYSQL_PASSWORD: password of the database user.

    Service Settings

    Click the plus sign (+) to create a Service for accessing MySQL from WordPress.

    Select ClusterIP for Service Type, set Service Name to mysql, set both the Container Port and Service Port to 3306, and click OK.

    The default access port in the MySQL image is 3306. In this example, both the container port and Service port are set to 3306 for convenience. The access port can be changed to another port.

    In this way, the MySQL workload can be accessed through Service name:Access port (mysql:3306 in this example) from within the cluster.

  5. Click Create Workload.

    Wait until the workload is created.

    The created Deployment will be displayed on the Deployments page.