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Centro de ayuda/ Elastic Cloud Server/ Preguntas frecuentes/ Carga de archivos/transferencia de datos/ Why Am I Seeing an FTP Folder Error When I Open a Folder on an FTP Server?
Actualización más reciente 2023-08-08 GMT+08:00

Why Am I Seeing an FTP Folder Error When I Open a Folder on an FTP Server?


An error occurs when you open a folder on an FTP server. The system displays a message asking you to check permissions.

Figura 1 FTP Folder Error

Possible Causes

The FTP firewall configured for the browser does not allow you to open the folder.


The following uses Internet Explorer as an example.

  1. Open the Internet Explorer and choose Tools > Internet options.
  2. Click the Advanced tab.
  3. Deselect Use Passive FTP (for firewall and DSL modem compatibility).
    Figura 2 Internet Options
  4. Click OK, restart Internet Explorer, and open the folder on the FTP server again.