Updated on 2024-04-26 GMT+08:00

Adding an IdeaHub or Board

Huawei Cloud Meeting adapts to collaborative screens (IdeaHubs and Boards). After adding a screen to the Huawei Cloud Meeting Management Platform, you can obtain an activation code. After activating the screen, you can use the meeting functions on it. You can also manage screens on the Management Platform.

Adding a Commercial Activation Code

If you have purchased an IdeaHub access account, perform the following steps to add an activation code:

  1. In the navigation pane, choose Meeting Room Devices > Intelligent Collaboration Devices > Team Collaboration Boards.
  2. On the Team Collaboration Boards page, click Add Activation Code.

  3. On the Add Activation Code page, enter the IdeaHub details and click Save.

  4. On the Team Collaboration Boards page, obtain the added activation code to activate the IdeaHub.

Other Operations

On the Team Collaboration Boards page, you can click on the right to edit a device, click to delete the device, and click and reset the activation code of the device.