Updated on 2023-11-03 GMT+08:00

Configuring Monitors

This section describes how to configure parameters for all monitors under an instance.

Note that these configurations will not change the Advanced settings configured in monitor creation.


  1. Log in to the MAS console. On the Multi-Active Instances page, click an instance to go to its console.
  2. Click the Monitor List tab, and click Configure Monitoring.
  3. Configure the parameters and click OK. You are advised to retain the default settings.

    Table 1 Monitoring configurations



    Monitor Type

    The type of the monitor to be configured. The available monitor types depend on the selected features of the namespace.

    • MySQL Monitor

    • Oracle Monitor
    • PostgreSQL Monitor
    • Redis Monitor
    • MongoDB Monitor
    • Elasticsearch Monitor
    • API Monitor

    Monitoring Timeout (ms)

    The timeout duration before a monitor becomes abnormal, in milliseconds.

    Default value (recommended): 10,000; Value range: 4000 to 400,000

    Retry Interval (ms)

    The interval of reconnection attempts. Default value (recommended): 3000

    Value range: 2000 to 30,000

    Database Access Timeout (ms)

    This is required only for MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB monitors.

    Database access timeout duration, over which the database access is considered failed. Default value (recommended): 3000

    Value range: 3000 to 100,000

    Healthy Threshold

    How many workers are required to confirm the database health. For example, 1 indicates that as long as one worker in the monitoring cluster detects the database, the detection is considered successful. If the detection fails, the leader will handle the fault.

    The value must be 1 (default and recommended) or 2.


    For API monitors, only Healthy Threshold needs to be configured.