Help Center/ Ubiquitous Cloud Native Service/ User Guide/ Pipeline/ Configuring the Pipeline and Parameters
Updated on 2024-09-19 GMT+08:00

Configuring the Pipeline and Parameters

This section describes how to graphically orchestrate the release process and how to select the environment level, release environment, and artifact path through the release plug-in.

  1. In the navigation pane, choose CICD > Pipeline. The Pipeline page is displayed.
  2. Click Create Pipeline and select the code repository created in Creating a Code Repository.

    Figure 1 Creating a pipeline

  3. Click Next. Select Get-Started from system templates. The task orchestration page is displayed.
  4. Configure the stage name based on the service requirements, and configure the execution content and orchestration details of each job.

    Figure 2 Task orchestration

    In task orchestration, set the name of the Build stage to Step_1 and the job type to Build. This stage is to build an image for deploying an application based on the application source code. For details, see Using Node.js to Create a Docker Image.

    Set the name of the rightmost stage to Step_2 and the job type to Cloud Native Release. This stage is to deploy the application to the UCS fleet based on the defined delivery resources of the YAML file.

    Figure 3 Adding a cloud native release job

  5. Choose CICD > Pipeline, select the extension to be released, and configure the environment level, environment, and artifact path.

    The artifact path refers to the image generated by compiling source code in Step_1 Build configured in 4 and pushed to the SoftWare Repository for Container (SWR). When configuring the artifact path, you can directly enter the artifact path and the version number of the referenced image, or use environment variables in the format of ${variable name} to reference the built artifact.

    Figure 4 Setting a cloud native release job

  6. Modify the YAML file of workload by referencing the default ARTIFACT variable in the image field. The artifact path is rendered to the image field of the YAML file of workload through the default ARTIFACT variable.


    After the pipeline is configured, the pipeline details page is displayed, as shown in Figure 5.

    Figure 5 Pipeline configured successfully