El contenido no se encuentra disponible en el idioma seleccionado. Estamos trabajando continuamente para agregar más idiomas. Gracias por su apoyo.
- What's New
- Function Overview
- Service Overview
- Getting Started
User Guide
- Using IAM to Grant Access to IMS
Creating a Private Image
- Introduction
- Creating a System Disk Image from a Windows ECS
- Creating a System Disk Image from a Linux ECS
- Creating a Windows System Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a Linux System Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a BMS System Disk Image
- Creating a Data Disk Image from an ECS
- Creating a Data Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a Full-ECS Image from an ECS
- Creating a Full-ECS Image from a CSBS Backup
- Creating a Full-ECS Image from a CBR Backup
- Creating a Windows System Disk Image from an ISO File
- Creating a Linux System Disk Image from an ISO File
- Importing an Image
- Fast Import of an Image File
Managing Private Images
- Creating an ECS from an Image
- Modifying an Image
- Exporting an Image
- Exporting Image List
- Checking the Disk Capacity of an Image
- Deleting Images
Sharing Images
- Overview
- Obtaining the Project ID, Account ID, and Organization URN
- Sharing Specified Images
- Accepting or Rejecting Shared Images
- Rejecting Accepted Images
- Accepting Rejected Images
- Stopping Sharing Images
- Adding Tenants Who Can Use Shared Images
- Deleting Image Recipients Who Can Use Shared Images
- Replicating a Shared Image
- Replicating Images Within a Region
- Replicating Images Across Regions
- Optimizing a Windows Private Image
Optimizing a Linux Private Image
- Optimization Process
- Checking Whether a Private Image Needs to be Optimized
- Using a Script to Optimize a Xen Private Image
- Uninstalling PV Drivers from a Linux ECS
- Changing Disk Identifiers in the GRUB File to UUID
- Changing Disk Identifiers in the fstab File to UUID
- Installing Native Xen and KVM Drivers
- Installing Native KVM Drivers
- Clearing System Logs
- Encrypting Images
- Windows Operations
- Linux Operations
- Managing Public Images
- Managing Tags
- Managing Quotas
- Auditing Key Operations
Best Practices
- Overview
- Creating a Windows Image Using VirtualBox and an ISO File
- Creating a Linux Image Using VirtualBox and an ISO File
- Cleaning Up the Disk Space of a Windows ECS
- Converting the Image Format
- Creating a Private Image Using Packer
- Configuring an ISO File as a Local Image Source
- Migrating ECSs Across Accounts and Regions
- Migrating Service Data Across Accounts (Data Disks)
API Reference
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
- Native OpenStack APIs
- Examples
- Permissions and Supported Actions
- Common Parameters
Historical APIs
Image (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Querying Images (Native OpenStack API V2, Discarded)
- Querying Image Details (Native OpenStack API V2, Discarded)
- Modifying an Image (Native OpenStack API V2, Discarded)
- Uploading an Image (Native OpenStack API V2, Discarded)
- Deleting an Image (Native OpenStack API V1.1, Discarded)
- Querying Image Metadata (Native OpenStack API V1, Discarded)
- Querying Image Details (Native OpenStack API V1.1, Discarded)
- Image Tagging (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Image Sharing (Native OpenStack APIs)
Image (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Status Codes
- Error Codes
- SDK Reference
Image Consulting
- How Do I Select an Image?
- What Do I Do If I Cannot Find a Desired Image?
- Are There Any Public Images Already Containing Certain Applications, Such as OpenVPN or PyTorch?
- What Are the Differences Between Images and Backups?
- Can I Tailor an Image?
- How Do I Migrate an ECS to a Different Region of Another Account?
- How Can I Back Up the Current Status of an ECS for Restoration in the Case of a System Fault?
- How Can I Apply a Private Image to an Existing ECS?
- Can I Import Data from a Data Disk Image to a Data Disk?
- Can I Use Private Images of Other Accounts?
- End-of-Support for OSs
Image Creation
- General Creation FAQ
- Full-ECS Image FAQ
- How Can I Use a Backup to Create an EVS Disk or ECS?
- Is There Any Difference Between the Image Created from a CSBS/CBR Backup and That Created from an ECS?
- Why Can't I Find an ISO Image When I Want to Use It to Create an ECS or Change the OS of an ECS?
- How Do I Create a Full-ECS Image Using an ECS That Has a Spanned Volume?
- Why Is Sysprep Required for Creating a Private Image from a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Handle the Startup Failure of a Windows ECS Created from a Windows Image Generalized by Sysprep?
- What Do I Do If I Cannot Create an Image in ZVHD2 Format Using an API?
- Image Sharing
- How Do I Select an OS?
- How Is BIOS Different from UEFI?
- What Do I Do If I Cannot Change the Resolution of a Windows OS Booted in UEFI Mode?
- How Do I Delete Redundant Network Connections from a Windows ECS?
- What Do I Do If an ECS Starts Slowly?
- What Do I Do If the One-Click Password Resetting Plug-In Failed to Start?
- Why Can't I Find My Private Image When I Want to Use It to Create an ECS or Change the OS of an ECS?
Image Import
- Can I Use Images in Formats not Described in This Document?
- What Are the Impacts If I Do Not Pre-configure an ECS Used to Create a Private Image?
- How Do I Import an OVF or OVA File to the Cloud Platform?
- What Do I Do If I Chose the Wrong OS or System Disk Capacity When Registering a Private Image?
- Why Did My VHD Upload Fail? Why Does the System Say the System Disk in the VHD Image File Is Larger Than What I Specified on the Management Console?
- How Do I Import Existing Huawei Cloud Private Images to a Specified Region?
Image Export
- Can I Download My Private Images to a Local PC?
- Can I Use the System Disk Image of an ECS on a BMS After I Export It from the Cloud Platform?
- Why Is the Image Size in an OBS Bucket Different from That Displayed in IMS?
- Can I Download a Public Image to My PC?
- What Are the Differences Between Import/Export and Fast Import/Export?
- Why the Export Option Is Unavailable for My Image?
Image Optimization
- Must I Install Guest OS Drivers on an ECS?
- Why Do I Need to Install and Update VirtIO Drivers for Windows?
- What Will the System Do to an Image File When I Use the File to Register a Private Image?
- How Do I Configure an ECS, a BMS, or an Image File Before I Use It to Create an Image?
- What Do I Do If a Windows Image File Is Not Pre-Configured When I Use It to Register a Private Image?
- What Do I Do If a Linux Image File Is Not Pre-Configured When I Use It to Register a Private Image?
- How Do I Optimize an Image?
- How Do I Use a Private Image Created from a First-Generation ECS to Create a Second-Generation ECS?
- How Do I Enable NIC Multi-Queue for an Image?
- How Do I Configure an ECS to Use DHCPv6?
- How Do I Make a System Disk Image Support Fast ECS Creation?
- Why Did I Fail to Install Guest OS Drivers on a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Install Native Xen and KVM Drivers?
- Image Replication
- Image Deletion
- Image Encryption
- KooGallery Images
- Accounts and Permissions
- Cloud-Init
ECS Creation
- Can I Change the Image of a Purchased ECS?
- Can I Change the Specifications Defined by a Private Image When I Use the Image to Create an ECS?
- Can I Specify the System Disk Capacity When I Create an ECS Using an Image?
- What Do I Do If a Partition Is Not Found During the Startup of an ECS Created from an Imported Private Image?
- What Do I Do If the Disks of a CentOS ECS Created from an Image Cannot Be Found?
- What Do I Do If I Enabled Automatic Configuration During Image Registration for an ECS Created from a Windows Image and Now It Won't Start?
- What Do I Do If an Exception Occurs When I Start an ECS Created from an Image Using UEFI Boot?
Driver Installation
- Must I Install Guest OS Drivers on an ECS?
- Why Do I Need to Install and Update VirtIO Drivers for Windows?
- Why Did I Fail to Install Guest OS Drivers on a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Install PV Drivers in Windows?
- How Do I Install VirtIO Drivers in Windows?
- How Do I Install Native KVM Drivers in Linux?
- How Do I Install Native Xen and KVM Drivers?
- Image Tags
- Billing
Image Consulting
- Videos
- Glossary
More Documents
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Overview
- Using IAM to Grant Access to IMS
Creating a Private Image
- Introduction
- Creating a System Disk Image from a Windows ECS
- Creating a System Disk Image from a Linux ECS
- Creating a Windows System Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a Linux System Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a BMS System Disk Image
- Creating a Data Disk Image from an ECS
- Creating a Data Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a Full-ECS Image from an ECS
- Creating a Full-ECS Image from a CBR Backup
- Creating a Windows System Disk Image from an ISO File
- Creating a Linux System Disk Image from an ISO File
- Importing an Image
- Fast Import of an Image File
Managing Private Images
- Creating an ECS from an Image
- Modifying an Image
- Exporting an Image
- Exporting Image List
- Checking the Disk Capacity of an Image
- Deleting Images
Sharing Images
- Overview
- Obtaining the Account Name and Project Name
- Sharing Specified Images
- Accepting or Rejecting Shared Images
- Rejecting Accepted Images
- Accepting Rejected Images
- Stopping Sharing Images
- Adding Tenants Who Can Use Shared Images
- Deleting Image Recipients Who Can Use Shared Images
- Replicating a Shared Image
- Replicating Images
- Optimizing a Windows Private Image
Optimizing a Linux Private Image
- Optimization Process
- Checking Whether a Private Image Needs to be Optimized
- Uninstalling PV Drivers from a Linux ECS
- Changing Disk Identifiers in the GRUB File to UUID
- Changing Disk Identifiers in the fstab File to UUID
- Installing Native Xen and KVM Drivers
- Installing Native KVM Drivers
- Clearing System Logs
- Encrypting Images
- Converting the Image Format
- Windows Operations
- Linux Operations
- Managing Tags
- Managing Quotas
- Auditing Key Operations
Image Consulting
- Basic Concepts
- How Do I Select an Image?
- What Do I Do If I Cannot Find a Desired Image?
- What Are the Differences Between Images and Backups?
- Can I Tailor an Image?
- How Can I Back Up the Current Status of an ECS for Restoration in the Case of a System Fault?
- How Can I Apply a Private Image to an Existing ECS?
- Can I Import Data from a Data Disk Image to a Data Disk?
- Can I Use Private Images of Other Accounts?
Image Creation
- General Creation FAQ
- Full-ECS Image FAQ
- Is There Any Difference Between the Image Created from a CSBS/CBR Backup and That Created from an ECS?
- Why Can't I Find an ISO Image When I Want to Use It to Create an ECS or Change the OS of an ECS?
- How Do I Create a Full-ECS Image Using an ECS That Has a Spanned Volume?
- Why Is Sysprep Required for Creating a Private Image from a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Handle the Startup Failure of a Windows ECS Created from a Windows Image Generalized by Sysprep?
- What Do I Do If I Cannot Create an Image in ZVHD2 Format Using an API?
- Image Sharing
- OS
Image Import
- Can I Use Images in Formats not Described in This Document?
- What Are the Impacts If I Do Not Pre-configure an ECS Used to Create a Private Image?
- How Do I Import an OVF or OVA File to the Cloud Platform?
- What Do I Do If I Chose the Wrong OS or System Disk Capacity When Registering a Private Image?
- Why Did My VHD Upload Fail? Why Does the System Say the System Disk in the VHD Image File Is Larger Than What I Specified on the Management Console?
Image Export
- Can I Download My Private Images to a Local PC?
- Can I Use the System Disk Image of an ECS on a BMS After I Export It from the Cloud Platform?
- Why Is the Image Size in an OBS Bucket Different from That Displayed in IMS?
- Can I Download a Public Image to My PC?
- What Are the Differences Between Import/Export and Fast Import/Export?
- Why the Export Option Is Unavailable for My Image?
Image Optimization
- Must I Install Guest OS Drivers on an ECS?
- Why Do I Need to Install and Update VirtIO Drivers for Windows?
- What Will the System Do to an Image File When I Use the File to Register a Private Image?
- How Do I Configure an ECS or an Image File Before I Use It to Create an Image?
- What Do I Do If a Windows Image File Is Not Pre-Configured When I Use It to Register a Private Image?
- What Do I Do If a Linux Image File Is Not Pre-Configured When I Use It to Register a Private Image?
- How Do I Enable NIC Multi-Queue for an Image?
- How Do I Configure an ECS to Use DHCPv6?
- How Do I Make a System Disk Image Support Fast ECS Creation?
- Why Did I Fail to Install Guest OS Drivers on a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Install Native Xen and KVM Drivers?
- Image Replication
- Image Deletion
- Image Encryption
- Accounts and Permissions
- Cloud-Init
ECS Creation
- Can I Change the Image of a Purchased ECS?
- Can I Change the Specifications Defined by a Private Image When I Use the Image to Create an ECS?
- Can I Specify the System Disk Capacity When I Create an ECS Using an Image?
- What Do I Do If a Partition Is Not Found During the Startup of an ECS Created from an Imported Private Image?
- What Do I Do If the Disks of a CentOS ECS Created from an Image Cannot Be Found?
- What Do I Do If I Enabled Automatic Configuration During Image Registration for an ECS Created from a Windows Image and Now It Won't Start?
- What Do I Do If an Exception Occurs When I Start an ECS Created from an Image Using UEFI Boot?
Driver Installation
- Must I Install Guest OS Drivers on an ECS?
- Why Do I Need to Install and Update VirtIO Drivers for Windows?
- Why Did I Fail to Install Guest OS Drivers on a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Install VirtIO Drivers in Windows?
- How Do I Install Native KVM Drivers in Linux?
- How Do I Install Native Xen and KVM Drivers?
- Image Tags
- Billing
Image Consulting
API Reference (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
Native OpenStack APIs
Image (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Querying Images (Native OpenStack API)
- Querying Image Details (Native OpenStack API)
- Updating Image Information (Native OpenStack API)
- Uploading an Image (Native OpenStack API)
- Deleting an Image (Native OpenStack API)
- Creating Image Metadata (Native OpenStack API)
- Deleting an Image (Native OpenStack API v1.1 - Abandoned and Not Recommended)
- Querying Image Metadata (Native OpenStack API v1 - Abandoned and Not Recommended)
- Querying Image Details (Native OpenStack API v1.1 - Abandoned and Not Recommended)
- Image Schema (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Image Sharing (Native OpenStack APIs)
- API Version Query (Native OpenStack API)
Image (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Examples
- Permission Policies and Supported Actions
- Common Parameters
- Status Codes
- Error Codes
- Change History
User Guide (Paris Regions)
- Overview
- Using IAM to Grant Access to IMS
Creating a Private Image
- Introduction
- Creating a System Disk Image from a Windows ECS
- Creating a System Disk Image from a Linux ECS
- Creating a Windows System Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a Linux System Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a Data Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a Full-ECS Image from an ECS
- Creating a Full-ECS Image from a CSBS Backup
- Creating a Full-ECS Image from a CBR Backup
- Creating a Windows System Disk Image from an ISO File
- Creating a Linux System Disk Image from an ISO File
- Importing an Image
- Fast Import of an Image File
Managing Private Images
- Creating an ECS from an Image
- Modifying an Image
- Exporting an Image
- Exporting Image List
- Checking the Disk Capacity of an Image
- Deleting Images
- Sharing Images
- Replicating Images Within a Region
- Optimizing a Windows Private Image
Optimizing a Linux Private Image
- Optimization Process
- Checking Whether a Private Image Needs to be Optimized
- Uninstalling PV Drivers from a Linux ECS
- Changing Disk Identifiers in the GRUB File to UUID
- Changing Disk Identifiers in the fstab File to UUID
- Installing Native Xen and KVM Drivers
- Installing Native KVM Drivers
- Clearing System Logs
- Encrypting Images
- Converting the Image Format
- Windows Operations
- Linux Operations
- Managing Tags
- Managing Quotas
- Auditing Key Operations
Image Consulting
- Basic Concepts
- How Do I Select an Image?
- What Do I Do If I Cannot Find a Desired Image?
- What Are the Differences Between Images and Backups?
- Can I Tailor an Image?
- How Can I Back Up the Current Status of an ECS for Restoration in the Case of a System Fault?
- How Can I Apply a Private Image to an Existing ECS?
- Can I Import Data from a Data Disk Image to a Data Disk?
- Can I Use Private Images of Other Accounts?
- End-of-Support for OSs
Image Creation
- General Creation FAQ
- Full-ECS Image FAQ
- How Can I Use a Backup to Create an EVS Disk or ECS?
- Is There Any Difference Between the Image Created from a CSBS/CBR Backup and That Created from an ECS?
- Why Can't I Find an ISO Image When I Want to Use It to Create an ECS or Change the OS of an ECS?
- How Do I Create a Full-ECS Image Using an ECS That Has a Spanned Volume?
- Why Is Sysprep Required for Creating a Private Image from a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Handle the Startup Failure of a Windows ECS Created from a Windows Image Generalized by Sysprep?
- What Do I Do If I Cannot Create an Image in ZVHD2 Format Using an API?
- Image Sharing
- How Do I Select an OS?
- How Is BIOS Different from UEFI?
- How Do I Delete Redundant Network Connections from a Windows ECS?
- What Do I Do If an ECS Starts Slowly?
- What Do I Do If a Windows 7 ECS Equipped with an Intel 82599 NIC Reports an Error in SR-IOV Scenarios?
- Why Can't I Find My Private Image When I Want to Use It to Create an ECS or Change the OS of an ECS?
Image Import
- Can I Use Images in Formats not Described in This Document?
- What Are the Impacts If I Do Not Pre-configure an ECS Used to Create a Private Image?
- What Do I Do If I Chose the Wrong OS or System Disk Capacity When Registering a Private Image?
- Why Did My VHD Upload Fail? Why Does the System Say the System Disk in the VHD Image File Is Larger Than What I Specified on the Management Console?
Image Export
- Can I Download My Private Images to a Local PC?
- Can I Use the System Disk Image of an ECS on a BMS After I Export It from the Cloud Platform?
- Why Is the Image Size in an OBS Bucket Different from That Displayed in IMS?
- Can I Download a Public Image to My PC?
- What Are the Differences Between Import/Export and Fast Import/Export?
- Why the Export Option Is Unavailable for My Image?
Image Optimization
- Must I Install Guest OS Drivers on an ECS?
- Why Do I Need to Install and Update VirtIO Drivers for Windows?
- What Will the System Do to an Image File When I Use the File to Register a Private Image?
- How Do I Configure an ECS, a BMS, or an Image File Before I Use It to Create an Image?
- What Do I Do If a Windows Image File Is Not Pre-Configured When I Use It to Register a Private Image?
- What Do I Do If a Linux Image File Is Not Pre-Configured When I Use It to Register a Private Image?
- How Do I Enable NIC Multi-Queue for an Image?
- How Do I Make a System Disk Image Support Fast ECS Creation?
- Why Did I Fail to Install Guest OS Drivers on a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Install Native Xen and KVM Drivers?
- Image Replication
- Image Deletion
- Image Encryption
- Accounts and Permissions
- Cloud-Init
ECS Creation
- Can I Change the Image of a Purchased ECS?
- Can I Change the Specifications Defined by a Private Image When I Use the Image to Create an ECS?
- Can I Specify the System Disk Capacity When I Create an ECS Using an Image?
- What Do I Do If a Partition Is Not Found During the Startup of an ECS Created from an Imported Private Image?
- What Do I Do If the Disks of a CentOS ECS Created from an Image Cannot Be Found?
- What Do I Do If I Enabled Automatic Configuration During Image Registration for an ECS Created from a Windows Image and Now It Won't Start?
- What Do I Do If an Exception Occurs When I Start an ECS Created from an Image Using UEFI Boot?
Driver Installation
- Must I Install Guest OS Drivers on an ECS?
- Why Do I Need to Install and Update VirtIO Drivers for Windows?
- Why Did I Fail to Install Guest OS Drivers on a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Install VirtIO Drivers in Windows?
- How Do I Install Native KVM Drivers in Linux?
- How Do I Install Native Xen and KVM Drivers?
- Image Tags
Image Consulting
API Reference (Paris Regions)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
Native OpenStack APIs
Image (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Querying Images (Native OpenStack API)
- Querying Image Details (Native OpenStack API)
- Updating Image Information (Native OpenStack API)
- Uploading an Image (Native OpenStack API)
- Deleting an Image (Native OpenStack API)
- Creating Image Metadata (Native OpenStack API)
- Deleting an Image (Native OpenStack API v1.1 - Abandoned and Not Recommended)
- Querying Image Metadata (Native OpenStack API v1 - Abandoned and Not Recommended)
- Querying Image Details (Native OpenStack API v1.1 - Abandoned and Not Recommended)
- Image Tagging (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Image Schema (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Image Sharing (Native OpenStack APIs)
- API Version Query (Native OpenStack API)
Image (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Examples
- API Actions
- Common Parameters
- Status Codes
- Error Codes
- Change History
User Guide (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Overview
- Using IAM to Grant Access to IMS
Creating a Private Image
- Introduction
- Creating a System Disk Image from a Windows ECS
- Creating a System Disk Image from a Linux ECS
- Creating a Windows System Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a Linux System Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a BMS System Disk Image
- Creating a Data Disk Image from an ECS
- Creating a Data Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a Full-ECS Image from an ECS
- Creating a Full-ECS Image from a CBR Backup
- Creating a Windows System Disk Image from an ISO File
- Creating a Linux System Disk Image from an ISO File
- Importing an Image
- Fast Import of an Image File
Managing Private Images
- Creating an ECS from an Image
- Modifying an Image
- Exporting an Image
- Exporting Image List
- Checking the Disk Capacity of an Image
- Deleting Images
Sharing Images
- Overview
- Obtaining the Account Name and Project Name
- Sharing Specified Images
- Accepting or Rejecting Shared Images
- Rejecting Accepted Images
- Accepting Rejected Images
- Stopping Sharing Images
- Adding Tenants Who Can Use Shared Images
- Deleting Image Recipients Who Can Use Shared Images
- Replicating a Shared Image
- Replicating Images Within a Region
- Optimizing a Windows Private Image
Optimizing a Linux Private Image
- Optimization Process
- Checking Whether a Private Image Needs to be Optimized
- Uninstalling PV Drivers from a Linux ECS
- Changing Disk Identifiers in the GRUB File to UUID
- Changing Disk Identifiers in the fstab File to UUID
- Installing Native Xen and KVM Drivers
- Installing Native KVM Drivers
- Clearing System Logs
- Encrypting Images
- Converting the Image Format
- Windows Operations
- Linux Operations
- Managing Tags
- Managing Quotas
- Auditing Key Operations
Image Consulting
- Basic Concepts
- How Do I Select an Image?
- What Do I Do If I Cannot Find a Desired Image?
- What Are the Differences Between Images and Backups?
- Can I Tailor an Image?
- How Can I Back Up the Current Status of an ECS for Restoration in the Case of a System Fault?
- How Can I Apply a Private Image to an Existing ECS?
- Can I Import Data from a Data Disk Image to a Data Disk?
- Can I Use Private Images of Other Accounts?
- End-of-Support for OSs
Image Creation
- General Creation FAQ
- Full-ECS Image FAQ
- Is There Any Difference Between the Image Created from a CSBS/CBR Backup and That Created from an ECS?
- Why Can't I Find an ISO Image When I Want to Use It to Create an ECS or Change the OS of an ECS?
- How Do I Create a Full-ECS Image Using an ECS That Has a Spanned Volume?
- Why Is Sysprep Required for Creating a Private Image from a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Handle the Startup Failure of a Windows ECS Created from a Windows Image Generalized by Sysprep?
- What Do I Do If I Cannot Create an Image in ZVHD2 Format Using an API?
- Image Sharing
- OS
Image Import
- Can I Use Images in Formats not Described in This Document?
- What Are the Impacts If I Do Not Pre-configure an ECS Used to Create a Private Image?
- How Do I Import an OVF or OVA File to the Cloud Platform?
- What Do I Do If I Chose the Wrong OS or System Disk Capacity When Registering a Private Image?
- Why Did My VHD Upload Fail? Why Does the System Say the System Disk in the VHD Image File Is Larger Than What I Specified on the Management Console?
Image Export
- Can I Download My Private Images to a Local PC?
- Can I Use the System Disk Image of an ECS on a BMS After I Export It from the Cloud Platform?
- Why Is the Image Size in an OBS Bucket Different from That Displayed in IMS?
- Can I Download a Public Image to My PC?
- What Are the Differences Between Import/Export and Fast Import/Export?
- Why the Export Option Is Unavailable for My Image?
Image Optimization
- Must I Install Guest OS Drivers on an ECS?
- Why Do I Need to Install and Update VirtIO Drivers for Windows?
- What Will the System Do to an Image File When I Use the File to Register a Private Image?
- How Do I Configure an ECS or an Image File Before I Use It to Create an Image?
- What Do I Do If a Windows Image File Is Not Pre-Configured When I Use It to Register a Private Image?
- What Do I Do If a Linux Image File Is Not Pre-Configured When I Use It to Register a Private Image?
- How Do I Enable NIC Multi-Queue for an Image?
- How Do I Configure an ECS to Use DHCPv6?
- How Do I Make a System Disk Image Support Fast ECS Creation?
- Why Did I Fail to Install Guest OS Drivers on a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Install Native Xen and KVM Drivers?
- Image Replication
- Image Deletion
- Image Encryption
- Accounts and Permissions
- Cloud-Init
ECS Creation
- Can I Change the Image of a Purchased ECS?
- Can I Change the Specifications Defined by a Private Image When I Use the Image to Create an ECS?
- Can I Specify the System Disk Capacity When I Create an ECS Using an Image?
- What Do I Do If a Partition Is Not Found During the Startup of an ECS Created from an Imported Private Image?
- What Do I Do If the Disks of a CentOS ECS Created from an Image Cannot Be Found?
- What Do I Do If I Enabled Automatic Configuration During Image Registration for an ECS Created from a Windows Image and Now It Won't Start?
- What Do I Do If an Exception Occurs When I Start an ECS Created from an Image Using UEFI Boot?
Driver Installation
- Must I Install Guest OS Drivers on an ECS?
- Why Do I Need to Install and Update VirtIO Drivers for Windows?
- Why Did I Fail to Install Guest OS Drivers on a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Install VirtIO Drivers in Windows?
- How Do I Install Native KVM Drivers in Linux?
- How Do I Install Native Xen and KVM Drivers?
- Image Tags
Image Consulting
API Reference (Kuala Lumpur Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
Native OpenStack APIs
Image (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Querying Images (Native OpenStack API)
- Querying Image Details (Native OpenStack API)
- Updating Image Information (Native OpenStack API)
- Uploading an Image (Native OpenStack API)
- Deleting an Image (Native OpenStack API)
- Creating Image Metadata (Native OpenStack API)
- Deleting an Image (Native OpenStack API v1.1 - Abandoned and Not Recommended)
- Querying Image Metadata (Native OpenStack API v1 - Abandoned and Not Recommended)
- Querying Image Details (Native OpenStack API v1.1 - Abandoned and Not Recommended)
- Image Schema (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Image Sharing (Native OpenStack APIs)
- API Version Query (Native OpenStack API)
Image (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Examples
- Permission Policies and Supported Actions
- Common Parameters
- Status Codes
- Error Codes
- Change History
User Guide (Ankara Region)
- Overview
- Using IAM to Grant Access to IMS
Creating a Private Image
- Introduction
- Creating a System Disk Image from a Windows ECS
- Creating a System Disk Image from a Linux ECS
- Creating a Windows System Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a Linux System Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a Data Disk Image from an ECS
- Creating a Data Disk Image from an External Image File
- Creating a Full-ECS Image from an ECS
- Creating a Full-ECS Image from a CSBS Backup
- Creating a Full-ECS Image from a CBR Backup
- Creating a Windows System Disk Image from an ISO File
- Creating a Linux System Disk Image from an ISO File
- Fast Import of an Image File
Managing Private Images
- Creating an ECS from an Image
- Modifying an Image
- Exporting an Image
- Exporting Image List
- Checking the Disk Capacity of an Image
- Deleting Images
- Sharing Images
- Replicating Images
- Optimizing a Windows Private Image
Optimizing a Linux Private Image
- Optimization Process
- Checking Whether a Private Image Needs to be Optimized
- Uninstalling PV Drivers from a Linux ECS
- Changing Disk Identifiers in the GRUB File to UUID
- Changing Disk Identifiers in the fstab File to UUID
- Installing Native Xen and KVM Drivers
- Installing Native KVM Drivers
- Clearing System Logs
- Converting the Image Format
- Windows Operations
- Linux Operations
- Managing Tags
- Managing Quotas
- Auditing Key Operations
Image Consulting
- How Do I Select an Image?
- What Are the Differences Between Images and Backups?
- Can I Tailor an Image?
- How Can I Back Up the Current Status of an ECS for Restoration in the Case of a System Fault?
- How Can I Apply a Private Image to an Existing ECS?
- Can I Import Data from a Data Disk Image to a Data Disk?
- Can I Use Private Images of Other Accounts?
Image Creation
- General Creation FAQ
- Full-ECS Image FAQ
- Is There Any Difference Between the Image Created from a CSBS/CBR Backup and That Created from an ECS?
- Why Can't I Find an ISO Image When I Want to Use It to Create an ECS or Change the OS of an ECS?
- How Do I Create a Full-ECS Image Using an ECS That Has a Spanned Volume?
- Why Is Sysprep Required for Creating a Private Image from a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Handle the Startup Failure of a Windows ECS Created from a Windows Image Generalized by Sysprep?
- What Do I Do If I Cannot Create an Image in ZVHD2 Format Using an API?
- Image Sharing
- How Do I Select an OS?
- How Is BIOS Different from UEFI?
- How Do I Delete Redundant Network Connections from a Windows ECS?
- What Do I Do If an ECS Starts Slowly?
- What Do I Do If the One-Click Password Resetting Plug-In Failed to Start?
- What Do I Do If a Windows 7 ECS Equipped with an Intel 82599 NIC Reports an Error in SR-IOV Scenarios?
- Why Can't I Find My Private Image When I Want to Use It to Create an ECS or Change the OS of an ECS?
Image Import
- Can I Use Images in Formats not Described in This Document?
- What Are the Impacts If I Do Not Pre-configure an ECS Used to Create a Private Image?
- What Do I Do If I Chose the Wrong OS or System Disk Capacity When Registering a Private Image?
- Why Did My VHD Upload Fail? Why Does the System Say the System Disk in the VHD Image File Is Larger Than What I Specified on the Management Console?
Image Export
- Can I Download My Private Images to a Local PC?
- Can I Use the System Disk Image of an ECS on a BMS After I Export It from the Cloud Platform?
- Why Is the Image Size in an OBS Bucket Different from That Displayed in IMS?
- Can I Download a Public Image to My PC?
- Why the Export Option Is Unavailable for My Image?
Image Optimization
- Must I Install Guest OS Drivers on an ECS?
- Why Do I Need to Install and Update VirtIO Drivers for Windows?
- What Will the System Do to an Image File When I Use the File to Register a Private Image?
- How Do I Configure an ECS or an Image File Before I Use It to Create an Image?
- What Do I Do If a Windows Image File Is Not Pre-Configured When I Use It to Register a Private Image?
- What Do I Do If a Linux Image File Is Not Pre-Configured When I Use It to Register a Private Image?
- How Do I Enable NIC Multi-Queue for an Image?
- How Do I Configure an ECS to Use DHCPv6?
- How Do I Make a System Disk Image Support Fast ECS Creation?
- Why Did I Fail to Install Guest OS Drivers on a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Install Native Xen and KVM Drivers?
- Image Replication
- Image Deletion
- Image Encryption
- Cloud-Init
ECS Creation
- Can I Change the Image of a Purchased ECS?
- Can I Change the Specifications Defined by a Private Image When I Use the Image to Create an ECS?
- Can I Specify the System Disk Capacity When I Create an ECS Using an Image?
- What Do I Do If a Partition Is Not Found During the Startup of an ECS Created from an Imported Private Image?
- What Do I Do If the Disks of a CentOS ECS Created from an Image Cannot Be Found?
- What Do I Do If I Enabled Automatic Configuration During Image Registration for an ECS Created from a Windows Image and Now It Won't Start?
- What Do I Do If an Exception Occurs When I Start an ECS Created from an Image Using UEFI Boot?
Driver Installation
- Must I Install Guest OS Drivers on an ECS?
- Why Do I Need to Install and Update VirtIO Drivers for Windows?
- Why Did I Fail to Install Guest OS Drivers on a Windows ECS?
- How Do I Install VirtIO Drivers in Windows?
- How Do I Install Native KVM Drivers in Linux?
- How Do I Install Native Xen and KVM Drivers?
- Image Tags
Image Consulting
API Reference (Ankara Region)
- Before You Start
- API Overview
- Calling APIs
- Getting Started
Native OpenStack APIs
Image (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Querying Images (Native OpenStack API)
- Querying Image Details (Native OpenStack API)
- Updating Image Information (Native OpenStack API)
- Uploading an Image (Native OpenStack API)
- Deleting an Image (Native OpenStack API)
- Creating Image Metadata (Native OpenStack API)
- Deleting an Image (Native OpenStack API v1.1 - Abandoned and Not Recommended)
- Querying Image Metadata (Native OpenStack API v1 - Abandoned and Not Recommended)
- Querying Image Details (Native OpenStack API v1.1 - Abandoned and Not Recommended)
- Image Schema (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Image Sharing (Native OpenStack APIs)
- API Version Query (Native OpenStack API)
Image (Native OpenStack APIs)
- Examples
- Permission Policies and Supported Actions
- Common Parameters
- Status Codes
- Error Codes
- Change History
User Guide (ME-Abu Dhabi Region)
- General Reference
Configuring Cloud-Init
You need to configure Cloud-Init after it is installed.
- Cloud-Init has been installed.
- An EIP has been bound to the ECS.
- You have logged in to the ECS.
- The ECS uses DHCP to obtain IP addresses.
The following operations are required:
- Configure Cloud-Init.
For details, see Configure Cloud-Init.
- Check whether Cloud-Init is successfully configured.
For details, see Check the Cloud-Init Configuration.
Configure Cloud-Init
- Configure the user permissions for logging in to the ECS. If you use a common account (not user root) to log in to the ECS, disable the SSH permissions of user root and remote login using a password to improve the ECS security.
- You can remotely log in to the ECS using SSH and a key pair injected into your account. (It is recommended that you select the key pair login mode when creating an ECS.)
- You can also use a random password to log in to the ECS through noVNC.
Run the following command to open the sshd_config file using the vi editor:
vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
- Change the value of PasswordAuthentication in the sshd_config file to no.
For SUSE and openSUSE, change the values of the following parameters in the sshd_config file to no:
- PasswordAuthentication
- ChallengeResponseAuthentication
- Run the following command to open the cloud.cfg file using the vi editor:
vi /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg
- (Optional) In /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg, set apply_network_config to false.
This step is only for Cloud-Init 18.3 or later.
Figure 1 Example configuration - Disable the SSH permissions of user root in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg, add a common user (which is used for logging in to the ECS using VNC), and configure a password for the added user and assign sudo permissions to it.
For Ubuntu and Debian, set the value of manage_etc_hosts in the /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg file to localhost. Otherwise, switching to user root may time out.
Take Ubuntu as an example.
- Run the following command to create script /etc/cloud/set_linux_random_password.sh, which is executable and can be used to generate random passwords:
cat /etc/cloud/set_linux_random_password.sh
The file content is as follows:#!/bin/bash password=$(cat /dev/urandom | tr -dc 'A-Za-z0-9!@#$%&+=' | head -c 9) echo "linux:$password" | chpasswd sed -i -e '/^Login/d' /etc/issue sed -i -e '/^Initial/d' /etc/issue sed -i -c -e '/^$/d' /etc/issue echo -e "\nInitial login with linux:$password\n" >> /etc/issue
You can run the chmod +x /etc/cloud/set_linux_random_password.sh command to add execute permissions of set_linux_random_password.sh.
- After you log in to the ECS, run the following commands to add a user-friendly prompt "Please change password for user linux after first login."
echo -e '\e[1;31m#################################\\e[0m' > /etc/motd
echo -e '\e[1;31m# Important !!! #\e[0m' >> /etc/motd
echo -e '\e[1;31m# Please change password for user linux after first login. #\e[0m' >> /etc/motd
echo -e '\e[1;31m#################################\e[0m' >> /etc/motd
echo -e '' >> /etc/motd
- Run the following command to create script /etc/cloud/set_linux_random_password.sh, which is executable and can be used to generate random passwords:
- Add a common login user, set its password, assign sudo permissions to it, and use bootcmd to create a script used for generating a random password for each created ECS.
Ensure that the configuration file format (such as alignment and spaces) is consistent with the provided example.
system_info: # This will affect which distro class gets used distro: rhel # Default user name + that default users groups (if added/used) default_user: name: linux #Username for login lock_passwd: False #Login using a password is enabled. Note that some OSs use value 0 to enable the password login. gecos: Cloud User groups: users #Optional. Add users to other groups that have been configured in /etc/group. passwd: $6$I63DBVKK$Zh4lchiJR7NuZvtJHsYBQJIg5RoQCRLS1X2Hsgj2s5JwXI7KUO1we8WYcwbzeaS2VNpRmNo28vmxxCyU6LwoD0 sudo: ["ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL"] # Assign the root rights to the user. shell: /bin/bash #Execute shell in bash mode. # Other config here will be given to the distro class and/or path classes paths: cloud_dir: /var/lib/cloud/ templates_dir: /etc/cloud/templates/ ssh_svcname: sshd bootcmd: - [cloud-init-per, instance, password, bash, /etc/cloud/set_linux_random_password.sh]
The value of passwd is encrypted using SHA512 (which is used as an example). For more details, see https://cloudinit.readthedocs.io/en/latest/topics/examples.html.
For details about how to encrypt a password and generate ciphertext, see the following (encrypting password cloud.1234 is used as an example):
[root@** ~]# python -c "import crypt, getpass, pwd; print crypt.mksalt()" $6$I63DBVKK [root@** ~]# python -c "import crypt, getpass, pwd; print crypt.crypt('cloud.1234', '\$6\$I63DBVKK')" $6$I63DBVKK$Zh4lchiJR7NuZvtJHsYBQJIg5RoQCRLS1X2Hsgj2s5JwXI7KUO1we8WYcwbzeaS2VNpRmNo28vmxxCyU6LwoD0
- Enable the agent to access the IaaS OpenStack data source.
Add the following information to the last line of /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg:
datasource_list: [ OpenStack ] datasource: OpenStack: metadata_urls: [''] max_wait: 120 timeout: 5
- You can decide whether to set max_wait and timeout. The values of max_wait and timeout in the preceding example are only for reference.
- If the OS version is earlier than Debian 8 or CentOS 5, you cannot enable the agent to access the IaaS OpenStack data source.
- The default zeroconf route must be disabled for CentOS and EulerOS ECSs for accurate access to the IaaS OpenStack data source.
- Prevent Cloud-Init from taking over the network in /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.
If the Cloud-Init version is 0.7.9 or later, add the following content to /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg:
network: config: disabled
The added content must be in the YAML format.
Figure 2 Preventing Cloud-Init from taking over the network - Modify cloud_init_modules in the cloud.cfg configuration file.
Move ssh from the bottom to the top to speed up the SSH login.
Figure 3 Speeding up the SSH login to the ECS - Modify the configuration so that the hostname of the ECS created from the image does not contain the .novalocal suffix and can contain a dot (.).
- Run the following command to modify the __init__.py file:
vi /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cloudinit/sources/__init__.py
Press i to enter editing mode. Modify the file content as follows based on the keyword toks:if toks: toks = str(toks).split('.') else: #toks = ["ip-%s" % lhost.replace(".", "-")] # Comment out this line. toks = lhost.split(".novalocal") # Add this line. if len(toks) > 1: hostname = toks[0] #domain = '.'.join(toks[1:]) # Comment out this line. else: hostname = toks[0] if fqdn and domain != defdomain: #return hostname # Comment out this line. return "%s.%s" % (hostname, domain) # Add this line. else: return hostname
After the modification is complete, press Esc to exit the editing mode and enter :wq! to save the settings and exit.
Figure 4 Modifying the __init__.py file - Run the following command to switch to the cloudinit/sources folder:
cd /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/cloudinit/sources/
- Run the following commands to delete the __init__.pyc file and the optimized __init__.pyo file:
rm -rf __init__.pyc
rm -rf __init__.pyo
- Run the following commands to clear the logs:
rm -rf /var/log/cloud-init*
- Run the following command to modify the __init__.py file:
- Run the following command to edit the /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/05_logging.cfg file to use cloudLogHandler to process logs:
vim /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/05_logging.cfg
Figure 5 Setting the parameter value to cloudLogHandler
Check the Cloud-Init Configuration
Run the following command to check whether Cloud-Init has been properly configured:
cloud-init init --local
(Optional) Run the following command to set the password validity period to the maximum:
chage -M 99999 $user_name
user_name is a system user, such as user root.
You are advised to set the password validity period to 99999.
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