Help Center/ Data Lake Insight/ FAQs/ Flink Jobs/ Flink SQL Jobs/ How Do I Fix the DLI.0005 Error When Using EL Expressions to Create a Table in a Flink SQL Job?
Updated on 2024-11-15 GMT+08:00

How Do I Fix the DLI.0005 Error When Using EL Expressions to Create a Table in a Flink SQL Job?


When I run the creation statement with an EL expression in the table name in a Flink SQL job, the following error message is displayed:
DLI.0005: AnalysisException: t_user_message_input_#{date_format(date_sub(current_date(), 1), 'yyyymmddhhmmss')} is not a valid name for tables/databases. Valid names only contain alphabet characters, numbers and _.


Replace the number sign (#) in the table name to the dollar sign ($). The format of the EL expression used in DLI should be ${expr}.

Before modification:

t_user_message_input_#{date_format(date_sub(current_date(), 1), 'yyyymmddhhmmss')}

After modification:

t_user_message_input_${date_format(date_sub(current_date(), 1), 'yyyymmddhhmmss')}

After the modification, the Flink SQL job can correctly parse table names and dynamically generate table names based on EL expressions.