Updated on 2024-04-09 GMT+08:00

Adding a Forwarding Rule


This API is used to add a forwarding rule.


If the action of 17policy is set to Redirect to another listener, 17rule cannot be created.

Calling Method

For details, see Calling APIs.


POST /v3/{project_id}/elb/l7policies/{l7policy_id}/rules

Table 1 Path Parameters








Specifies the forwarding policy ID.




Specifies the project ID.

Request Parameters

Table 2 Request header parameters








Specifies the token used for IAM authentication.

Table 3 Request body parameters







CreateRuleOption object

Specifies the forwarding rule.

Table 4 CreateRuleOption








Specifies the administrative status of the forwarding rule. The default value is true.

This parameter is unsupported. Please do not use it.




Specifies how requests are matched with the forwarding rule. Values:

  • EQUAL_TO: exact match.

  • REGEX: regular expression match

  • STARTS_WITH: prefix match


  • If type is set to HOST_NAME, the value can only be EQUAL_TO, and asterisks (*) can be used as wildcard characters.

  • If type is set to PATH, the value can be REGEX, STARTS_WITH, or EQUAL_TO.

  • If type is set to METHOD or SOURCE_IP, the value can only be EQUAL_TO.

  • If type is set to HEADER or QUERY_STRING, the value can only be EQUAL_TO, asterisks (*) and question marks (?) can be used as wildcard characters.




Specifies the key of match content. For example, if the request header is used for forwarding, key is the request header.

This parameter is unsupported. Please do not use it.

Minimum: 0

Maximum: 255




Specifies the value of the match content. For example, if a domain name is used for matching, value is the domain name. This parameter is valid only when conditions is left blank.

  • If type is set to HOST_NAME, the value can contain letters, digits, hyphens (-), periods (.), and asterisks () and must start with a letter or digit. If you want to use a wildcard domain name, enter an asterisk () as the leftmost label of the domain name.

  • If type is set to PATH and compare_type to STARTS_WITH or EQUAL_TO, the value can contain only letters, digits, and special characters _~';@^-%#&$.*+?,=!:|/()[]{}

  • If type is set to METHOD, SOURCE_IP, HEADER, or QUERY_STRING, this parameter will not take effect, and conditions will be used to specify the key and value.

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 128




Specifies the project ID.

Minimum: 32

Maximum: 32




Specifies the type of the forwarding rule. The value can be one of the following:

  • HOST_NAME: A domain name will be used for matching.

  • PATH: A URL will be used for matching.

  • METHOD: An HTTP request method will be used for matching.

  • HEADER: The request header will be used for matching.

  • QUERY_STRING: A query string will be used for matching.

  • SOURCE_IP: The source IP address will be used for matching.

  • COOKIE: A cookie will be used for matching.


If type is set to HOST_NAME, PATH, METHOD, or SOURCE_IP, only one forwarding rule can be created for each type. If type is set to HEADER or QUERY_STRING, multiple forwarding rules can be created for each type.




Specifies whether reverse matching is supported. The value can be true or false (default).

This parameter is unsupported. Please do not use it.



Array of CreateRuleCondition objects

Specifies the matching conditions of the forwarding rule. This parameter is available only when enhance_l7policy_enable is set to true.

If conditions is specified, parameters key and value will not take effect, and the conditions value will contain all conditions configured for the forwarding rule. The keys in the list must be the same, whereas each value must be unique.

Table 5 CreateRuleCondition








Specifies the key of match item.

  • If type is set to HOST_NAME, PATH, METHOD, or SOURCE_IP, this parameter is left blank.

  • If type is set to HEADER, key indicates the name of the HTTP header parameter. The value can contain 1 to 40 characters, including letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_).

  • If type is set to QUERY_STRING, key indicates the name of the query parameter. The value is case sensitive and can contain 1 to 128 characters. Spaces, square brackets ([ ]), curly brackets ({ }), angle brackets (< >), backslashes (), double quotation marks (" "), pound signs (#), ampersands (&), vertical bars (|), percent signs (%), and tildes (~) are not supported.

All keys in the conditions list in the same rule must be the same.

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 128




Specifies the value of the match item.

  • If type is set to HOST_NAME, key is left blank, and value indicates the domain name, which can contain 1 to 128 characters, including letters, digits, hyphens (-), periods (.), and asterisks (), and must start with a letter, digit, or asterisk (). If you want to use a wildcard domain name, enter an asterisk (*) as the leftmost label of the domain name.

  • If type is set to PATH, key is left blank, and value indicates the request path, which can contain 1 to 128 characters. If compare_type is set to STARTS_WITH or EQUAL_TO for the forwarding rule, the value must start with a slash (/) and can contain only letters, digits, and special characters _~';@^-%#&$.*+?,=!:|/()[]{}

  • If type is set to HEADER, key indicates the name of the HTTP header parameter, and value indicates the value of the HTTP header parameter. The value can contain 1 to 128 characters. Asterisks (*) and question marks (?) are allowed, but spaces and double quotation marks are not allowed. An asterisk can match zero or more characters, and a question mark can match 1 character.

  • If type is set to QUERY_STRING, key indicates the name of the query parameter, and value indicates the value of the query parameter. The value is case sensitive and can contain 1 to 128 characters. Spaces, square brackets ([ ]), curly brackets ({ }), angle brackets (< >), backslashes (), double quotation marks (" "), pound signs (#), ampersands (&), vertical bars (|), percent signs (%), and tildes (~) are not supported. Asterisks (*) and question marks (?) are allowed. An asterisk can match zero or more characters, and a question mark can match 1 character.

  • If type is set to METHOD, key is left blank, and value indicates the HTTP method. The value can be GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, PATCH, HEAD, or OPTIONS.

  • If type is set to SOURCE_IP, key is left blank, and value indicates the source IP address of the request. The value is an IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR block, for example, or 2049::49/64.]

All values of the condition list in a fowwarding rule must be unique.

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 128

Response Parameters

Status code: 201

Table 6 Response body parameters






Specifies the request ID. The value is automatically generated.


L7Rule object

Specifies the forwarding rule.

Table 7 L7Rule






Specifies the administrative status of the forwarding rule. The default value is true.

This parameter is unsupported. Please do not use it.



Specifies how requests are matched with the domain name or URL.

  • If type is set to HOST_NAME, this parameter can only be set to EQUAL_TO.

  • If type is set to PATH, the value can be REGEX, STARTS_WITH, or EQUAL_TO.



Specifies the key of the match content. This parameter will not take effect if type is set to HOST_NAME or PATH.

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 255



Specifies the project ID.



Specifies the type of the forwarding rule. The value can be one of the following:

  • HOST_NAME: A domain name will be used for matching.

  • PATH: A URL will be used for matching.

  • METHOD: An HTTP request method will be used for matching.

  • HEADER: The request header will be used for matching.

  • QUERY_STRING: A query string will be used for matching.

  • SOURCE_IP: The source IP address will be used for matching.

  • COOKIE: A cookie will be used for matching.


If type is set to HOST_NAME, PATH, METHOD, or SOURCE_IP, only one forwarding rule can be created for each type. If type is set to HEADER or QUERY_STRING, multiple forwarding rules can be created for each type.



Specifies the value of the match item. For example, if a domain name is used for matching, value is the domain name. This parameter will take effect only when conditions is left blank.

  • If type is set to HOST_NAME, the value can contain letters, digits, hyphens (-), and periods (.) and must start with a letter or digit. If you want to use a wildcard domain name, enter an asterisk (*) as the leftmost label of the domain name.

  • If type is set to PATH and compare_type to STARTS_WITH or EQUAL_TO, the value must start with a slash (/) and can contain only letters, digits, and special characters _~';@^-%#&$.*+?,=!:|\/()[]{}

  • If type is set to METHOD, SOURCE_IP, HEADER, or QUERY_STRING, this parameter will not take effect, and conditions will be used to specify the key and value.

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 128



Specifies the provisioning status of the forwarding rule.

The value can only be ACTIVE (default), PENDING_CREATE, or ERROR.

This parameter is unsupported. Please do not use it.



Specifies whether reverse matching is supported. The value is fixed at false. This parameter can be updated but will not take effect.



Specifies the forwarding policy ID.


Array of RuleCondition objects

Specifies the matching conditions of the forwarding rule. This parameter is available only when enhance_l7policy_enable is set to true.

If conditions is specified, parameters key and value will not take effect, and the conditions value will contain all conditions configured for the forwarding rule. The keys in the list must be the same, whereas each value must be unique.



Specifies the time when the forwarding rule was added. The format is yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z' (UTC time).

This is a new field in this version, and it will not be returned for resources associated with existing dedicated load balancers and for resources associated with existing and new shared load balancers.



Specifies the time when the forwarding rule was updated. The format is yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z' (UTC time).

This is a new field in this version, and it will not be returned for resources associated with existing dedicated load balancers and for resources associated with existing and new shared load balancers.

Table 8 RuleCondition






Specifies the key of match item.

  • If type is set to HOST_NAME, PATH, METHOD, or SOURCE_IP, this parameter is left blank.

  • If type is set to HEADER, key indicates the name of the HTTP header parameter. The value can contain 1 to 40 characters, including letters, digits, hyphens (-), and underscores (_).

  • If type is set to QUERY_STRING, key indicates the name of the query parameter. The value is case sensitive and can contain 1 to 128 characters. Spaces, square brackets ([ ]), curly brackets ({ }), angle brackets (< >), backslashes (), double quotation marks (" "), pound signs (#), ampersands (&), vertical bars (|), percent signs (%), and tildes (~) are not supported.

All keys in the conditions list in the same rule must be the same.

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 128



Specifies the value of the match item.

  • If type is set to HOST_NAME, key is left blank, and value indicates the domain name, which can contain 1 to 128 characters, including letters, digits, hyphens (-), periods (.), and asterisks (), and must start with a letter, digit, or asterisk (). If you want to use a wildcard domain name, enter an asterisk (*) as the leftmost label of the domain name.

  • If type is set to PATH, key is left blank, and value indicates the request path, which can contain 1 to 128 characters. If compare_type is set to STARTS_WITH or EQUAL_TO for the forwarding rule, the value must start with a slash (/) and can contain only letters, digits, and special characters _~';@^-%#&$.*+?,=!:|/()[]{}

  • If type is set to HEADER, key indicates the name of the HTTP header parameter, and value indicates the value of the HTTP header parameter. The value can contain 1 to 128 characters. Asterisks (*) and question marks (?) are allowed, but spaces and double quotation marks are not allowed. An asterisk can match zero or more characters, and a question mark can match 1 character.

  • If type is set to QUERY_STRING, key indicates the name of the query parameter, and value indicates the value of the query parameter. The value is case sensitive and can contain 1 to 128 characters. Spaces, square brackets ([ ]), curly brackets ({ }), angle brackets (< >), backslashes (), double quotation marks (" "), pound signs (#), ampersands (&), vertical bars (|), percent signs (%), and tildes (~) are not supported. Asterisks (*) and question marks (?) are allowed. An asterisk can match zero or more characters, and a question mark can match 1 character.

  • If type is set to METHOD, key is left blank, and value indicates the HTTP method. The value can be GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, PATCH, HEAD, or OPTIONS.

  • If type is set to SOURCE_IP, key is left blank, and value indicates the source IP address of the request. The value is an IPv4 or IPv6 CIDR block, for example, or 2049::49/64.]

All values of the condition list in a fowwarding rule must be unique.

Minimum: 1

Maximum: 128

Example Requests

Creating a forwarding rule and setting type to PATH*

POST https://{ELB_Endpoint}/v3/{99a3fff0d03c428eac3678da6a7d0f24}/elb/l7policies/cf4360fd-8631-41ff-a6f5-b72c35da74be/rules

  "rule" : {
    "compare_type" : "EQUAL_TO",
    "type" : "PATH",
    "value" : "/bbb.html"

Example Responses

Status code: 201

Normal response to POST requests.

  "rule" : {
    "compare_type" : "EQUAL_TO",
    "provisioning_status" : "ACTIVE",
    "project_id" : "99a3fff0d03c428eac3678da6a7d0f24",
    "invert" : false,
    "admin_state_up" : true,
    "value" : "/bbb.html",
    "key" : null,
    "type" : "PATH",
    "id" : "84f4fcae-9c15-4e19-a99f-72c0b08fd3d7"
  "request_id" : "3639f1b7-f04b-496e-9218-ec5a9e493f69"

Status Codes

Status Code



Normal response to POST requests.

Error Codes

See Error Codes.