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Centro de ayuda/ Elastic Cloud Server/ Preguntas frecuentes/ ECS Management/ Modifying Specifications/ What Should I Do If My Specifications Modification Request Failed to Submit?
Actualización más reciente 2023-08-08 GMT+08:00

What Should I Do If My Specifications Modification Request Failed to Submit?


I modified specifications of my stopped ECS. However, when I submitted the request, the system displayed a message indicating that the system was busy, and the request failed to submit.


Check the ECS order and resources.
  • If the resources specified in the order has entered the retention period, the ECS specifications cannot be modified. In such a case, renew the order and then modify the specifications.
  • If your ECS is in yearly/monthly payments, and the order has been renewed but the new order has not taken effect, the ECS specifications cannot be modified. In such a case, unsubscribe from the new order that has not taken effect and then modify the specifications.