Help Center/ Elastic Volume Service/ User Guide/ FAQ/ Capacity/ How Can I View My Disk Usage?
Updated on 2022-12-20 GMT+08:00

How Can I View My Disk Usage?

You can view your disk usages in either of the following ways:

Viewing Disk Usage in Linux

In this section, CentOS 7.4 64bit is used as an example. The details depend on if you need to view the available space or not.

  • To query the total capacity only, run lsblk.
    Information similar to the following is displayed:
    [root@ecs-test-0001 ~]# lsblk
    vda    253:0    0   40G  0 disk
    └─vda1 253:1    0   40G  0 part /
    vdb    253:16   0   40G  0 disk
    └─vdb1 253:17   0   40G  0 part

    In the command output, the server has two disks, /dev/vda and /dev/vdb. System disk /dev/vda has 40 GB of capacity, as does data disk /dev/vdb.

  • To query the total capacity and display the space available as well, run df -TH. Ensure that the disk has been attached and initialized before running this command.

    Information similar to the following is displayed:

    [root@ecs-0001 ~]# df -TH
    Filesystem     Type      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/vda1      ext4       43G  2.0G   39G   5% /
    devtmpfs       devtmpfs  509M     0  509M   0% /dev
    tmpfs          tmpfs     520M     0  520M   0% /dev/shm
    tmpfs          tmpfs     520M  7.2M  513M   2% /run
    tmpfs          tmpfs     520M     0  520M   0% /sys/fs/cgroup
    tmpfs          tmpfs     104M     0  104M   0% /run/user/0
    /dev/vdb1      ext4       43G   51M   40G   1% /mnt/sdc

    In the command output, the server has two partitions, /dev/vda1 and /dev/vdb1. Partition /dev/vda1 is used to deploy the OS, and its total capacity, used capacity, and available capacity are 43 GB, 2 GB, and 39 GB, respectively. Partition /dev/vdb1's total capacity, used capacity, and available capacity are 43 GB, 51 MB, and 40 GB, respectively.

Viewing Disk Usage in Windows Server 2008

In this section, Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise 64bit is used as an example.

  1. On the desktop of the server, right-click Computer and choose Manage from the shortcut menu.

    The Server Manager window is displayed.

  2. In the navigation tree on the left, choose Storage > Disk Management.

    The sizes and available spaces of the volumes on the current disk are displayed in the middle pane.

    Figure 1 Disk Management page

Viewing Disk Usage in Windows Server 2016

In this section, Windows Server 2016 Standard 64bit is used as an example.

  1. On the desktop of the server, click the start icon in the lower left corner.

    The Windows Server window is displayed.

  2. Click Server Manager.

    The Server Manager window is displayed.

    Figure 2 Server Manager page

  3. In the upper right corner, choose Tools > Computer Management.
  4. Choose Storage > Disk Management.

    In the middle pane, you can view the sizes and available spaces of the volumes on the disk.

    Figure 3 Disk list page

Installing Agent to View Disk Usage

Some disk monitoring metrics require that the agent to be installed.

  • For instructions about how to install the agent on a Windows ECS, see "Installing and Configuring the Agent (Windows)" in the Cloud Eye User Guide.
  • For instructions about how to install the agent on a Linux ECS, see "Installing and Configuring the Agent (Linux)" in the Cloud Eye User Guide.
Table 1 Disk metrics




Value Range

Monitored Object

Monitoring Period (Raw Data)


(Agent) Available Disk Space

Free space on the disks

Unit: GB

  • Linux: Run the df -h command to check the value in the Avail column. The path of the mount point prefix cannot exceed 64 characters. It must start with a letter, and contain only digits, letters, hyphens (-), dots (.), and swung dashes (~).

≥ 0


1 minute


(Agent) Disk Storage Capacity

Total space on the disks, including used and free

Unit: GB

  • Linux: Run the df -h command to check the value in the Size column.

    The path of the mount point prefix cannot exceed 64 characters. It must start with a letter, and contain only digits, letters, hyphens (-), dots (.), and swung dashes (~).

≥ 0


1 minute


(Agent) Used Disk Space

Used space on the disks

Unit: GB

  • Linux: Run the df -h command to check the value in the Used column. The path of the mount point prefix cannot exceed 64 characters. It must start with a letter, and contain only digits, letters, hyphens (-), dots (.), and swung dashes (~).

≥ 0


1 minute


(Agent) Disk Usage

Percentage of total disk space that is used, which is calculated as follows: Disk Usage = Used Disk Space/Disk Storage Capacity

Unit: percent

  • Linux: It is calculated as follows: Used/Size. The path of the mount point prefix cannot exceed 64 characters. It must start with a letter, and contain only digits, letters, hyphens (-), dots (.), and swung dashes (~).



1 minute