Updated on 2024-06-17 GMT+08:00

Viewing Fleet Information

You can select a fleet to view the clusters with monitoring enabled, as well as nodes and workloads in these clusters.

To view the clusters not in the fleet and their nodes and workloads, choose Others > Clusters Not in Fleet on the Container Insights tab.

Viewing Cluster Information in a Fleet

Navigation Path

  1. Log in to the UCS console. In the navigation pane, choose Container Intelligent Analysis. Then select a fleet.
  2. Choose Container Insights > Clusters to view the clusters with monitoring enabled. The list displays metrics such as the CPU usage, CPU allocation rate, memory usage, and memory allocation rate.

Tab Overview

On the Clusters tab, you can view information about all clusters in a fleet, such as the status, type, region, CPU usage, CPU allocation rate, memory usage, memory allocation rate, and the numbers of normal and total nodes of each cluster. You can also enable or disable monitoring for a cluster and modify cluster monitoring settings.



Cluster Statistics

This module displays information about all clusters in a fleet, such as the cluster name, risk level, status, type, region, CPU usage, CPU allocation rate, memory usage, and memory allocation rate. You can click the search box above the list, select a property type, and enter a keyword to search for the desired cluster.

Cluster Risk Overview

This module displays 24/7 health inspection results of clusters so you can quickly diagnose cluster risks and Kubernetes warning events and address abnormal items following the provided suggestions.


Only the latest 100 Kubernetes warning events are displayed. To view more events, go to the Events tab of the cluster.

The Kubernetes events of attached clusters are not included.

Usage Statistics

By default, the average CPU threshold and average memory threshold in the last 1 hour, last 8 hours, and last 24 hours are displayed for you to quickly identify resource usages.


You can hover over a chart to view the monitoring data in each minute.

Resource Health Overview

This module displays top 5 clusters by CPU usage, memory usage, node quantity, and pod quantity. You can click Allocatable to view the allocatable memory or CPU and click Abnormal to view the number of abnormal clusters.

Resource Stocktaking

This module displays the proportions of clusters in the fleet by cluster version, carrier, type, and region. You can click the cluster version, carrier name, or on-premises cluster to view the proportions of other types of clusters in the fleet.

Viewing Node Information in a Fleet

Navigation Path

  1. Log in to the UCS console. In the navigation pane, choose Container Intelligent Analysis. Then select a fleet.
  2. Choose Container Insights > Nodes.

Tab Overview

On the Nodes tab, you can view information about nodes in all clusters with monitoring enabled, as well as node risk statistics and resource usages.

Table 1 Modules on the Nodes tab



Node Overview

This module displays the name, status, CPU usage, memory usage, cluster, node IP address, and region of each node. You can click the search box above the list, select a property type, and enter a keyword to search for the desired node.

Node Risk Overview

This module displays Kubernetes warning events that occur on nodes in the clusters with monitoring enabled. For each event, you can view the event name and type, cluster name, resource type, resource name, event content, occurrence time, and number of occurrences. You can click the search box above the list, select a property type, and enter a keyword to search for the desired event. You can also click to sort events.


Only the latest 100 Kubernetes warning events are displayed. To view more events, go to the Events tab of the cluster.

Resource Health Overview

This module displays top 5 nodes by CPU usage and memory usage. You can click Allocatable to view the allocatable memory or CPU. You can click any node next to the chart of Top 5 Nodes by CPU Usage to hide its data in the chart and view only the data of other nodes.

Viewing Workload Information in a Fleet

Navigation Path

The Workloads tab displays information about all workloads in the clusters with monitoring enabled. On this tab, you can view the workload list, risk overview, and resource health overview.

  1. Log in to the UCS console. In the navigation pane, choose Container Intelligent Analysis. Then select a fleet.
  2. Choose Container Insights > Workloads to view all workloads in the clusters with monitoring enabled. The workload list displays metrics such as the workload name, status, number of pods, CPU usage, and memory usage. In the upper right corner of the list, you can filter desired workloads by workload type.



Workload Overview

This module displays information about all workloads in the clusters with monitoring enabled, such as their status, the numbers of normal and total pods, namespace, cluster, CPU usage, and memory usage. You can click the search box above the list, select a property type, and enter a keyword to search for the desired workload. You can also click to sort workloads.

Risk Overview

This module displays Kubernetes warning events that occur on nodes in the clusters with monitoring enabled. For each event, you can view the event name and type, cluster name, resource type, resource name, event content, occurrence time, and number of occurrences. You can click the search box above the list, select a property type, and enter a keyword to search for the desired event. You can also click to sort events.

You can select search criteria in the upper right corner to filter workloads in the list.


Only the latest 100 Kubernetes warning events are displayed. To view more events, go to the Events tab of the cluster.

Resource Health Overview

This module displays top 5 workloads by CPU usage, memory usage, number of restarts, and number of abnormal pods in the fleet. You can click Average Usage to view the allocatable memory or CPU. You can click any workload next to the chart of Top 5 Workloads by CPU Usage to hide its data in the chart and view only the data of other workloads.