Updated on 2022-06-01 GMT+08:00

Configuring VM Log Collection Paths

AOM can collect and display VM logs. VM refers to an Elastic Cloud Server (ECS) running Linux. Before collecting logs, configure a log collection path according to the following procedure.


You have installed the ICAgent on a VM according to Installing the ICAgent. About five minutes after the ICAgent is installed, you can view your VM in the VM list on the Path Configuration page.


  • The ICAgent collects *.log, *.trace, and *.out log files only. For example, /opt/yilu/work/xig/debug_cpu.log.
  • Ensure that an absolute path of the log directory or file is configured and the path exists. For example, /opt/yilu/work/xig or /opt/yilu/work/xig/debug_cpu.log.
  • The ICAgent does not collect log files from subdirectories. For example, the ICAgent does not collect log files from the /opt/yilu/work/xig/debug subdirectory of /opt/yilu/work/xig.
  • A maximum of 20 log collection paths can be configured for a VM.
  • For ECSs in the same resource set, only the latest log collection configuration in the system will be used. AOM and LTS log collection configurations cannot take effect at the same time. For example, if you configure log collection paths in AOM for ECSs, the previous LTS collection configurations of all ECSs under the resource set become invalid.

Configuring Log Collection Paths for a Single VM on the Console

  1. Log in to the AOM console. In the navigation pane, choose Log > Path Configuration and click the Host Log tab.
  2. In the VM list, click Configure in the Operation column to configure one or more log collection paths for a VM.

    You can use the paths automatically identified by the ICAgent or manually configure paths.
    • Using the paths automatically identified by the ICAgent

      The ICAgent automatically scans the log files of your VM, and displays all the log files that have file handles and are suffixed with .log, .trace, or .out on the page.

      You can click in the Operation column to add a path automatically identified by the ICAgent to the log collection path list. To configure multiple paths, repeat this operation.

      Figure 1 Using the paths automatically identified by the ICAgent
    • Manually configuring log collection paths

      If the paths automatically identified by the ICAgent cannot meet your requirements, enter a log directory or file (for example, /opt/yilu/work/xig/debug_cpu.log) in the Log Collection Path text box, and then click to add the path to the log collection path list. To configure multiple paths, repeat this operation.

      Figure 2 Manually configuring log collection paths

  3. Click OK.

Configuring Log Collection Paths for Multiple VMs in Batches Through the Console

You can configure log collection paths for multiple VMs in batches. When your component is deployed on multiple VMs, configuring log collection paths in batches helps you greatly reduce workload.

  1. Log in to the AOM console. In the navigation pane, choose Log > Path Configuration and click the Host Log tab.
  2. Configure one or more log collection paths for multiple VMs in batches.

    Select one or more VMs in the list, click Batch Configure, and enter a log directory or file (for example, /opt/yilu/work/xig/debug_cpu.log) in the Log Collection Path text box. To configure multiple paths, click Add Log Collection Path.

    Figure 3 Configuring log collection paths in batches

    If you configure log collection paths for your VM and then configure log collection paths in batches, new paths will be added to the existing path list.

  3. Click OK.

    In the VM list, click in the Log Collection Path column to view the configured log collection paths of the VM.

Viewing VM Logs

After a log collection path is configured, the ICAgent collects log files from the configured path. The collection takes about 1 minute. After the collection is complete, you can perform the following operations:

  • Viewing VM log files

    In the navigation pane, choose Log > Log Files. Click the Host tab to view the collected log files. For details, see Viewing Log Files.

  • Viewing and analyzing VM logs

    In the navigation pane, choose Log > Log Search. Click the Host tab to view and analyze the collected logs by time range, keyword, and context. For details, see Searching for Logs.