Help Center/ Virtual Private Cloud/ User Guide/ Traffic Mirroring/ Mirror Filters/ Modifying an Inbound or Outbound Mirror Filter Rule
Updated on 2024-08-07 GMT+08:00

Modifying an Inbound or Outbound Mirror Filter Rule


You can modify inbound and outbound rules of a mirror filter.

  • Inbound rules match the traffic received by a mirror source.
  • Outbound rules match the traffic sent by a mirror source.


  1. Go to the mirror filter list page.
  2. Locate the target mirror filter and click the number in the Inbound and Outbound Rules column.

    The Inbound Rules tab page is displayed.

  3. In the inbound rule list, locate the target rule and click Modify in the Operation column.
    Table 1 Inbound rule parameter description



    Example Value


    Priority of a mirror filter rule.
    • A priority value can be from 1 to 65535. A smaller value indicates a higher priority.
    • Priorities of inbound rules must be unique for each mirror filter.

    A mirror filter can contain multiple rules and the rules are matched in ascending order of priority.

    For details, see the matching process of mirror filter rules.



    Select a network protocol.
    • If you select TCP, you can customize the source and destination port ranges.
    • If you select UDP, you can customize the source and destination port ranges.
    • If you set Type to IPv4 and select ICMP, all ports are specified for source and destination port ranges by default.
    • If you set Type to IPv6 and select ICMPv6, all ports are specified for source and destination port ranges by default.
    • If you select All, all network protocols are supported and all ports are specified for source and destination port ranges by default.



    Whether to accept or reject inbound traffic of a mirror source.
    • If you set Action to Accept, the traffic will be mirrored to the mirror target.
    • If you set Action to Reject, the traffic will not be mirrored to the mirror target.



    IP address version of inbound traffic. You can specify:
    • IPv4
    • IPv6



    Source of inbound traffic. You can enter:
    • A single IP address: IP address/mask

      Example IPv4 address:

      Example IPv6 address: 2002:50::44/128

    • An IP address range in CIDR notation: IP address/mask

      Example IPv4 address range:

      Example IPv6 address range: 2407:c080:802:469::/64

    • All IP addresses represents all IPv4 addresses.

      ::/0 represents all IPv6 addresses.

    Source Port Range

    Source port range of inbound traffic.
    • Port range: 1 to 65535
    • Use a hyphen (-) to connect the start port and the end port, for example, 22-23. The end port cannot be smaller than the start port.
    • If not specified or 1-65535 is specified, all ports are used.



    Destination of inbound traffic. You can enter:
    • A single IP address: IP address/mask

      Example IPv4 address:

      Example IPv6 address: 2002:50::44/128

    • An IP address range in CIDR notation: IP address/mask

      Example IPv4 address range:

      Example IPv6 address range: 2407:c080:802:469::/64

    • All IP addresses represents all IPv4 addresses.

      ::/0 represents all IPv6 addresses.

    Destination Port Range

    Destination port range of inbound traffic.
    • Port range: 1 to 65535
    • Use a hyphen (-) to connect the start port and the end port, for example, 22-23. The end port cannot be smaller than the start port.
    • If not specified or 1-65535 is specified, all ports are used.



    Enter the description of the mirror filter rule in the text box as required.


  4. Click OK.

    You can view the modified inbound rule in the list.

  5. On the Outbound Rules tab page, locate the row that contains the rule in the outbound rule list and click Modify in the Operation column.
    Table 2 Outbound rule parameter description



    Example Value


    Priority of a mirror filter rule.
    • A priority value can be from 1 to 65535. A smaller value indicates a higher priority.
    • Priorities of inbound rules must be unique for each mirror filter.

    A mirror filter can contain multiple rules and the rules are matched in ascending order of priority.

    For details, see the matching process of mirror filter rules.



    Select a network protocol.
    • If you select TCP, you can customize the source and destination port ranges.
    • If you select UDP, you can customize the source and destination port ranges.
    • If you set Type to IPv4 and select ICMP, all ports are specified for source and destination port ranges by default.
    • If you set Type to IPv6 and select ICMPv6, all ports are specified for source and destination port ranges by default.
    • If you select All, all network protocols are supported and all ports are specified for source and destination port ranges by default.



    Whether to accept or reject outbound traffic of a mirror source.
    • If you set Action to Accept, the traffic will be mirrored to the mirror target.
    • If you set Action to Reject, the traffic will not be mirrored to the mirror target.



    IP address version of outbound traffic. You can specify:
    • IPv4
    • IPv6



    Source of outbound traffic. You can enter:
    • A single IP address: IP address/mask

      Example IPv4 address:

      Example IPv6 address: 2002:50::44/128

    • An IP address range in CIDR notation: IP address/mask

      Example IPv4 address range:

      Example IPv6 address range: 2407:c080:802:469::/64

    • All IP addresses represents all IPv4 addresses.

      ::/0 represents all IPv6 addresses.

    Source Port Range

    Source port range of outbound traffic.

    • Port range: 1 to 65535
    • Use a hyphen (-) to connect the start port and the end port, for example, 22-23. The end port cannot be smaller than the start port.
    • If not specified or 1-65535 is specified, all ports are used.



    Destination of outbound traffic. You can enter:
    • A single IP address: IP address/mask

      Example IPv4 address:

      Example IPv6 address: 2002:50::44/128

    • An IP address range in CIDR notation: IP address/mask

      Example IPv4 address range:

      Example IPv6 address range: 2407:c080:802:469::/64

    • All IP addresses represents all IPv4 addresses.

      ::/0 represents all IPv6 addresses.

    Destination Port Range

    Destination port range of outbound traffic.
    • Port range: 1 to 65535
    • Use a hyphen (-) to connect the start port and the end port, for example, 22-23. The end port cannot be smaller than the start port.
    • If not specified or 1-65535 is specified, all ports are used.



    Enter the description of the mirror filter rule in the text box as required.


  6. Click OK.

    You can view the modified outbound rule in the list.