Help Center/ Virtual Private Network/ FAQs/ FAQs - S2C Classic VPN/ Related Operations on the Console/ Do I Need to Create a VPN Gateway or a VPN Connection for Creating a VPN? Which Information About a Created VPN Can Be Modified?
Updated on 2023-06-16 GMT+08:00

Do I Need to Create a VPN Gateway or a VPN Connection for Creating a VPN? Which Information About a Created VPN Can Be Modified?

Prerequisites for creating a VPN

Create a VPC and VPC subnets. The VPC subnets cannot conflict with the on-premises subnets.

To create a VPN, you need to:

  • Create a VPN gateway. Set Billing Mode, Region, Name, VPC, Billed By, and Bandwidth (Mbit/s). An IP address will be assigned to the VPN gateway after the gateway is created. Only configurations for Name and Bandwidth can be modified after the VPN gateway is created.
  • Create a VPN connection. Specify the connection name, associated VPN gateway, local subnets, remote gateway, remote subnets, PSK, and negotiation policies. The connection name, local subnets, PSK, remote gateway, remote subnets, and negotiation policies can be modified after the VPN connection is created.