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Centro de ayuda/ Elastic Cloud Server/ Preguntas frecuentes/ Login and Connection/ Remote Logins/ ¿Qué debo hacer si no puedo usar MSTSC para iniciar sesión en un que ejecuta SO Windows Server 2012?
Actualización más reciente 2023-08-08 GMT+08:00

¿Qué debo hacer si no puedo usar MSTSC para iniciar sesión en un que ejecuta SO Windows Server 2012?


An ECS running the Windows Server 2012 OS has password authentication configured during ECS creation. When a user used the initial password and MSTSC to log in to the ECS, the login failed and the system displayed the message "You must change your password before logging on for the first time. Please update your password or contact your system administrator or technical support."

Possible Causes

The local computer used by the user is running the Windows 10 OS.

Due to limitations, the Windows 10 OS does not support remote logins to an ECS running the Windows Server 2012 OS using the initial password.


  • Solution 1

    Use a local computer running the Windows 7 OS to remotely log in to the ECS running the Windows Server 2012 OS.

  • Solution 2

    Retain the original local computer and change the initial login password.

    1. Use VNC to log in to the ECS running the Windows Server 2012 OS for the first time.
    2. Change the login password as prompted.
    3. Use the changed password and MSTSC to log in to the ECS again.
  • Solution 3:

    Retain the original local computer and initial login password.

    1. Choose Start. In the Search programs and files text box, enter mstsc and press Enter.

      The Remote Desktop Connection page is displayed.

    2. Enter the EIP and click Connect. Then, use username administrator and the login password configured during ECS creation for connection.

      The connection fails, and the system displays the message "You must change your password before logging on for the first time. Please update your password or contact your system administrator or technical support."

    3. Click Options in the lower left corner of the Remote Desktop Connection page.
    4. On the General tab, click Save As in the Connection settings pane and save the remote desktop file in .rdp format.
    5. Open the .rdp file saved in 4.
    6. Add the following statement to the last line of the .rdp file and save the file.


    7. Double-click the edited .rdp file to set up the remote desktop connection.
    8. Click Connect to connect to the ECS running the Windows Server 2012 OS again.