Help Center/ Cloud Bastion Host/ FAQs/ About File Transfer/ How Do I Clear the Personal Net Disk Space?
Updated on 2025-03-04 GMT+08:00

How Do I Clear the Personal Net Disk Space?

The Netdisk of a CBH system is a personal net disk for system users and cannot be automatically cleared up.

User admin can manually delete expired or discarded files to free up the personal net disk.

Clear the Net Disks of a Specific User

  1. Log in to the CBH system.
  2. Choose System > Data Maintain > Storage Mgmt to go to the storage configuration page.
  3. Expand the net disk space to view the capacity configured for Personal Netdisk and Total Netdisk.

    Figure 1 Total Netdisk

  4. Click Detail.
  5. In the row containing the net disk, click Delete NetDisk Data in the Operation column.

    You can also select all net disks from which you want to delete data and click Delete NetDisk Data to clear the disks together.

Clearing Part of the Netdisk Capacity

Transferring Files To or From a Managed Linux Host

  1. Log in to the CBH system.
  2. Choose Operation > Host Operations and locate the target Linux server.
  3. Click Login to open the operation session for a Linux server.
  4. Click File Transfer to list the host files on a Linux server.
  5. Click Host File and select Netdisk to switch to the personal net disk file list.
  6. Select one or more files or folders and click to delete them.

Transferring Files To or From a Managed Windows Host

  1. Log in to the CBH system.
  2. Choose Operation > Host Operations and locate the target Windows host.
  3. Click Login to open the Windows host operation session.
  4. Click File Transfer to list of host files on the personal net disk.
  5. Select one or more files or folders and click to delete them.