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- What's New
- Function Overview
- Service Overview
- Billing
- Getting Started
User Guide
- Key Management Service
- Cloud Secret Management Service
- Key Pair Service
- Dedicated HSM
- Tag Management
- Auditing Logs
- Sharing
- Permission Control
Best Practices
- Key Management Service
- Cloud Secret Management Service
- General
API Reference
- Before You Start
- Calling APIs
- API Overview
Key Management APIs
- Key Lifecycle Management
- DEK Management
- Small-Size Data Encryption and Decryption
- Signature and Verification
- Key Tag Management
- Key API Version Query
- Querying Key API Versions
- Key Import Management
- Querying Keys
- Key Grant Management
- Key Rotation Management
- Dedicated Keystore Management
- Signature Verification
- Key Pair Management APIs
- Secret Management APIs
Key Management APIs
- Historical APIs
- Application Examples
- Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
- Appendix
- SDK Reference
KMS Related
- What Is Key Management Service?
- What Is a Customer Master Key?
- What Is a Default Key?
- What Are the Differences Between a Custom Key and a Default Key?
- What Is a Data Encryption Key?
- Why Cannot I Delete a CMK Immediately?
- Which Cloud Services Can Use KMS for Encryption?
- How Do Huawei Cloud Services Use KMS to Encrypt Data?
- What Are the Benefits of Envelope Encryption?
- Is There a Limit on the Number of Custom Keys That I Can Create on KMS?
- Can I Export a CMK from KMS?
- Can I Decrypt My Data if I Permanently Delete My Custom Key?
- How Do I Use the Online Tool to Encrypt or Decrypt Small Volumes of Data?
- Can I Update CMKs Created by KMS-Generated Key Materials?
- When Should I Use a CMK Created with Imported Key Materials?
- What Should I Do When I Accidentally Delete Key Materials?
- How Are Default Keys Generated?
- What Should I Do If I Do Not Have the Permissions to Perform Operations on KMS?
- Why Can't I Wrap Asymmetric Keys by Using -id-aes256-wrap-pad in OpenSSL?
- Key Algorithms Supported by KMS
- What Should I Do If KMS Failed to Be Requested and Error Code 401 Is Displayed?
- What Is the Relationship Between the Ciphertext and Plaintext Returned by the encrypt-data API?
- How Does KMS Protect My Keys?
- How Do I Use an Asymmetric Key to Verify the Signature Result of a Public Key Pair?
- Does an Imported Key Support Rotation?
- Does KMS Support Offline Data Encryption and Decryption?
- How Do I Convert an Original EC Private Key into a Private Key in PKCS8 Format?
- CSMS Related
KPS Related
- How Do I Create a Key Pair?
- What Are a Private Key Pair and an Account Key Pair?
- How Do I Handle an Import Failure of a Key Pair Created Using PuTTYgen?
- What Should I Do When I Fail to Import a Key Pair Using Internet Explorer 9?
- How Do I Log In to a Linux ECS with a Private Key?
- How Do I Use a Private Key to Obtain the Password to Log In to a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Handle the Failure in Binding a Key Pair?
- How Do I Handle the Failure in Replacing a Key Pair?
- How Do I Handle the Failure in Resetting a Key Pair?
- How Do I Handle the Failure in Unbinding a Key Pair?
- Do I Need to Restart Servers After Replacing Its Key Pair?
- How Do I Enable the Password Login Mode for an ECS?
- How Do I Handle the Failure in Logging In to ECS After Unbinding the Key Pair?
- What Should I Do If My Private Key Is Lost?
- How Do I Convert the Format of a Private Key File?
- Can I Change the Key Pair of a Server?
- Can a Key Pair Be Shared by Multiple Users?
- How Do I Obtain the Public or Private Key File of a Key Pair?
- What Can I Do If an Error Is Reported When an Account Key Is Created or Upgraded for the First Time?
- Will the Account Key Pair Quota Be Occupied After a Private Key Pair Is Upgraded to an Account Key Pair?
- Why Is the Private Key Pair Invisible After It Is Upgraded to an Account Key Pair When Logging in as a Federated User?
Dedicated HSM Related
- What Is Dedicated HSM?
- How Does Dedicated HSM Ensure the Security for Key Generation?
- Do Equipment Room Personnel Has the Super Administrator Role to Steal Information by Using a Privileged UKey?
- What HSMs Are Used for Dedicated HSM?
- What APIs Does Dedicated HSM Support?
- How Do I Enable Public Access to a Dedicated HSM Instance?
- Pricing
- What Functions Does DEW Provide?
- What Cryptography Algorithms Does DEW Use?
- In Which Regions Are DEW Services Available?
- What Is a Quota?
- What Is the Resource Allocation Mechanism of DEW?
- What Are Regions and AZs?
- Can DEW Be Shared Across Accounts?
- How Do I Access the Functions of DEW?
- Why Do DEW Pemissions Fail to Take Effect Immediately?
KMS Related
- Videos
More Documents
- User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- User Guide (Paris and Amsterdam Regions)
User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Service Overview
User Guide
- Key Management Service
- Cloud Secret Management Service
- Auditing Logs
- Permission Control
KMS Related
- What Is Key Management Service?
- What Is a Customer Master Key?
- What Is a Default Key?
- What Are the Differences Between a Custom Key and a Default Key?
- What Is a Data Encryption Key?
- Why Cannot I Delete a CMK Immediately?
- Which Cloud Services Can Use KMS for Encryption?
- How Do Cloud Services Use KMS to Encrypt Data?
- What Are the Benefits of Envelope Encryption?
- Is There a Limit on the Number of Custom Keys That I Can Create on KMS?
- Can I Export a CMK from KMS?
- Can I Decrypt My Data if I Permanently Delete My Custom Key?
- How Do I Use the Online Tool to Encrypt or Decrypt Small Volumes of Data?
- Can I Update CMKs Created by KMS-Generated Key Materials?
- When Should I Use a CMK Created with Imported Key Materials?
- What Types of Keys Can I Import?
- What Should I Do When I Accidentally Delete Key Materials?
- How Are Default Keys Generated?
- What Should I Do If I Do Not Have the Permissions to Perform Operations on KMS?
- Why Can't I Wrap Asymmetric Keys by Using -id-aes256-wrap-pad in OpenSSL?
- Key Algorithms Supported by KMS
- What Should I Do If KMS Failed to Be Requested and Error Code 401 Is Displayed?
- What Is the Relationship Between the Ciphertext and Plaintext Returned by the encrypt-data API?
- How Does KMS Protect My Keys?
- Credential Related
KMS Related
- Change History
API Reference (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Before You Start
- Calling APIs
- API Overview
- Creating a CMK
- Enabling a CMK
- Disabling a CMK
- Scheduling the Deletion of a CMK
- Canceling the Scheduled Deletion of a CMK
- Querying the List of CMKs
- Querying the Information About a CMK
- Creating a Random Number
- Creating a DEK
- Creating a Plaintext-Free DEK
- Encrypting a DEK
- Decrypting a DEK
- Querying the Number of Instances
- Querying the Quota of a User
- Changing the Alias of a CMK
- Changing the Description of a CMK
- Encrypting Data
- Decrypting Data
- Obtaining CMK Import Parameters
- Importing CMK Material
- Deleting CMK Material
- Querying CMK Instances
- Querying CMK Tags
- Querying Project Tags
- Adding or Deleting CMK Tags in Batches
- Adding a CMK Tag
- Deleting a CMK Tag
- Permissions Policies and Supported Actions
- Appendix
- Change History
API Reference (Paris and Amsterdam Regions)
- Before You Start
- Calling APIs
- API Overview
- Creating a CMK
- Enabling a CMK
- Disabling a CMK
- Scheduling the Deletion of a CMK
- Canceling the Scheduled Deletion of a CMK
- Querying the List of CMKs
- Querying the Information About a CMK
- Creating a Random Number
- Creating a DEK
- Creating a Plaintext-Free DEK
- Encrypting a DEK
- Decrypting a DEK
- Querying the Number of Instances
- Querying the Quota of a User
- Changing the Alias of a CMK
- Changing the Description of a CMK
- Creating a Grant
- Revoking a Grant
- Retiring a Grant
- Querying Grants on a CMK
- Querying Grants That Can Be Retired
- Encrypting Data
- Decrypting Data
- Obtaining CMK Import Parameters
- Importing CMK Material
- Deleting CMK Material
- Enabling Rotation for a CMK
- Changing the Rotation Interval for a CMK
- Disabling Rotation for a CMK
- Querying the Rotation Status of a CMK
- Appendix
- Change History
API Reference (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Before You Start
- Calling APIs
- API Overview
- Creating a CMK
- Enabling a CMK
- Disabling a CMK
- Scheduling the Deletion of a CMK
- Canceling the Scheduled Deletion of a CMK
- Querying the List of CMKs
- Querying the Information About a CMK
- Creating a Random Number
- Creating a DEK
- Creating a Plaintext-Free DEK
- Encrypting a DEK
- Decrypting a DEK
- Querying the Number of Instances
- Querying the Quota of a User
- Changing the Alias of a CMK
- Changing the Description of a CMK
- Creating a Grant
- Revoking a Grant
- Retiring a Grant
- Querying Grants on a CMK
- Querying Grants That Can Be Retired
- Encrypting Data
- Decrypting Data
- Obtaining CMK Import Parameters
- Importing CMK Material
- Deleting CMK Material
- Enabling Rotation for a CMK
- Changing the Rotation Interval for a CMK
- Disabling Rotation for a CMK
- Querying the Rotation Status of a CMK
- Appendix
- Change History
- General Reference
Making an API Request
This section describes the structure of a REST API request, and uses the IAM API for obtaining a user token as an example to demonstrate how to call an API. The obtained token can then be used to authenticate the calling of other APIs.
Request URI
A request URI is in the following format:
{URI-scheme} :// {Endpoint} / {resource-path} ? {query-string}
Although a request URI is included in the request header, most programming languages or frameworks require the request URI to be transmitted separately.
- URI-scheme:
Protocol used to transmit requests. All APIs use HTTPS.
- Endpoint:
Domain name or IP address of the server bearing the REST service. The endpoint varies between services in different regions. It can be obtained from Regions and Endpoints.
- resource-path:
Access path of an API for performing a specified operation. Obtain the path from the URI of an API. For example, the resource-path of the API used to obtain a user token is /v3/auth/tokens.
- query-string:
Query parameter, which is optional. Ensure that a question mark (?) is included before each query parameter that is in the format of "Parameter name=Parameter value". For example, ?limit=10 indicates that a maximum of 10 data records will be displayed.
To simplify the URI display in this document, each API is provided only with a resource-path and a request method. The URI-scheme of all APIs is HTTPS, and the endpoints of all APIs in the same region are identical.
Request Methods
The HTTP protocol defines the following request methods that can be used to send a request to the server:
- GET: requests the server to return specified resources.
- PUT: requests the server to update specified resources.
- POST: requests the server to add resources or perform special operations.
- DELETE: requests the server to delete specified resources, for example, an object.
- HEAD: same as GET except that the server must return only the response header.
- PATCH: requests the server to update partial content of a specified resource. If the resource does not exist, a new resource will be created.
For example, in the case of the API used to obtain a user token, the request method is POST. The request is as follows:
POST https://{{endpoint}}/v3/auth/tokens
Request Header
You can also add additional header fields to a request, such as the fields required by a specified URI or HTTP method. For example, to request for the authentication information, add Content-Type, which specifies the request body type.
Common request header fields are as follows:
- Content-Type: specifies the request body type or format. This field is mandatory and its default value is application/json. Other values of this field will be provided for specific APIs if any.
- X-Auth-Token: specifies a user token only for token-based API authentication. The user token is a response to the API used to obtain a user token. This API is the only one that does not require authentication.
In addition to supporting token-based authentication, APIs also support authentication using access key ID/secret access key (AK/SK). During AK/SK-based authentication, an SDK is used to sign the request, and the Authorization (signature information) and X-Sdk-Date (time when the request is sent) header fields are automatically added to the request.
For more information, see AK/SK-based Authentication.
The API used to obtain a user token does not require authentication. Therefore, only the Content-Type field needs to be added to requests for calling the API. An example of such requests is as follows:
POST https://{{endpoint}}/v3/auth/tokens Content-Type: application/json
Request Body
The body of a request is often sent in a structured format as specified in the Content-Type header field. The request body transfers content except the request header.
The request body varies between APIs. Some APIs do not require the request body, such as the APIs requested using the GET and DELETE methods.
In the case of the API used to obtain a user token, the request parameters and parameter description can be obtained from the API request. The following provides an example request with a body included. Set username to the name of a user, domainname to the name of the account that the user belongs to, ******** to the user's login password, and xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx to the project name, such as eu-west-0. You can learn more information about projects from Regions and Endpoints. Check the value of the Region column.
The scope parameter specifies where a token takes effect. You can set scope to an account or a project under an account. In the following example, the token takes effect only for the resources in a specified project. For more information about this API, see "Obtaining a User Token".
POST https://{{endpoint}}/v3/auth/tokens Content-Type: application/json { "auth": { "identity": { "methods": [ "password" ], "password": { "user": { "name": "username", "password": "********", "domain": { "name": "domainname" } } } }, "scope": { "project": { "name": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" } } } }
If all data required for the API request is available, you can send the request to call the API through curl, Postman, or coding. In the response to the API used to obtain a user token, x-subject-token is the desired user token. This token can then be used to authenticate the calling of other APIs.
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