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Country/Region Name Abbreviations
Country/Region |
Abbreviation |
Afghanistan |
AF |
Åland Islands |
AX |
Albania |
AL |
Algeria |
DZ |
American Samoa |
AS |
Andorra |
AD |
Angola |
AO |
Anguilla |
AI |
Antigua and Barbuda |
AG |
Argentina |
AR |
Armenia |
AM |
Aruba |
AW |
Australia |
AU |
Austria |
AT |
Azerbaijan |
AZ |
Bangladesh |
BD |
Bahrain |
BH |
Bahamas |
BS |
Barbados |
BB |
Belgium |
BE |
Belize |
BZ |
Benin |
BJ |
Bermuda |
BM |
Bhutan |
BT |
Bolivia |
BO |
Bosnia and Herzegovina |
BA |
Botswana |
BW |
Bouvet Island |
BV |
Brazil |
BR |
Brunei |
BN |
Bulgaria |
BG |
Burkina Faso |
BF |
Burundi |
BI |
Cambodia |
KH |
Cameroon |
CM |
Canada |
CA |
Cape Verde |
CV |
Central African Republic |
CF |
Chad |
TD |
Chile |
CL |
Christmas Island |
CX |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands |
CC |
Colombia |
CO |
Comoros |
KM |
Congo - Kinshasa |
CD |
Congo - Brazzaville |
CG |
Cook Islands |
CK |
Costa Rica |
CR |
Côte d'Ivoire |
CI |
China |
CN |
Croatia |
HR |
Czech Republic |
CZ |
Cyprus |
CY |
Denmark |
DK |
Djibouti |
DJ |
Dominica |
DM |
Ecuador |
EC |
Egypt |
EG |
Equatorial Guinea |
GQ |
Eritrea |
ER |
Estonia |
EE |
Ethiopian |
ET |
Faroe Islands |
FO |
Fiji |
FJ |
Finland |
FI |
France |
FR |
Metropolitan France |
FX |
French Guiana |
GF |
French Polynesia |
PF |
Gabon |
GA |
Gambia |
GM |
Georgia |
GE |
Germany |
DE |
Ghana |
GH |
Gibraltar |
GI |
Greece |
GR |
Grenada |
GD |
Guadeloupe |
GP |
Guam |
GU |
Guatemala |
GT |
Guernsey |
GG |
Guinea-Bissau |
GW |
Guinea |
GN |
Guyana |
GY |
Haiti |
HT |
Honduras |
HN |
Hungary |
HU |
Iceland |
IS |
India |
IN |
Indonesia |
ID |
Iraq |
IQ |
Ireland |
IE |
Isle of Man |
IM |
Italy |
IT |
Jamaica |
JM |
Japan |
JP |
Jersey |
JE |
Jordan |
JO |
Kazakhstan |
KZ |
Kenya |
KE |
Kiribati |
KI |
South Korea |
KR |
Kuwait |
KW |
Kyrgyzstan |
KG |
Laos |
LO |
Latvia |
LV |
Lebanon |
LB |
Lesotho |
LS |
Liberia |
LR |
Libya |
LY |
Liechtenstein |
LI |
Lithuania |
LT |
Luxembourg |
LU |
North Macedonia |
MK |
Malawi |
MW |
Malaysia |
MY |
Madagascar |
MG |
Maldives |
MV |
Mali |
ML |
Malta |
MT |
Marshall Islands |
MH |
Martinique |
MQ |
Mauritania |
MR |
Mauritius |
MU |
Mayotte |
YT |
Mexico |
MX |
Micronesia |
MF |
Moldova |
MD |
Monaco |
MC |
Mongolia |
MN |
Montenegro |
ME |
Montserrat |
MS |
Morocco |
MA |
Mozambique |
MZ |
Myanmar |
MM |
Namibia |
NA |
Nauru |
NR |
Nepal |
NP |
Netherlands |
NL |
New Caledonia |
NC |
New Zealand |
NZ |
Nicaragua |
NI |
Niger |
NE |
Nigeria |
NG |
Niue |
NU |
Norfolk Island |
NF |
Norway |
NO |
Oman |
OM |
Pakistan |
PK |
Palau |
PW |
Panama |
PA |
Papua New Guinea |
PG |
Peru |
PE |
Philippines |
PH |
Pitcairn Islands |
PN |
Poland |
PL |
Portugal |
PT |
Puerto Rico |
PR |
Qatar |
QA |
Réunion |
RE |
Romania |
RO |
Rwanda |
RW |
Saint Helena |
SH |
Saint Kitts and Nevis |
KN |
Sant Lucia |
LC |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines |
VG |
El Salvador |
SV |
Samoa |
WS |
San Marino |
SM |
São Tomé and Príncipe |
ST |
Saudi Arabia |
SA |
Senegal |
SN |
Seychelles |
SC |
Sierra Leone |
SL |
Singapore |
SG |
Serbia |
RS |
Slovakia |
SK |
Slovenia |
SI |
Solomon Islands |
SB |
Somalia |
SO |
South Africa |
ZA |
Spain |
ES |
Sri Lanka |
LK |
Suriname |
SR |
Eswatini |
SZ |
Sweden |
SE |
Switzerland |
CH |
Tajikistan |
TJ |
Tanzania |
TZ |
Thailand |
TH |
Trinidad and Tobago |
TT |
Timor-Leste |
TL |
Togo |
TG |
Tokelau |
TK |
Tonga |
TO |
Tunisia |
TN |
Turkey |
TR |
Turkmenistan |
TM |
Tuvalu |
TV |
Uganda |
UG |
Ukraine |
UA |
United Arab Emirates |
AE |
United Kingdom |
UK |
United States |
US |
Uruguay |
UY |
Uzbekistan |
UZ |
Vanuatu |
VU |
Vatican City |
VA |
Venezuela |
VE |
Vietnam |
VN |
Wallis and Futuna |
WF |
Yemen |
YE |
Zambia |
ZM |
Zimbabwe |
ZW |
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