Updated on 2024-05-31 GMT+08:00

Monitoring Jobs


RDS for SQL Server provides job monitoring, which allows you to view publication and subscription jobs and their execution history. You can also modify profiles and restart jobs.


Jobs can only be displayed if the current instance is used as a distributor.

Checking Jobs

  1. On the Instances page, click the DB instance name.
  2. In the navigation pane, choose Publications & Subscriptions.
  3. Click the Jobs tab to check the jobs.

    Figure 1 Jobs
    • If a job fails to be executed, click the number in the Historical Failures column or Execution Details in the Operation column to check the execution process in the displayed dialog box on the right and locate the failure cause.
    • To rectify an error, click Modify Profile and select a new profile. For details about profiles, see Replication Agent Profiles.
    • To re-execute a job, click Restart. The ongoing job will be interrupted.