Updated on 2024-10-15 GMT+08:00

Viewing RabbitMQ Messages

Producers send messages to queues. You can view the message content and traces in a specific virtual host and queue on the console.

This function is only supported in RabbitMQ AMQP-0-9-1.

Viewing RabbitMQ Messages

  1. Log in to the console.
  2. In the upper left corner, click and select a region.

    Select the region where your RabbitMQ instance is in.

  3. Click and choose Middleware > Distributed Message Service for RabbitMQ to open the console of DMS for RabbitMQ.
  4. Click a RabbitMQ instance name to go to the instance details page.
  5. In the left navigation pane, choose Message Query.
  6. Set the query parameters by referring to Table 1.

    Table 1 Message query parameters




    Select the virtual host that has the messages to be queried.


    Select the queue that has the messages to be queried.


    Specify the time when messages were stored in the queue.

  7. Click Search.

    The query result is as follows.

    Figure 1 Searching for messages

    Table 2 lists the message parameters.

    Table 2 Message parameters



    Message ID

    Message identifier.


    Exchange to which a message belongs.

    Routing Key

    Keyword for routing messages from an exchange to a queue.


    Time when messages were stored in the queue.

  8. Click Message Query in the row containing the desired message. The View Details page is displayed. View the message size, storage time, and content on the Message Body tab page.

    The console displays messages smaller than 4 KB. To view messages larger than 4 KB, click Download Message.

    Figure 2 Message body

  9. Click View Message Trace in the row containing the desired message. The View Details page is displayed. Check whether messages are consumed on the View Message Trace tab page.

    Figure 3 Viewing message trace

    Table 3 describes message trace parameters.

    Table 3 Message trace parameters



    Producer status

    A producer can be in the following state:

    Sent: The message is sent successfully, and the server has successfully stored the message.

    Creation duration

    Time taken to send the message by the producer, in milliseconds.


    IP address of the producer.

    Consumer status

    A consumer can be in one of the following states:

    • Retrieved
    • Retrieval timed out
    • Abnormal retrieval
    • NULL returned
    • Retrieval failed


    Time when the message is retrieved.

    Retrieval duration

    Time taken to consume the message by the consumer, in milliseconds.


    IP address of the consumer.