Estos contenidos se han traducido de forma automática para su comodidad, pero Huawei Cloud no garantiza la exactitud de estos. Para consultar los contenidos originales, acceda a la versión en inglés.
Image Management Service
Image Management Service
- Descripción general del servicio
- Pasos iniciales
Guía del usuario
- Gestión de imágenes públicas
Crear una imagen privada
- Introducción
- Creación de una imagen de disco del sistema a partir de Windows ECS
- Creación de una imagen de disco del sistema desde un Linux ECS
- Creación de una imagen de disco del sistema Windows a partir de un archivo de imagen externo
- Creación de una imagen de disco de sistema Linux a partir de un archivo de imagen externo
- Creación de una imagen de disco del sistema BMS
- Creación de una imagen de disco de datos a partir de un ECS
- Creación de una imagen de disco de datos a partir de un archivo de imagen externo
- Creación de una imagen completa de ECS a partir de un ECS
- Creación de una imagen completa de ECS a partir de una copia de respaldo de CSBS
- Creación de una imagen completa de ECS a partir de una copia de respaldo de CBR
Creación de una imagen de disco de sistema Windows a partir de un archivo ISO
- Descripción general
- Integración del controlador de VMTools en un archivo ISO mediante UltraISO
- Registro de un archivo ISO como una imagen ISO
- Creación de un ECS de Windows a partir de una imagen ISO
- Instalación de un sistema operativo de Windows y el controlador de VMTools
- Configuración del ECS y creación de una imagen de disco del sistema Windows
- Creación de una imagen de disco de sistema Linux a partir de un archivo ISO
- Importación rápida de un archivo de imagen
Gestión de imágenes privadas
- Modificación de una imagen
- Exportación de lista de imágenes
- Comprobación de la capacidad del disco de una imagen
- Crear una ECS a partir de una imagen
- Eliminar imágenes
Compartir imágenes
- Descripción general
- Obtención de la ID del proyecto
- Compartir las imágenes especificadas
- Aceptar o rechazar imágenes compartidas
- Rechazar imágenes aceptadas
- Aceptar imágenes rechazadas
- Dejar de compartir imágenes
- Incorporación de suscriptores que pueden usar imágenes compartidas
- Eliminar destinatarios de imágenes que pueden usar imágenes compartidas
- Replicación de una imagen compartida
- Importación de una imagen
- Exportación de una imagen
- Optimización de una imagen privada de Windows
Optimización de una imagen privada de Linux
- Proceso de Optimización
- Consulta del tipo de virtualización de un ECS de Linux
- Desinstalación del controlador PV de un ECS de Linux
- Cambio del identificador de disco en el archivo de configuración de GRUB a UUID
- Cambio del identificador de disco en el archivo fstab a UUID
- Instalación de controladores KVM nativos
- Borrar registros del sistema
- Encriptación de imágenes
- Replicación de imágenes dentro de una región
- Replicación de imágenes entre regiones
- Etiquetado de una imagen
- Auditoría de operaciones clave
- Operaciones de Windows
- Operaciones Linux
- Gestión de permisos
- Historial de revisiones
Preguntas frecuentes
Consultoría de Imagen
- ¿Cómo selecciono una imagen?
- ¿Qué hago si no puedo encontrar una imagen deseada?
- ¿Qué hago si quiero configurar un entorno OpenVPN o PyTorch pero no hay imágenes públicas que contengan OpenVPN o PyTorch disponibles?
- ¿Cómo puedo aumentar la cuota de imagen?
- ¿Cuáles son las diferencias entre imágenes y copias de respaldo?
- ¿Puedo personalizar una imagen?
- ¿Cómo puedo migrar un ECS a una región diferente de otra cuenta?
- ¿Cómo puedo hacer una copia de respaldo del estado actual de un ECS para la restauración en el caso de una falla del sistema?
- ¿Cómo puedo aplicar una imagen privada a un ECS existente?
- ¿Puedo importar datos de una imagen de disco de datos a un disco de datos?
- ¿Puedo usar imágenes privadas de otros tenants?
Creación de imágenes
- Preguntas frecuentes sobre creación de imágenes
- Preguntas frecuentes sobre la imagen completa de ECS
- ¿Cómo puedo usar una copia de respaldo para crear un disco EVS o ECS?
- ¿Hay alguna diferencia entre la imagen creada a partir de una copia de respaldo de CSBS/CBR y la creada a partir de un ECS?
- ¿Por qué no puedo encontrar una imagen ISO cuando quiero usarla para crear un ECS o cambiar el sistema operativo de un ECS?
- ¿Cómo puedo crear una imagen completa de ECS usando un ECS que tiene un volumen extendido?
- ¿Por qué se requiere Sysprep para crear una imagen privada desde un ECS de Windows?
- ¿Qué hago si un ECS creado a partir de una imagen de Windows no se inicia después de ejecutar Sysprep?
- Compartir imágenes
Sistema operativo
- ¿Cómo selecciono un SO?
- ¿En qué se diferencia el BIOS de UEFI?
- ¿Cómo elimino conexiones de red redundantes de un ECS de Windows?
- ¿Qué hago si un ECS comienza lentamente?
- ¿Qué hago si no se puede iniciar el complemento de restablecimiento de contraseña con un solo clic?
- ¿Por qué no puedo encontrar mi imagen privada cuando quiero usarla para crear un ECS o cambiar el sistema operativo de un ECS?
Importación de imágenes
- ¿Puedo usar imágenes en formatos distintos a los especificados?
- ¿Cuáles son los impactos si no preconfigura un ECS utilizado para crear una imagen privada?
- ¿Cómo puedo importar un archivo OVF u OVA a la plataforma en la nube?
- ¿Qué hago si configuré un sistema operativo incorrecto o un tamaño de disco del sistema durante el registro de imágenes privadas usando un archivo de imagen?
- ¿Qué hago si el tamaño del disco del sistema en un archivo de imagen VHD supera el que he especificado en la consola de administración cuando uso este archivo para registrar una imagen privada?
- ¿Cómo puedo importar imágenes privadas de Huawei Cloud existentes a una región especificada?
Exportación de imágenes
- ¿Puedo descargar mis imágenes privadas a un PC local?
- ¿Puedo usar la imagen de disco del sistema de un ECS en un BMS después de exportarlo desde la plataforma en la nube?
- ¿Por qué el tamaño de la imagen en un bucket de OBS es diferente del que se muestra en IMS?
- ¿Puedo descargar una imagen pública a mi PC local?
- ¿Cuáles son las diferencias entre la importación/exportación y la importación/exportación rápida?
- ¿Qué hago si la opción de exportación no está disponible para mi imagen?
Optimización de imágenes
- ¿Por qué necesito instalar y actualizar VMTools para Windows?
- ¿Qué hará el sistema con un archivo de imagen cuando uso el archivo para registrar una imagen privada?
- ¿Cómo configuro un ECS, BMS, o archivo de imagen antes de usarlo para crear una imagen?
- ¿Qué hago si un archivo de imagen de Windows no está preconfigurado cuando lo uso para registrar una imagen privada?
- ¿Qué hago si un archivo de imagen de Linux no está preconfigurado cuando lo uso para registrar una imagen privada?
- ¿Cómo puedo optimizar una imagen?
- ¿Cómo activo la cola múltiple de NIC para una imagen?
- ¿Cómo configuro un ECS para adquirir dinámicamente direcciones IPv6?
- ¿Cómo puedo hacer que una imagen de disco de sistema admita la creación rápida de ECS?
- ¿Cómo instalo los controladores nativos de Xen y KVM?
- Replicación de imágenes
- Eliminación de imágenes
- Encriptación de imágenes
Cuentas y permisos
- ¿Cómo creo una agencia de IAM?
- ¿Qué hago si no se pueden encontrar imágenes privadas en la página Enterprise Project Management Service después de activar EPS?
- ¿Qué hago si no puedo crear una imagen desde una copia de seguridad CSBS o BMS usando una subcuenta con el Allow_all Permission después de que EPS esté habilitado?
- Cloud-Init
Creación de ECS
- ¿Puedo cambiar la imagen de un ECS comprado?
- ¿Puedo usar una imagen privada para crear ECS con diferentes especificaciones de hardware del ECS utilizado para crear la imagen privada?
- ¿Puedo especificar el tamaño del disco del sistema al crear un ECS usando una imagen?
- ¿Qué hago si no se encuentra ninguna partición durante el inicio de un ECS creado a partir de una imagen privada importada?
- ¿Qué hago si no se pueden encontrar los discos de un ECS creado a partir de una imagen de CentOS?
- ¿Qué hago si un ECS creado a partir de una imagen de Windows no se puede iniciar cuando he habilitado la configuración automática durante el registro de imágenes?
- ¿Qué hago si se produce una excepción al iniciar un ECS creado a partir de una imagen usando el modo de arranque UEFI?
- Facturación
- Historial de cambios
Consultoría de Imagen
Referencia de la API
- Antes de empezar
- Descripción de las API
- Llamada a APIs
- Tareas iniciales
Las API de IMS
- Consulta de imágenes
- Actualización de información de imagen
- Creación de una imagen
- Importación rápida de un archivo de imagen
- Creación de una imagen de disco de datos mediante un archivo de imagen externo
- Creación de una imagen completa de ECS
- Registro de una imagen
- Exportación de una imagen
- Consulta de sistemas operativos de imágenes compatibles
- Etiquetado de imagen
- Compartir imágenes
- Replicación de imágenes
- Cuota de imagen
- Trabajos de Imagen
Las API de Native OpenStack
Imagen (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Consulta de imágenes (API de OpenStack nativo)
- Consulta de detalles de imagen (API de OpenStack nativo)
- Actualización de la información de imagen (API de OpenStack nativo)
- Carga de una imagen (API de OpenStack nativo)
- Eliminación de una imagen (API de OpenStack nativo)
- Creación de metadatos de imágenes (API de OpenStack nativo)
- Eliminación de una imagen (API de OpenStack nativo v1.1: abandonada y no recomendada)
- Consulta de metadatos de imágenes (API de OpenStack nativo v1: abandonada y no recomendada)
- Consulta de detalles de imagen (API de OpenStack nativo v1.1 - abandonada y no recomendada)
- Etiquetado de imágenes (Native OpenStack APIs)
Esquema de imagen (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Consulta de un esquema de imagen (API de OpenStack nativo)
- Consulta de un esquema de lista de imágenes (API de OpenStack nativo)
- Consulta de un esquema para un miembro de uso compartido de imágenes (API de OpenStack nativo)
- Consulta de un esquema para una lista de miembros de compartición de imágenes (API de OpenStack nativo)
Uso compartido de imágenes (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Adición de un miembro para compartir imágenes (API de OpenStack nativo)
- Actualización del estado de uso compartido de imágenes (API de OpenStack nativo)
- Consulta de detalles de miembro de compartición de imagen (API de OpenStack nativo)
- Consulta de miembros de compartición de imagen (API de OpenStack nativo)
- Eliminación de un miembro de compartición de imágenes (API de OpenStack nativo)
- Consulta de versión de la API (API de Native OpenStack)
Imagen (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Ejemplos
- Políticas de permisos y acciones admitidas
- Parámetros comunes
- Códigos de estado
- Códigos de error
- Historial de cambios
- Actualmente, el contenido no está disponible en el idioma seleccionado. Sugerimos consultar la versión en inglés.
- What's New
- Function Overview
Best Practices
- Overview
- Creating a Windows Image Using VirtualBox and an ISO File
- Creating a Linux Image Using VirtualBox and an ISO File
- Cleaning Up the Disk Space of a Windows ECS
- Converting the Image Format
- Creating a Private Image Using Packer
- Configuring an ISO File as a Local Image Source
- Migrating ECSs Across Accounts and Regions
- Migrating Service Data Across Accounts (Data Disks)
- SDK Reference
- Videos
- Glossary
More Documents
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Overview
- Using IAM to Grant Access to IMS
Creating a Private Image
- Introduction
- Creating a System Disk Image from a Windows ECS
- Creating a System Disk Image from a Linux ECS
- Creating a Windows System Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a Linux System Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a BMS System Disk Image
- Creating a Data Disk Image from an ECS
- Creating a Data Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a Full-ECS Image from an ECS
- Creating a Full-ECS Image from a CBR Backup
- Creating a Windows System Disk Image from an ISO File
- Creating a Linux System Disk Image from an ISO File
- Importing an Image
- Fast Import of an Image File
Managing Private Images
- Creating an ECS from an Image
- Modifying an Image
- Exporting an Image
- Exporting Image List
- Checking the Disk Capacity of an Image
- Deleting Images
Sharing Images
- Overview
- Obtaining the Account Name and Project Name
- Sharing Specified Images
- Accepting or Rejecting Shared Images
- Rejecting Accepted Images
- Accepting Rejected Images
- Stopping Sharing Images
- Adding Tenants Who Can Use Shared Images
- Deleting Image Recipients Who Can Use Shared Images
- Replicating a Shared Image
- Replicating Images
- Optimizing a Windows Private Image
Optimizing a Linux Private Image
- Optimization Process
- Checking Whether a Private Image Needs to be Optimized
- Uninstalling PV Drivers from a Linux ECS
- Changing Disk Identifiers in the GRUB File to UUID
- Changing Disk Identifiers in the fstab File to UUID
- Installing Native Xen and KVM Drivers
- Installing Native KVM Drivers
- Clearing System Logs
- Encrypting Images
- Converting the Image Format
- Windows Operations
- Linux Operations
- Managing Tags
- Managing Quotas
- Auditing Key Operations
Image Consulting
- Basic Concepts
- How Do I Select an Image?
- What Do I Do If I Cannot Find a Desired Image?
- What Are the Differences Between Images and Backups?
- Can I Tailor an Image?
- How Can I Back Up the Current Status of an ECS for Restoration in the Case of a System Fault?
- How Can I Apply a Private Image to an Existing ECS?
- Can I Import Data from a Data Disk Image to a Data Disk?
- Can I Use Private Images of Other Accounts?
Image Creation
- General Creation FAQ
- Full-ECS Image FAQ
- Is There Any Difference Between the Image Created from a CSBS/CBR Backup and That Created from an ECS?
- Why Can't I Find an ISO Image When I Want to Use It to Create an ECS or Change the OS of an ECS?
- How Do I Create a Full-ECS Image Using an ECS That Has a Spanned Volume?
- Why Is Sysprep Required for Creating a Private Image from a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Handle the Startup Failure of a Windows ECS Created from a Windows Image Generalized by Sysprep?
- What Do I Do If I Cannot Create an Image in ZVHD2 Format Using an API?
- Image Sharing
- OS
Image Import
- Can I Use Images in Formats not Described in This Document?
- What Are the Impacts If I Do Not Pre-configure an ECS Used to Create a Private Image?
- How Do I Import an OVF or OVA File to the Cloud Platform?
- What Do I Do If I Chose the Wrong OS or System Disk Capacity When Registering a Private Image?
- Why Did My VHD Upload Fail? Why Does the System Say the System Disk in the VHD Image File Is Larger Than What I Specified on the Management Console?
Image Export
- Can I Download My Private Images to a Local PC?
- Can I Use the System Disk Image of an ECS on a BMS After I Export It from the Cloud Platform?
- Why Is the Image Size in an OBS Bucket Different from That Displayed in IMS?
- Can I Download a Public Image to My PC?
- What Are the Differences Between Import/Export and Fast Import/Export?
- Why the Export Option Is Unavailable for My Image?
Image Optimization
- Must I Install Guest OS Drivers on an ECS?
- Why Do I Need to Install and Update VirtIO Drivers for Windows?
- What Will the System Do to an Image File When I Use the File to Register a Private Image?
- How Do I Configure an ECS or an Image File Before I Use It to Create an Image?
- What Do I Do If a Windows Image File Is Not Pre-Configured When I Use It to Register a Private Image?
- What Do I Do If a Linux Image File Is Not Pre-Configured When I Use It to Register a Private Image?
- How Do I Enable NIC Multi-Queue for an Image?
- How Do I Configure an ECS to Use DHCPv6?
- How Do I Make a System Disk Image Support Fast ECS Creation?
- Why Did I Fail to Install Guest OS Drivers on a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Install Native Xen and KVM Drivers?
- Image Replication
- Image Deletion
- Image Encryption
- Accounts and Permissions
- Cloud-Init
ECS Creation
- Can I Change the Image of a Purchased ECS?
- Can I Change the Specifications Defined by a Private Image When I Use the Image to Create an ECS?
- Can I Specify the System Disk Capacity When I Create an ECS Using an Image?
- What Do I Do If a Partition Is Not Found During the Startup of an ECS Created from an Imported Private Image?
- What Do I Do If the Disks of a CentOS ECS Created from an Image Cannot Be Found?
- What Do I Do If I Enabled Automatic Configuration During Image Registration for an ECS Created from a Windows Image and Now It Won't Start?
- What Do I Do If an Exception Occurs When I Start an ECS Created from an Image Using UEFI Boot?
Driver Installation
- Must I Install Guest OS Drivers on an ECS?
- Why Do I Need to Install and Update VirtIO Drivers for Windows?
- Why Did I Fail to Install Guest OS Drivers on a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Install VirtIO Drivers in Windows?
- How Do I Install Native KVM Drivers in Linux?
- How Do I Install Native Xen and KVM Drivers?
- Image Tags
- Billing
Image Consulting
API Reference (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
Native OpenStack APIs
Image (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Querying Images (Native OpenStack API)
- Querying Image Details (Native OpenStack API)
- Updating Image Information (Native OpenStack API)
- Uploading an Image (Native OpenStack API)
- Deleting an Image (Native OpenStack API)
- Creating Image Metadata (Native OpenStack API)
- Deleting an Image (Native OpenStack API v1.1 - Abandoned and Not Recommended)
- Querying Image Metadata (Native OpenStack API v1 - Abandoned and Not Recommended)
- Querying Image Details (Native OpenStack API v1.1 - Abandoned and Not Recommended)
- Image Schema (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Image Sharing (Native OpenStack APIs)
- API Version Query (Native OpenStack API)
Image (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Examples
- Permission Policies and Supported Actions
- Common Parameters
- Status Codes
- Error Codes
- Change History
User Guide (Paris Regions)
- Overview
- Using IAM to Grant Access to IMS
Creating a Private Image
- Introduction
- Creating a System Disk Image from a Windows ECS
- Creating a System Disk Image from a Linux ECS
- Creating a Windows System Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a Linux System Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a Data Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a Full-ECS Image from an ECS
- Creating a Full-ECS Image from a CSBS Backup
- Creating a Full-ECS Image from a CBR Backup
- Creating a Windows System Disk Image from an ISO File
- Creating a Linux System Disk Image from an ISO File
- Importing an Image
- Fast Import of an Image File
Managing Private Images
- Creating an ECS from an Image
- Modifying an Image
- Exporting an Image
- Exporting Image List
- Checking the Disk Capacity of an Image
- Deleting Images
- Sharing Images
- Replicating Images Within a Region
- Optimizing a Windows Private Image
Optimizing a Linux Private Image
- Optimization Process
- Checking Whether a Private Image Needs to be Optimized
- Uninstalling PV Drivers from a Linux ECS
- Changing Disk Identifiers in the GRUB File to UUID
- Changing Disk Identifiers in the fstab File to UUID
- Installing Native Xen and KVM Drivers
- Installing Native KVM Drivers
- Clearing System Logs
- Encrypting Images
- Converting the Image Format
- Windows Operations
- Linux Operations
- Managing Tags
- Managing Quotas
- Auditing Key Operations
Image Consulting
- Basic Concepts
- How Do I Select an Image?
- What Do I Do If I Cannot Find a Desired Image?
- What Are the Differences Between Images and Backups?
- Can I Tailor an Image?
- How Can I Back Up the Current Status of an ECS for Restoration in the Case of a System Fault?
- How Can I Apply a Private Image to an Existing ECS?
- Can I Import Data from a Data Disk Image to a Data Disk?
- Can I Use Private Images of Other Accounts?
- End-of-Support for OSs
Image Creation
- General Creation FAQ
- Full-ECS Image FAQ
- How Can I Use a Backup to Create an EVS Disk or ECS?
- Is There Any Difference Between the Image Created from a CSBS/CBR Backup and That Created from an ECS?
- Why Can't I Find an ISO Image When I Want to Use It to Create an ECS or Change the OS of an ECS?
- How Do I Create a Full-ECS Image Using an ECS That Has a Spanned Volume?
- Why Is Sysprep Required for Creating a Private Image from a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Handle the Startup Failure of a Windows ECS Created from a Windows Image Generalized by Sysprep?
- What Do I Do If I Cannot Create an Image in ZVHD2 Format Using an API?
- Image Sharing
- How Do I Select an OS?
- How Is BIOS Different from UEFI?
- How Do I Delete Redundant Network Connections from a Windows ECS?
- What Do I Do If an ECS Starts Slowly?
- What Do I Do If a Windows 7 ECS Equipped with an Intel 82599 NIC Reports an Error in SR-IOV Scenarios?
- Why Can't I Find My Private Image When I Want to Use It to Create an ECS or Change the OS of an ECS?
Image Import
- Can I Use Images in Formats not Described in This Document?
- What Are the Impacts If I Do Not Pre-configure an ECS Used to Create a Private Image?
- What Do I Do If I Chose the Wrong OS or System Disk Capacity When Registering a Private Image?
- Why Did My VHD Upload Fail? Why Does the System Say the System Disk in the VHD Image File Is Larger Than What I Specified on the Management Console?
Image Export
- Can I Download My Private Images to a Local PC?
- Can I Use the System Disk Image of an ECS on a BMS After I Export It from the Cloud Platform?
- Why Is the Image Size in an OBS Bucket Different from That Displayed in IMS?
- Can I Download a Public Image to My PC?
- What Are the Differences Between Import/Export and Fast Import/Export?
- Why the Export Option Is Unavailable for My Image?
Image Optimization
- Must I Install Guest OS Drivers on an ECS?
- Why Do I Need to Install and Update VirtIO Drivers for Windows?
- What Will the System Do to an Image File When I Use the File to Register a Private Image?
- How Do I Configure an ECS, a BMS, or an Image File Before I Use It to Create an Image?
- What Do I Do If a Windows Image File Is Not Pre-Configured When I Use It to Register a Private Image?
- What Do I Do If a Linux Image File Is Not Pre-Configured When I Use It to Register a Private Image?
- How Do I Enable NIC Multi-Queue for an Image?
- How Do I Make a System Disk Image Support Fast ECS Creation?
- Why Did I Fail to Install Guest OS Drivers on a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Install Native Xen and KVM Drivers?
- Image Replication
- Image Deletion
- Image Encryption
- Accounts and Permissions
- Cloud-Init
ECS Creation
- Can I Change the Image of a Purchased ECS?
- Can I Change the Specifications Defined by a Private Image When I Use the Image to Create an ECS?
- Can I Specify the System Disk Capacity When I Create an ECS Using an Image?
- What Do I Do If a Partition Is Not Found During the Startup of an ECS Created from an Imported Private Image?
- What Do I Do If the Disks of a CentOS ECS Created from an Image Cannot Be Found?
- What Do I Do If I Enabled Automatic Configuration During Image Registration for an ECS Created from a Windows Image and Now It Won't Start?
- What Do I Do If an Exception Occurs When I Start an ECS Created from an Image Using UEFI Boot?
Driver Installation
- Must I Install Guest OS Drivers on an ECS?
- Why Do I Need to Install and Update VirtIO Drivers for Windows?
- Why Did I Fail to Install Guest OS Drivers on a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Install VirtIO Drivers in Windows?
- How Do I Install Native KVM Drivers in Linux?
- How Do I Install Native Xen and KVM Drivers?
- Image Tags
Image Consulting
API Reference (Paris Regions)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
Native OpenStack APIs
Image (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Querying Images (Native OpenStack API)
- Querying Image Details (Native OpenStack API)
- Updating Image Information (Native OpenStack API)
- Uploading an Image (Native OpenStack API)
- Deleting an Image (Native OpenStack API)
- Creating Image Metadata (Native OpenStack API)
- Deleting an Image (Native OpenStack API v1.1 - Abandoned and Not Recommended)
- Querying Image Metadata (Native OpenStack API v1 - Abandoned and Not Recommended)
- Querying Image Details (Native OpenStack API v1.1 - Abandoned and Not Recommended)
- Image Tagging (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Image Schema (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Image Sharing (Native OpenStack APIs)
- API Version Query (Native OpenStack API)
Image (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Examples
- API Actions
- Common Parameters
- Status Codes
- Error Codes
- Change History
User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Overview
- Using IAM to Grant Access to IMS
Creating a Private Image
- Introduction
- Creating a System Disk Image from a Windows ECS
- Creating a System Disk Image from a Linux ECS
- Creating a Windows System Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a Linux System Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a BMS System Disk Image
- Creating a Data Disk Image from an ECS
- Creating a Data Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a Full-ECS Image from an ECS
- Creating a Full-ECS Image from a CBR Backup
- Creating a Windows System Disk Image from an ISO File
- Creating a Linux System Disk Image from an ISO File
- Importing an Image
- Fast Import of an Image File
Managing Private Images
- Creating an ECS from an Image
- Modifying an Image
- Exporting an Image
- Exporting Image List
- Checking the Disk Capacity of an Image
- Deleting Images
Sharing Images
- Overview
- Obtaining the Account Name and Project Name
- Sharing Specified Images
- Accepting or Rejecting Shared Images
- Rejecting Accepted Images
- Accepting Rejected Images
- Stopping Sharing Images
- Adding Tenants Who Can Use Shared Images
- Deleting Image Recipients Who Can Use Shared Images
- Replicating a Shared Image
- Replicating Images Within a Region
- Optimizing a Windows Private Image
Optimizing a Linux Private Image
- Optimization Process
- Checking Whether a Private Image Needs to be Optimized
- Uninstalling PV Drivers from a Linux ECS
- Changing Disk Identifiers in the GRUB File to UUID
- Changing Disk Identifiers in the fstab File to UUID
- Installing Native Xen and KVM Drivers
- Installing Native KVM Drivers
- Clearing System Logs
- Encrypting Images
- Converting the Image Format
- Windows Operations
- Linux Operations
- Managing Tags
- Managing Quotas
- Auditing Key Operations
Image Consulting
- Basic Concepts
- How Do I Select an Image?
- What Do I Do If I Cannot Find a Desired Image?
- What Are the Differences Between Images and Backups?
- Can I Tailor an Image?
- How Can I Back Up the Current Status of an ECS for Restoration in the Case of a System Fault?
- How Can I Apply a Private Image to an Existing ECS?
- Can I Import Data from a Data Disk Image to a Data Disk?
- Can I Use Private Images of Other Accounts?
- End-of-Support for OSs
Image Creation
- General Creation FAQ
- Full-ECS Image FAQ
- Is There Any Difference Between the Image Created from a CSBS/CBR Backup and That Created from an ECS?
- Why Can't I Find an ISO Image When I Want to Use It to Create an ECS or Change the OS of an ECS?
- How Do I Create a Full-ECS Image Using an ECS That Has a Spanned Volume?
- Why Is Sysprep Required for Creating a Private Image from a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Handle the Startup Failure of a Windows ECS Created from a Windows Image Generalized by Sysprep?
- What Do I Do If I Cannot Create an Image in ZVHD2 Format Using an API?
- Image Sharing
- OS
Image Import
- Can I Use Images in Formats not Described in This Document?
- What Are the Impacts If I Do Not Pre-configure an ECS Used to Create a Private Image?
- How Do I Import an OVF or OVA File to the Cloud Platform?
- What Do I Do If I Chose the Wrong OS or System Disk Capacity When Registering a Private Image?
- Why Did My VHD Upload Fail? Why Does the System Say the System Disk in the VHD Image File Is Larger Than What I Specified on the Management Console?
Image Export
- Can I Download My Private Images to a Local PC?
- Can I Use the System Disk Image of an ECS on a BMS After I Export It from the Cloud Platform?
- Why Is the Image Size in an OBS Bucket Different from That Displayed in IMS?
- Can I Download a Public Image to My PC?
- What Are the Differences Between Import/Export and Fast Import/Export?
- Why the Export Option Is Unavailable for My Image?
Image Optimization
- Must I Install Guest OS Drivers on an ECS?
- Why Do I Need to Install and Update VirtIO Drivers for Windows?
- What Will the System Do to an Image File When I Use the File to Register a Private Image?
- How Do I Configure an ECS or an Image File Before I Use It to Create an Image?
- What Do I Do If a Windows Image File Is Not Pre-Configured When I Use It to Register a Private Image?
- What Do I Do If a Linux Image File Is Not Pre-Configured When I Use It to Register a Private Image?
- How Do I Enable NIC Multi-Queue for an Image?
- How Do I Configure an ECS to Use DHCPv6?
- How Do I Make a System Disk Image Support Fast ECS Creation?
- Why Did I Fail to Install Guest OS Drivers on a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Install Native Xen and KVM Drivers?
- Image Replication
- Image Deletion
- Image Encryption
- Accounts and Permissions
- Cloud-Init
ECS Creation
- Can I Change the Image of a Purchased ECS?
- Can I Change the Specifications Defined by a Private Image When I Use the Image to Create an ECS?
- Can I Specify the System Disk Capacity When I Create an ECS Using an Image?
- What Do I Do If a Partition Is Not Found During the Startup of an ECS Created from an Imported Private Image?
- What Do I Do If the Disks of a CentOS ECS Created from an Image Cannot Be Found?
- What Do I Do If I Enabled Automatic Configuration During Image Registration for an ECS Created from a Windows Image and Now It Won't Start?
- What Do I Do If an Exception Occurs When I Start an ECS Created from an Image Using UEFI Boot?
Driver Installation
- Must I Install Guest OS Drivers on an ECS?
- Why Do I Need to Install and Update VirtIO Drivers for Windows?
- Why Did I Fail to Install Guest OS Drivers on a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Install VirtIO Drivers in Windows?
- How Do I Install Native KVM Drivers in Linux?
- How Do I Install Native Xen and KVM Drivers?
- Image Tags
Image Consulting
API Reference (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
Native OpenStack APIs
Image (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Querying Images (Native OpenStack API)
- Querying Image Details (Native OpenStack API)
- Updating Image Information (Native OpenStack API)
- Uploading an Image (Native OpenStack API)
- Deleting an Image (Native OpenStack API)
- Creating Image Metadata (Native OpenStack API)
- Deleting an Image (Native OpenStack API v1.1 - Abandoned and Not Recommended)
- Querying Image Metadata (Native OpenStack API v1 - Abandoned and Not Recommended)
- Querying Image Details (Native OpenStack API v1.1 - Abandoned and Not Recommended)
- Image Schema (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Image Sharing (Native OpenStack APIs)
- API Version Query (Native OpenStack API)
Image (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Examples
- Permission Policies and Supported Actions
- Common Parameters
- Status Codes
- Error Codes
- Change History
User Guide (Ankara Region)
- Overview
- Using IAM to Grant Access to IMS
Creating a Private Image
- Introduction
- Creating a System Disk Image from a Windows ECS
- Creating a System Disk Image from a Linux ECS
- Creating a Windows System Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a Linux System Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a Data Disk Image from an ECS
- Creating a Data Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a Full-ECS Image from an ECS
- Creating a Full-ECS Image from a CSBS Backup
- Creating a Full-ECS Image from a CBR Backup
- Creating a Windows System Disk Image from an ISO File
- Creating a Linux System Disk Image from an ISO File
- Fast Import of an Image File
Managing Private Images
- Creating an ECS from an Image
- Modifying an Image
- Exporting an Image
- Exporting Image List
- Checking the Disk Capacity of an Image
- Deleting Images
- Sharing Images
- Replicating Images
- Optimizing a Windows Private Image
Optimizing a Linux Private Image
- Optimization Process
- Checking Whether a Private Image Needs to be Optimized
- Uninstalling PV Drivers from a Linux ECS
- Changing Disk Identifiers in the GRUB File to UUID
- Changing Disk Identifiers in the fstab File to UUID
- Installing Native Xen and KVM Drivers
- Installing Native KVM Drivers
- Clearing System Logs
- Converting the Image Format
- Windows Operations
- Linux Operations
- Managing Tags
- Managing Quotas
- Auditing Key Operations
Image Consulting
- How Do I Select an Image?
- What Are the Differences Between Images and Backups?
- Can I Tailor an Image?
- How Can I Back Up the Current Status of an ECS for Restoration in the Case of a System Fault?
- How Can I Apply a Private Image to an Existing ECS?
- Can I Import Data from a Data Disk Image to a Data Disk?
- Can I Use Private Images of Other Accounts?
Image Creation
- General Creation FAQ
- Full-ECS Image FAQ
- Is There Any Difference Between the Image Created from a CSBS/CBR Backup and That Created from an ECS?
- Why Can't I Find an ISO Image When I Want to Use It to Create an ECS or Change the OS of an ECS?
- How Do I Create a Full-ECS Image Using an ECS That Has a Spanned Volume?
- Why Is Sysprep Required for Creating a Private Image from a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Handle the Startup Failure of a Windows ECS Created from a Windows Image Generalized by Sysprep?
- What Do I Do If I Cannot Create an Image in ZVHD2 Format Using an API?
- Image Sharing
- How Do I Select an OS?
- How Is BIOS Different from UEFI?
- How Do I Delete Redundant Network Connections from a Windows ECS?
- What Do I Do If an ECS Starts Slowly?
- What Do I Do If the One-Click Password Resetting Plug-In Failed to Start?
- What Do I Do If a Windows 7 ECS Equipped with an Intel 82599 NIC Reports an Error in SR-IOV Scenarios?
- Why Can't I Find My Private Image When I Want to Use It to Create an ECS or Change the OS of an ECS?
Image Import
- Can I Use Images in Formats not Described in This Document?
- What Are the Impacts If I Do Not Pre-configure an ECS Used to Create a Private Image?
- What Do I Do If I Chose the Wrong OS or System Disk Capacity When Registering a Private Image?
- Why Did My VHD Upload Fail? Why Does the System Say the System Disk in the VHD Image File Is Larger Than What I Specified on the Management Console?
Image Export
- Can I Download My Private Images to a Local PC?
- Can I Use the System Disk Image of an ECS on a BMS After I Export It from the Cloud Platform?
- Why Is the Image Size in an OBS Bucket Different from That Displayed in IMS?
- Can I Download a Public Image to My PC?
- Why the Export Option Is Unavailable for My Image?
Image Optimization
- Must I Install Guest OS Drivers on an ECS?
- Why Do I Need to Install and Update VirtIO Drivers for Windows?
- What Will the System Do to an Image File When I Use the File to Register a Private Image?
- How Do I Configure an ECS or an Image File Before I Use It to Create an Image?
- What Do I Do If a Windows Image File Is Not Pre-Configured When I Use It to Register a Private Image?
- What Do I Do If a Linux Image File Is Not Pre-Configured When I Use It to Register a Private Image?
- How Do I Enable NIC Multi-Queue for an Image?
- How Do I Configure an ECS to Use DHCPv6?
- How Do I Make a System Disk Image Support Fast ECS Creation?
- Why Did I Fail to Install Guest OS Drivers on a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Install Native Xen and KVM Drivers?
- Image Replication
- Image Deletion
- Image Encryption
- Cloud-Init
ECS Creation
- Can I Change the Image of a Purchased ECS?
- Can I Change the Specifications Defined by a Private Image When I Use the Image to Create an ECS?
- Can I Specify the System Disk Capacity When I Create an ECS Using an Image?
- What Do I Do If a Partition Is Not Found During the Startup of an ECS Created from an Imported Private Image?
- What Do I Do If the Disks of a CentOS ECS Created from an Image Cannot Be Found?
- What Do I Do If I Enabled Automatic Configuration During Image Registration for an ECS Created from a Windows Image and Now It Won't Start?
- What Do I Do If an Exception Occurs When I Start an ECS Created from an Image Using UEFI Boot?
Driver Installation
- Must I Install Guest OS Drivers on an ECS?
- Why Do I Need to Install and Update VirtIO Drivers for Windows?
- Why Did I Fail to Install Guest OS Drivers on a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Install VirtIO Drivers in Windows?
- How Do I Install Native KVM Drivers in Linux?
- How Do I Install Native Xen and KVM Drivers?
- Image Tags
Image Consulting
API Reference (Ankara Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
Native OpenStack APIs
Image (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Querying Images (Native OpenStack API)
- Querying Image Details (Native OpenStack API)
- Updating Image Information (Native OpenStack API)
- Uploading an Image (Native OpenStack API)
- Deleting an Image (Native OpenStack API)
- Creating Image Metadata (Native OpenStack API)
- Deleting an Image (Native OpenStack API v1.1 - Abandoned and Not Recommended)
- Querying Image Metadata (Native OpenStack API v1 - Abandoned and Not Recommended)
- Querying Image Details (Native OpenStack API v1.1 - Abandoned and Not Recommended)
- Image Schema (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Image Sharing (Native OpenStack APIs)
- API Version Query (Native OpenStack API)
Image (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Examples
- Permission Policies and Supported Actions
- Common Parameters
- Status Codes
- Error Codes
- Change History
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
En esta página
Mostrar todo
Centro de ayuda/
Image Management Service/
Referencia de la API/
Las API de Native OpenStack/
Esquema de imagen (Native OpenStack APIs)
Esquema de imagen (Native OpenStack APIs)
Actualización más reciente 2025-02-26 GMT+08:00
- Consulta de un esquema de imagen (API de OpenStack nativo)
- Consulta de un esquema de lista de imágenes (API de OpenStack nativo)
- Consulta de un esquema para un miembro de uso compartido de imágenes (API de OpenStack nativo)
- Consulta de un esquema para una lista de miembros de compartición de imágenes (API de OpenStack nativo)
Tema principal: Las API de Native OpenStack
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