Updated on 2023-10-11 GMT+08:00

DMS for RabbitMQ Request Conditions

Request conditions are useful for fine tuning when a custom policy takes effect. A request condition consists of a condition key and operator. Condition keys are either global or service-level and are used in the Condition element of a policy statement. Global condition keys (starting with g:) are available for operations of all services, while service-level condition keys (starting with a service name such as dms:) are available only for operations of a specific service. An operator is used together with a condition key to form a complete condition statement.

DMS for RabbitMQ has a group of predefined condition keys that can be used in IAM. For example, to define an "Allow" permission, you can use the condition key dms:ssl to check whether SSL is enabled for a RabbitMQ instance. The following table lists the predefined condition keys of DMS for RabbitMQ.

Table 1 Predefined condition keys of DMS for RabbitMQ

Condition Key






Whether public access is enabled




Whether SSL is enabled