Updated on 2024-05-31 GMT+08:00



The pg_stat_statements extension provides a means for tracking planning and execution statistics of all SQL statements executed by a server.

For more information, see pg_stat_statements in the PostgreSQL documentation.

Supported Versions

This extension is available to the latest minor versions of RDS for PostgreSQL 10 and later versions.

You can run the following SQL statement to check whether your DB instance supports this extension:

SELECT * FROM pg_available_extension_versions WHERE name  = 'pg_stat_statements';

If this extension is not supported, upgrade the minor version of your DB instance or upgrade the major version using dump and restore.

To see more extensions supported by RDS for PostgreSQL, go to Supported Plugins.

Extension Installation and Uninstallation

To check whether pg_stat_statements is installed in a database, run the following SQL statement:

select * from pg_extension  where extname = 'pg_stat_statements';

If the command output is empty, the extension is not installed. If the extension information is displayed, the extension is installed.

By default, pg_stat_statements is preloaded in the shared_preload_libraries parameter. Perform the following steps to install or delete the extension:

  • Installing the extension
    SELECT control_extension('create', 'pg_stat_statements');
  • Deleting the extension
    SELECT control_extension('drop', 'pg_stat_statements');

For more information, see Installing and Uninstalling a Plugin on the RDS Console and Installing and Uninstalling a Plugin Using SQL Commands.

Basic Functions

  1. After the pg_stat_statements extension is installed, configure the parameters below. You can adjust the values based on your workload requirements.
    Table 1 Parameter description


    Reboot Required

    Default Value

    Allowed Values






    Specifies the maximum number of statements tracked by pg_stat_statements.




    on, off

    Specifies whether to save statement statistics across server shutdowns.




    top, all, none

    Controls which statements are counted by pg_stat_statements.




    on, off

    Controls whether planning duration is tracked by pg_stat_statements.




    on, off

    Controls whether utility commands are tracked by pg_stat_statements.

  2. Query the pg_stat_statements view to obtain statistics.
    select * from pg_stat_statements;
  3. Query the SQL statements with high I/O consumption.
    -- Top 5 SQL statements
    select userid::regrole, dbid, query
    from pg_stat_statements
    order by (blk_read_time+blk_write_time) desc limit 5;
  4. Query the SQL statements with high consumption of shared memory.
    select userid::regrole, dbid, query
    from pg_stat_statements
    order by (shared_blks_hit+shared_blks_dirtied) desc limit 5;
  5. Reset the statistics.
    select pg_stat_statements_reset();

Advanced Functions

You can use pg_stat_statements to troubleshoot high CPU usage. The process is as follows:

  1. Reset the pg_stat_statements counter.
    select pg_stat_statements_reset();

    Leave enough time for pg_stat_statements to collect information.

  2. Obtain the most time-consuming SQL statements.
    select * from pg_stat_statements order by total_exec_time desc limit 10;

    The obtained SQL statements have been occupying the user-mode CPU for a long time. Analyze these SQL statements.

  3. Obtain the SQL statements that read the buffer for the most times.
    select * from pg_stat_statements order by shared_blks_hit + shared_blks_read desc limit 10;

    The obtained SQL statements may cause too many buffer reads due to a lack of indexes, consuming a large number of CPU resources.

  4. Obtain the SQL statements that have been executed for the most times.
    select * from pg_stat_statements order by calls desc limit 10;

    It takes a short time to execute some simple SQL statements separately. However, in some cases (for example, cyclic executions in a transaction or concurrent executions), the CPU usage increases.