Updated on 2023-05-29 GMT+08:00

Creating a File System

  1. Run the fdisk -l command to check the unformatted disks.

    Format disks and logical volumes.

    mkfs.xfs /dev/vdb

    mkfs.xfs /dev/vdc

    mkfs.xfs /dev/vde

    Create a file system directory.

    mkdir -p /usr/sap /sapmnt /db2

    Run the blkid command to obtain the UUID of the disk.

    Create mount points in /etc/fstab.

    echo "UUID=3813b122-7ba0-4333-a791-d8881dbf9783 /usr/sap xfs defaults 0 0" >>/etc/fstab

    echo "UUID=4c1a7079-9aee-4e80-9a04-fac2bf19734f /sapmnt xfs defaults 0 0" >>/etc/fstab

    echo "UUID=5e1e498e-e704-4e46-840b-4dbea0205166 /db2 xfs defaults 0 0" >>/etc/fstab

    Run the mount -a command to mount all disks and run the df -h command to check the disk mounting results.