Help Center/ MapReduce Service/ User Guide/ Managing Clusters/ Managing MRS Cluster Components/ Modifying the Configuration Parameters of an MRS Cluster Component
Updated on 2024-09-23 GMT+08:00

Modifying the Configuration Parameters of an MRS Cluster Component

To meet actual service requirements, quickly view and modify default service configurations in MRS.


  • The IAM users have been synchronized in advance. You can do this by clicking Synchronize next to IAM User Sync on the Dashboard page of the cluster details.
  • You have logged in to MRS Manager. For how to log in, see Accessing MRS Manager.

Impact on the System

  • After configuring the HBase, HDFS, Hive, Spark, YARN and MapReduce service attributes, you need to download and update the client configuration file again.
  • The parameters of DBService cannot be modified when only one DBService role instance exists in the cluster.
  • After configuring properties of a service, restart the service if the service status is Expired. The service is unavailable during the restart.
  • After the service configuration parameters are modified and then take effect after restart, you need to download and install the client again or download the configuration file to update the client.

Modifying Parameters on the Console

  1. Log in to the MRS console.
  2. On the Active Clusters page, select a running cluster and click its name to switch to the cluster details page.
  3. On the MRS cluster details page, click Components.

    Figure 1 Components tab page

  4. Select the target service from the service list.
  5. Click Service Configuration. Switch Basic to All. All configuration parameters of the service are displayed in the navigation tree. The service name and role names are displayed from upper to lower in the navigation tree.

    The parameters under the service node are service-level configuration parameters, and the parameters under the role node are role-level configuration parameters. For details, see Modifying MRS Role Instance Parameters.

  6. In the navigation tree, select a specified parameter and change its value. You can also enter the parameter name in the Search box to search for the parameter and view the result.

    Figure 2 Modifying component configuration parameters

    If you want to cancel the modification of a parameter value, click to restore it.

    • Select a port parameter value from the value range on the right. Ensure that all parameter values in the same service are within the value range and are unique. Otherwise, the service fails to be started.
    • Configure parameters based on the information provided in the configuration description.

  7. Click Save Configuration, save the parameters as prompted, and restart the service.

    In versions earlier than MRS 3.x, to update the queue configuration of YARN without restarting the service, choose More > Refresh Queue on the Service Status tab page.

Modifying Component Parameters on Manager

For clusters of MRS 3.x or later:

  1. Log in to Manager and choose Cluster > Services.
  2. Click the name of the service to be operated and click Configurations.

    The Basic Configurations page is displayed by default. To modify more parameters, click All Configurations. The navigation tree displays all configuration parameters of the service. The level-1 nodes in the navigation tree are service names or role names. The parameter category is displayed after the level-1 node is expanded.

    As shown in the following figure, LdapServer indicates the service name, indicating that the configuration applies to the entire service; SlapdServer indicates the role name, indicating that the configuration applies to all instances in the role.

    Figure 3 Configuration parameter navigation tree

    The parameters under the service node are service-level configuration parameters, and the parameters under the role node are role-level configuration parameters. For details, see Modifying MRS Role Instance Parameters.

  3. In the navigation tree, select the specified parameter category and change the parameter values on the right.

    If you are not sure about the location of a parameter, you can enter the parameter name in search box in the upper right corner. The Manager searches for the parameter in real time and displays the result.

    • Select a port parameter value from the value range on the right. Ensure that all parameter values in the same service are within the value range and are unique. Otherwise, the service fails to be started.
    • Configure parameters based on the information provided in the configuration description.

  4. Click Save. In the confirmation dialog box, click OK.

    Wait until the message "Operation succeeded" is displayed. Click Finish. The configuration is modified.

    • To update the queue configuration of the YARN service without restarting service, choose More > Refresh Queue to update the queue for the configuration to take effect.
    • You can both download and upload configuration files. To configure Flume parameters, edit the flume.config.file file and upload it to apply the changes. After a configuration file is uploaded, the old file will be overwritten. If the configuration is not saved and the service is restarted, the configuration does not take effect. Save the configuration in time.
    • If you need to restart the service for the configuration to take effect after modifying service configuration parameters, choose More > Restart Service in the upper right corner of the service page.
    • If is displayed before a parameter, this parameter takes effect dynamically. After the configuration is saved, the parameter value is automatically updated to the configuration file. is supported only in MRS 3.2.0 or later.

For clusters of MRS 2.x or earlier:

  1. Log in to Manager and click Services.
  2. Select the target service from the service list.
  3. Click Service Configuration.
  4. Set Type to All. All configuration parameters of the service are displayed in the navigation tree. The root nodes from top down in the navigation tree represent the service names and role names.
  5. In the navigation tree, select a specified parameter and change its value. You can also enter the parameter name in the Search box to search for the parameter and view the result.

    To cancel the change to a parameter value, click .

  6. Click Save Configuration and select Restart the affected services or instances. Click OK to restart the service.

    After the system displays "Operation succeeded", click Finish. The service is started.

    To update the queue configuration of the YARN service without restarting service, choose More > Refresh Queue to update the queue for the configuration to take effect.