Help Center/ Virtual Private Network/ FAQs/ FAQs - S2C Enterprise Edition VPN/ General Consulting/ What Is a VPN Connection? How Do I Set the Number of VPN Connections When Buying a VPN Gateway?
Updated on 2024-07-23 GMT+08:00

What Is a VPN Connection? How Do I Set the Number of VPN Connections When Buying a VPN Gateway?

A VPN connection is an IPsec connection established between a VPN gateway and an independent public IP address of an on-premises data center. You can configure multiple local subnets (VPC subnets) and customer subnets (on-premises subnets) for one VPN connection.

The number of VPN connections to be created is determined by the number of on-premises data centers. Each VPN connection can connect a VPC to only one on-premises data center.

In the preceding figure, if subnets a1 and a2 on the cloud need to communicate with subnets b1 and b2 on the on-premises network, you only need to create one VPN connection, with source CIDR blocks set to a1 and a2 and destination CIDR blocks set to b1 and b2.