Updated on 2024-06-17 GMT+08:00

Setting Environment Variables


An environment variable is a variable whose value can affect the way a running container will behave. You can modify environment variables even after workloads are deployed, increasing flexibility in workload configuration.

The function of setting environment variables on UCS is the same as that of specifying ENV in a Dockerfile.

After a container is started, do not modify configurations in the container. If configurations in the container are modified (for example, passwords, certificates, and environment variables of a containerized application are added to the container), the configurations will be lost after the container restarts and container services will become abnormal. An example scenario of container restart is pod rescheduling due to node anomalies.

Configurations must be imported to a container as arguments. Otherwise, configurations will be lost after the container restarts.

Environment variables can be set in the following modes:

  • Custom
  • ConfigMap: Import all keys in a ConfigMap as environment variables.
  • ConfigMap Key: Import a key in a ConfigMap as the value of an environment variable. For example, if you import configmap_value of configmap_key in ConfigMap configmap-example as the value of environment variable key1, an environment variable named key1 with its value is configmap_value exists in the container.
  • Secret: Import all keys in a secret as environment variables.
  • Secret Key: Import the value of a key in a secret as the value of an environment variable. For example, if you import secret_value of secret_key in secret secret-example as the value of environment variable key2, an environment variable named key2 with its value secret_value exists in the container.
  • Variable/Variable Reference: Use the field defined by a pod as the value of the environment variable, for example, the pod name.
  • Resource Reference: Use the field defined by a container as the value of the environment variable, for example, the CPU limit of the container.

Environment Variables

  1. Log in to the UCS console and access the Federation page. When creating a workload, configure container information and select Environment Variable.
  2. Configure environment variables.

    Figure 1 Configuring environment variables

YAML Example

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: env-example
  namespace: default
  replicas: 1
      app: env-example
        app: env-example
        - name: container-1
          image: nginx:alpine
          imagePullPolicy: Always
              cpu: 250m
              memory: 512Mi
              cpu: 250m
              memory: 512Mi
            - name: key                     # Custom name.
              value: value
            - name: key1                    # Added from ConfigMap key.
                  name: configmap-example
                  key: key1
            - name: key2                    # Added from secret key.
                  name: secret-example
                  key: key2
            - name: key3                    # Variable reference, which uses the field defined by a pod as the value of the environment variable.
                  apiVersion: v1
                  fieldPath: metadata.name
            - name: key4                    # Resource reference, which uses the field defined by a container as the value of the environment variable.
                  containerName: container1
                  resource: limits.cpu
                  divisor: 1
            - configMapRef:                 # Added from ConfigMap.
                name: configmap-example
            - secretRef:                    # Added from secret.
                name: secret-example
        - name: default-secret

Viewing Environment Variables

If the contents of configmap-example and secret-example are as follows:

$ kubectl get configmap configmap-example -oyaml
apiVersion: v1
  configmap_key: configmap_value
kind: ConfigMap

$ kubectl get secret secret-example -oyaml
apiVersion: v1
  secret_key: c2VjcmV0X3ZhbHVl              # c2VjcmV0X3ZhbHVl is the value of secret_value in Base64 mode.
kind: Secret

The environment variables in the pod are as follows:

$ kubectl get pod
NAME                           READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
env-example-695b759569-lx9jp   1/1     Running   0          17m

$ kubectl exec env-example-695b759569-lx9jp  -- printenv
/ # env
key=value                             # Custom environment variable.
key1=configmap_value                  # Added from ConfigMap key.
key2=secret_value                     # Added from secret key.
key3=env-example-695b759569-lx9jp     # metadata.name defined by the pod.
key4=1                                # limits.cpu defined by container1. The value is rounded up, in unit of cores.
configmap_key=configmap_value         # Added from ConfigMap. The key value in the original ConfigMap key is directly imported.
secret_key=secret_value               # Added from key. The key value in the original secret is directly imported.