Updated on 2024-04-17 GMT+08:00

Change History

Released On



This is the twenty-first official release.

This issue incorporates the following change:


This is the twentieth official release.

This issue incorporates the following change:


This is the nineteenth official release.

This issue incorporates the following change:

  • Added the configuration file update example for Linux in section "Updating a Configuration File."


This is the eighteenth official release.

This issue incorporates the following change:

  • Added the description of using the temporary AK and SK and security token for configuring initialization in section "Performing Initial Configuration."


This is the seventeenth official release.

This issue incorporates the following change:

  • Added parameter -format in the ls command. Value default indicates that the listing result is displayed in one row.


This is the sixteenth official release.

This issue incorporates the following change:

  • Optimized descriptions about the result list files.


This is the fifteenth official release.

This issue incorporates the following changes:

  • In the "Best Practices" section, added the topic "Using obsutil to Replicate Data Across Regions on the Client Side".


This is the fourteenth official release.

This issue incorporates the following change:

  • Added the -bf parameter in the stat command to specify the format in which the used bucket capacity and object size (in bytes) are displayed.


This is the thirteenth official release.

This issue incorporates the following change:

  • Added -i, -k, -e, and -t user identity information options to the cp and rm commands. Added the -i, -k, -endpoint, and -t options to the sign command. Added the -i, -k, -e, and -token options to the restore command.


This is the twelfth official release.

This issue incorporates the following change:

  • Added examples of excluding specified folders from an upload or download task.


This is the eleventh official release.

This issue incorporates the following change:

  • Added the at option for uploading and synchronizing files.


This is the tenth official release.

This issue incorporates the following changes:

  • Optimized the display structure of commands.
  • Changed the title of section "Downloading obsutil" to "Download and Installation".
  • Added examples of resumable upload and incremental upload to the section "Upload Examples".
  • Added a note for creating a folder with the same name as an existing one in the section "Create a Folder".


This is the ninth official release.

This issue incorporates the following changes:

  • Added topic "Using obsutil to Share Directories" to the section "Best Practices".
  • Added topic "Creating an Authorization Code for Directory Sharing" to the section "Object Commands".
  • Added topic "Listing Objects by Using an Authorization Code" to the section "Object Commands".
  • Added topic "Downloading Objects by Using an Authorization Code" to the section "Object Commands".


This is the eighth official release.

This issue incorporates the following changes:

  • Added topic "Using the obsutil help Command to Search for Functions" to the section "Best Practices".
  • Added topic "Configuring Auto Obtaining of Access Keys for obsutil" to the section "Best Practices".
  • Updated the download table in the section about downloading obsutil.


This is the seventh official release.

This issue incorporates the following changes:

  • Updated the defaultParallels algorithm in the section of "Best Practices".
  • Updated the description of the connectivity check in the initial configuration.
  • Added the topic "Configuring an HTTP Proxy for obsutil" to the section "Best Practices".


This is the sixth official release.

This issue incorporates the following changes:

  • Added the download address of the Linux (ARM 64-bit) to the section "Downloading obsutil".
  • Added configuration parameters for new features to the section "Parameter Description".
  • Added the topic "Using obsutil for Resumable Data Transfer" to the section "Best Practices".
  • Added the topic "Using obsutil to Upload a Symbolic Link" to the section "Best Practices".


This is the fifth official release.

This issue incorporates the following changes:

  • obsutil now supports uploading multiple files/folders in batches.
  • obsutil now supports using user-defined configuration file when executing a command.
  • obsutil now supports client-side cross-region replication.
  • obsutil now supports moving objects.
  • Added section "Fault Locating."


This is the fourth official release.

This issue incorporates the following changes:

  • Added the function of creating folders.
  • Added the function of generating download links of objects.
  • obsutil now supports filtering based on the configured time range when uploading, downloading, or copying files or objects.
  • Added section "Fine-Tuning obsutil Performance."


This is the third official release.

This issue incorporates the following changes:

  • obsutil now supports specifying an AZ when creating a bucket.
  • obsutil now supports configuring access control policies for buckets or objects in XML format.
  • obsutil now supports querying access control policies of buckets or objects.
  • Optimized the description of certain commands.


This is the second official release.

This issue incorporates the following changes:

  • Added the function of setting object properties.
  • Added the functions of synchronously uploading, downloading, and copying objects.
  • Added the function of archiving log files.
  • Optimized the description of certain commands.
  • Added section "Setting obsutil Commands to Built-in Commands."


This is the first official release.