Help Center> CodeArts TestPlan> User Guide> Roles and Operation Permissions
Updated on 2024-06-25 GMT+08:00

Roles and Operation Permissions

Path for project-level permissions:

  1. Log in to the CodeArts homepage.
  2. Click the target project name to access the project.
  3. In the navigation pane, choose Settings > General > Service Permissions.

The following table describes the user roles and their operation permissions on CodeArts TestPlan.


Project Administrator

Project Manager

Test Manager

Product Manager

System Engineer




O&M Manager



Test Cases

Create, modify, delete, execute, stop, and view test cases, import test cases from files or versions, export test cases, and check specification compliance. Merge test cases to the baseline (except product manager).

Create, modify, delete, execute, stop, and view test cases, import test cases from files or versions, export test cases, and check specification compliance. Cannot merge test cases to the baseline.

Export and view test cases.

Test Suites

Create, modify, delete, view, execute, and stop test suites.

View test suites.

Test Versions

View test versions. Create, modify, and delete test versions (except product manager).

View test versions.

Test Plans

Create, modify, delete, and view test plans.

View test plans.

Quality Reports

Create, modify, delete, and view quality reports.

View quality reports.

Quality Assessment

Create, modify, delete, view, and download quality assessments.

View and download quality assessments.

Test Case Recycle Bin

Delete, restore, and view items in the recycle bin.

View items in the recycle bin.


View test settings. Create, modify, and delete settings (except product manager, developer, and tester).

View test settings.

API Test - Keywords

Create, view, delete, and edit keywords.

View keywords.

Global Variables

Create, view, delete, and edit global variables.

View global variables.

Test Design - Mind Maps

View and create mind maps, and delete and modify personal mind maps.

Delete and modify all mind maps (except product manager, developer, and tester).

View mind maps.

Test Design - Mind Map Backups

View and create mind maps, and delete and restore personal mind map backup.

Delete and restore all mind map backup (except product manager, developer, and tester).

View mind map backups.

Test Design - Mind Map Templates

View and create mind map templates, and delete and modify personal mind map templates.

Delete and modify all mind map templates (except product manager, developer, and tester).

View mind map templates.

Test Design - Recycle Bins

View deleted mind maps, and delete and restore personal mind maps in the recycle bin.

View deleted mind maps, and delete personal mind maps in the recycle bin.


Create, view, modify, delete, copy, and import APIs.

View APIs.

Participants can create, modify, delete, copy, and import APIs.


Create, view, modify, and delete rules.

View rules.

Participants can create, modify, and delete rules.


Deploy, start, stop, update, and view instances.

Delete instances (except testers).

View instances.

Participants can deploy, start, stop, update, and view instances.

To modify the permissions of the current role, contact the project administrator.

Custom roles have no preset permissions. Contact the project administrator to add operation permissions for custom roles.