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Centro de ayuda/ Elastic Cloud Server/ Preguntas frecuentes/ Carga de archivos/transferencia de datos/ How Can I Use FTP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?
Actualización más reciente 2023-08-08 GMT+08:00

How Can I Use FTP to Transfer Files Between a Local Linux Computer and a Linux ECS?


You want to use FTP on a local Linux computer to transfer files between the computer and a Linux ECS.


You have enabled FTP on the target ECS. If you have not enabled FTP, check the following links to know how to set up an FTP site:

  • Se ha ligado una EIP al ECS y se permite el acceso al puerto 21 en la dirección de entrada del grupo de seguridad al que pertenece el ECS.
  • Ha habilitado FTP en el ECS de destino. Si no ha habilitado FTP, consulte los siguientes enlaces para saber cómo configurar un sitio de FTP:


  1. Install FTP on the local Linux computer.

    Take CentOS 7.6 as an example. Run the following command to install FTP:

    yum -y install ftp

  2. Run the following command to access the ECS:

    ftp EIP bound to the ECS

    Enter the username and password as prompted for login.
    • Uploading files

      Run the following command to upload local files to the ECS:

      put Path in which files are stored on the local computer

      For example, to upload the /home/test.txt file on the local Linux computer to the ECS, run the following command:

      put /home/test.txt

    • Downloading files

      Run the following command to download files on the ECS to the local computer:

      get Path in which the files are stored on the ECS Path in which the files are to be stored on the local computer

      For example, to download the test.txt file on the ECS to the local Linux computer, run the following command:

      get /home/test.txt