Updated on 2024-06-24 GMT+08:00

Renewing an IoT SIM Card

You can renew physical SIM cards by card (individually) or order (in batches).


  • You can only renew in-use physical SIM cards that are not deregistered and have unexpired plans.
  • You can only renew physical SIM cards from a completed Card purchase or Card transfer order that is not part of a backward data pool.
  • You can only renew a Card purchase order when its previous renewal is completed.
  • When an IoT SIM card is about to expire, the system will send a notification email to your registered email address. It is recommended that you renew your cards one month in advance. In special cases, contact Huawei technical support in advance.
  • After the renewal is complete, the new expiration time is calculated as follows: New expiration time = Original expiration time + Required period
  • IoT cards that are not renewed upon expiration will be deregistered. Deregistered IoT cards cannot be restored.
  • The total validity period of each IoT card after renewal cannot exceed six years after the current time.
  • The renewal order can be processed within three working days (the renewal must be performed before the 20th day of each month).


  1. Select the order to be renewed and the operation mode (renew by order or SIM card).
  2. Confirm the order information.
  3. Pay for the order.
  4. Track the renewal order status until it is complete.

Renewing Physical SIM Cards

  1. Select the orders you want to renew.

    Log in to the GSL console and choose Orders and Renewal in the navigation pane. Select one or more orders and click Renew above the list.

    Only orders that meet the renewal requirements can be renewed. If you click Renew without selecting an order, the system selects all qualified orders by default.

    Renewal is only available for physical SIM cards from a completed Card purchase or Card transfer order that is not part of a backward data pool. The selected orders that cannot be renewed will be filtered by the system.

    You can select up to 10 orders for renewal at a time. If you want to renew all orders in the account (without specifying any one), ensure that the number of orders that meet the renewal requirements does not exceed 50, or an error will occur.

  2. Select an operation mode.

    • If you do not select any order, click Renew to renew all orders that meet the renewal requirements and contain qualified cards.
      • By order: In this mode, the system renews all qualified physical SIM cards in the target order.

      • By file: In this mode, the system renews qualified physical SIM cards in the target order based on the file. Click Renewable, select items from the list of renewable container IDs on demand.

        Modify the Excel file and upload it.

      • By card expiration time: In this mode, the system renews qualified physical SIM cards that will expire within 30/60/90 days in the target order. You can use tags and SIM card status as filtering conditions.

    • If you select one or more orders, click Renew to renew them. The selected orders that cannot be renewed will be filtered by the system. You can check the batch numbers of the orders left. You can also renew cards by order, file, and card expiration time.
      • By order

      • By file

      • By card expiration time

  3. Confirm the order information.

    Click OK. In the displayed page, select the required duration of the order. Check the renewal order details.

    If you have any question, contact Huawei technical support.

  4. Pay for the order.

    After confirming the order information, click Go to Online Payment to complete the payment.

  5. Track the renewal order status until it is complete.

    On the Orders and Renewal page, click the batch number to go to the order details page. You can view the list of SIM cards involved in the renewal. (Currently, the list is displayed only after the renewal order is approved.)